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Everything posted by TheBush

  1. I didn't see it on CraigsList.... http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=81543 That's where I got it!
  2. This car wasn't free.... And I do plan on putting a lift on it....eventually!
  3. 1986 Subaru GL Hatchback. Now I have two '86. One EA82, and One EA81. Yay!!
  4. As soon as we have pics of it I'll let you know if I want one Rob.
  5. I would want to get one, but I'd like to see someone else do it first with your kit, and make sure its successful first. Thanks Anthony.
  6. Well, no more poster. Since people are complaining about it.
  7. More may come soon, but for now thats what I'm selling... If you're interested: http://www.cafepress.com/subieshop/ Let me know if any suggestions, etc. EDIT - Can an admin edit the title to say "Poster" instead of Posted....my mistake!
  8. Yeah. This time, don't fix it yourself uberoo.
  9. I'm interested. Not only that, but I could build you a webpage for a trade of a bumper or something. PM Me if you're interested. I can build you a webpage, and host it.
  10. Ehh...maybe it is SPFI. I really didn't know, I just thought that turbo cars always had multi port...
  11. Mud puddle wasnt even that big....took off disty cap, its dry in there....
  12. Probably has something to do with supply & demand, as well as location. Thats my best guess.
  13. Ran Fine. Yesterday I went into a mud puddle...about 5 minutes afterwards i started to notice this....i bearly made it home, it died as i turned into my driveway. Now it won't run at all...
  14. Its a turbo, EA82T so it'd be MPFI. We checked from the fuel filter, both sides of it and its getting fuel just fine...
  15. So here's the deal. 1986 GL10....it starts and all that fun stuff, but the engine won't run unless we are spraying starter fluid down the intake....we've checked the fuel pump, all is good. It is getting fuel, no problem. Could it be the fuel pressure sender or whatever? Any other suggestions.... Desperately need help!
  16. No, its not the original engine however its also an 86. I figured it out. I got a AFM from an 85, and its the squarish one, with the flapper. I plugged it in and all is well now. But now I have TWO MAF from 87-89 just hanging out. lol
  17. Appreciate it! It would help to have an 86 FSM bad!
  18. Please, please tell me someone has a wiring diagram for the mass air flow sensor for: 1986 GL (TURBO) and 1987-89 Gl ( Turbo) Mine in my 86 was not hooked up, and is broken. Went to the junk yard, and got one out of an 87-89 turbo GL. Im trying to hook it up by using butt connectors, but the wires are different. On the 86 they are like all diff colors (5 wires). On the one I got from the Junkyard there are also 5 wires, but mostly black and they are fatter (diff gauges) then the other one, so I don't know which ones to connect. HELP?!
  19. Well, here's the deal. Im driving. I have the heat on, and the engine temp on the dash is one notch below red. I turn the heat off, the engine temp drops to about half. When I turn that gosh darn heater back on, the engine temp rises. It scares me because when the heater is on it will sit at one notch below the red. I'm not liking that. My 21 year old Subie probably doesn't either.
  20. Of the air intake setup on a 86 turbo wagon (GL-10)? And the wiring diagram for the hatch? I need to hook up the rear defrost, lock, and wiper before it starts snowing and stuff.
  21. Thanks. I needed to know that SubaruJunkie. Mine is a turbo.
  22. Are they the same on a 1986 GL10 as they are on any other EA82 GL Wagons? Are they the same as the Loyale's?
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