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  • Location
    tahoe city
  • Interests
    flying, skiing, paragliding
  • Occupation
    real estate agent
  • Vehicles
    '86 GL wagon

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Newbie (1/11)



  1. Cool, thanks for the tip. i'll just rebuild the carb......and see what happens.
  2. ok i got spark, timing belts are brand new, got fuel......havent checked on how much prsure yet. Im going to take your advise and rebuild the carb. Should i throw in a new fuel pump too? Thanks for all the help, ill try to post back when im done rebuilding the carb.
  3. Ok, i tried to drive it with the air filter off, still didnt work, it has the symptoms that its to lean. Also, i did use NGK plugs but a gapped them at about .45, maybe i should pull them and gap them at .40? im thinking the excessive gap may have ruined the marginal coil. I will check fuel pressure after work today, im thinking the fuel pump could be bad also..........i just changed the fuel filter to.
  4. Anyway i was driving home from my buddys house and i was going up a hill and all of a sudden i lost ALL power in my '86 ea82 wagon. I pulled over (it was dark and i had no flashlight) to see what i could find. I ended up caosting down the hill i was trying climb, i coasted down to the nearest street light to have a look, everything seemed fine. I have recently replaced my plugs, wires, cap, rotor, all filters, timming belt, and few few vacuum lines. I was having trouble with the secondaray on the the carb but never got around to fixing it. the car will idle but when you try to give it any gas it wil die. Can the coil be causing this? or does it sound fuel related? or possibly a vacuum leak. I am going to tow it back to my house tommorow and check it out. Any suggestions would be much appreciated! thanks.
  5. Thanks, i'll look into it, ive been trying to clean up the vacuum lines, i havent gotten to that one yet, i probabally knocked it off whille fixing the other vacuum lines.
  6. Anyway, i just did a tune up (plug wires, cap, rotor, timing belt, all the fluids, f. filter, air filter etc.). the car ran fine but i was in 4 lo (and i was getting on it) and all of a sudden it had NO power above 3 grand or so. it has power if you ease the gas into it, but now it wont even climb hills (on the highway going about 55mph). My geuss is it is the vaccum advance for the distributor or maybe the secondary on the carurator......the car is an EA82 in my '86 gl wagon by the way. I havent really looked into the problem yet but i was just curious if anyone knew of the top of their ghead what it could be. Ill post back after this weekend once i look into it, thanks for any help.
  7. So far i love driving the thing, is a blast......really. my blizzaks just came in today, holly ************, they look like they will be fun in the snow, its funny you made that comment today about passing SUV's the guys at work where telling me how cute my little 13" rims looked (compared to their 8mpg suv's), i told them they could call them cute as i pass them in the snow. Anyways.....thanks for all the advise, i didnt get time to post pics today.
  8. Any ways this is my first asian car, i am new here, not new to furoms though, i have owned several old bmw's and thats what i currently drive (so i geuss you could say im a european car guy). anyways enough about that, i just bought an '86 GL wagon, maroon color. I will post pics tommorow, its bone stock, and looks like a ************ bomb (what can you excpect it was $300) and i plan to leave it that way, i bought it for a snow car. Put a new timing belt on, filters, fluids.....the usaul. I ordered some bridgestone blizzaks and will be installing them next weekend. I am also going to replace the exaust system.....which i have a few questions on. anyways just making my mark on the map, any tips on these cars would be much appreciated, so far my opinion on these cars is they are tanks! Very well designed. My first question is on the exaust system.....its got a ton of leaks and needs to be completly redone. Now, how hard is it to smog these cars in Calif.? I want to put an aftermarket catalytic converter on it and a cheapo $15 summit racing muffler. If they are difficult to smog then i will just get the factory cat, i can get them for $160.......is that a good price? many thanks. -christoph. PS. I dont want to spend more on this car than i spent on my new skis.
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