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The Scooby

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Everything posted by The Scooby

  1. comon noah i can't wait to see all the pictures you got
  2. flex-a-lite 12inch pusher. i think its like 1200cfm or something. im only running 1 and its more then enough to cool it but i have another so im gonna put it on as well.
  3. let me know when you do jeff ill take a pair in black
  4. the only thing i would now worry about is because you beefed up the control arm and radius arm is the captive nuts where the radius arm mounts to the body tearing out. but nice work.
  5. i just wheeled the crap out of mine without the pitch stopper. no problems what so ever. also i drive mine almost every day to and from work. and i kick the crap out of it.
  6. wow after running 311 this last weekend that looks easy. ill try to get down early in the day to make the run with you guys. what time do you plan on leaving the camp site?
  7. i posted all my video's and pictures in the trail meet forum. zap made a thread about it before rob. anyways ya thanks again brian, i had a awesome time. 44
  8. snap-on 12pt 12mm/14mm offset wrench. put it on the bolt and wack it with a rubber hammer. knocks them loose EVERY time.
  9. what do you think a resonator basically is? i always use a turbo muffler on my scoobs. my lifted wagon has one on it right now. what i have found is that having a unequal length header i gained low end torque. then when i swapped out to the equal length it moved the power to the right and i gained more on top end power. what i always use is a Thrush turbo muffler, 2 1/4inch offset inlet and center outlet seems to work/fit best. and gives a nice rumble. the only way to get it louder is, 1) increase pipe diameter, 2) remove cats/resonator, 3) free flowing muffler. oh and carfreak, flowmaster mufflers are all chambered, not a flow through design like a turbo muffler or magnaflow. yes they give a nice rumble but they are not very efficient on flow compared to a flow through.
  10. get a hold of Qman, he built a potent DOHC EJ25 for his RallyX car. he can get you cams for it as well. with a intake, cams, pistons, and exhaust as well as a way to tune it you would be able to obtain 200BHP easily. and that in a light impreza is quite potent.
  11. no i only rub on full lock on the front. and the scout tried for the 3ft drop into the mud whole, well it was 2ft deep at the drop then went deeper then that so it just sunk.
  12. i was waitin for that fouty fo pictures finally.
  13. ok well needless to say i had a AWESOME time. i want to thank everyone for being so kind and helpful. jeff, ill make sure i bring some Heinez catsup next time if you approve. pictures are still uploading so here are the video's i got. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVSIS3-WI1s ^rob http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx5OfiPRuIY ^jesse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxrIJ8WJpBA ^jeff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9N-CdRTU1wE ^brian http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHj1I7s-PZQ ^me
  14. a 2.2 or even 1.8 litre engine will eat 3ft of air out of a 3inch tube in a matter of miliseconds. its not gonna effect anything honestly.
  15. no kiddin i was up until midnight and work up at 6am. been ready to go since and going stur crazy now sitting at work waiting for noon so eric and i can leave. tick tock tick tock HEY THE CLOCK JUST WENT BACKWARDS!!!
  16. im all packed now, just gotta top off the fuel in the morning on the way to work and grab a few bags of ice for the coolers and im good to go. so everyone is fending for them selves for for i presume? ive got some dogs for myself and some meal bars and water but if it comes down to it ill get me a few squirrels. just ask zap.
  17. im leaving with zap, so here is my cell number. jeff or someone give me a shout so we can meet up along the way or something. 206-245-9292
  18. lol i can already do that in my 2inch lifted wagon. have pictures to prove it as well. zap watched me do it at work. lol.
  19. ya ive been watching the weather as well and thats what everyone is saying on the weather. i can't wait im so freakin excited.
  20. oh ok cool, i plan on leaving at 12 and get there about 3 or so.
  21. problem you will find is the wiring. the engine will bolt in with the turbo from suspension X-member. but you will have to convert the EJ22T to OBD2 to get it to work. then get it tuned because you will not find a computer to plug in and run it properly. basically i recommend you just find a 96+ EJ22 and put it in if you are locked in on getting rid of the EJ25. it will be a good bit slower because it (EJ22) has 30 less HP and 40 less TQ. but good luck on your decision.
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