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Everything posted by frag

  1. Manual underhood starters are cheap (and can be home made easily) and are the best way of making a compression check without having any spark or fuel problem.
  2. I think that before doing anything costly you should check the thermostat to see if it's OEM or aftermarket. I and other members have had problems with aftermarket therms. The one I had bought had a smaller opening, opened later and stayed open for a shorter time than OEM. I posted the comparison a long time ago. The fact that your rad has damaged or blocked sections due to bugs and stones does'nt help either. But I think a good stat would cure the problem. After 12 years, my rad is in the same condition than yours and I have had no episode of overheating ever and I have to climb long hills in hot conditions when I go to the cottage. Good luck!
  3. Yes my gauge is installed in my 96 Legacy Brighton wagon mt. But I will not be able to help you find a «clean looking gauge» cause mine is IIRC an «Ultra Pro» gauge from NAPA and is mounted with velcro on the left side of the center console just above and to the right of my right knee... I installed it with copper tubing but I think you can find steel meshed nylon tubing which is as strong and a lot easier to thread through the firewall and other obstacles. Good luck.
  4. Like Nipper said the oil sender unit does'nt connect with the ecu but with the oil pressure idiot light. I installed my oil pressure gaugne on one leg of a T fitting with the sender on the other one so the idiot light keeps working.
  5. The one on top is a bolt (long) and at the bottom you have a nut on a stud.
  6. In case your '90 2.2 L is like my '96 2.2 L, I have a vac tap (pluged) on the intake manifold leading to n° 3 and 4 cylinders.
  7. There is no such thing as engine damage because a motor is «low on oil». However low the level may be, if the oil light does'nt come on, meaning if the oil pump intake is below the oil level, full pressure will be delivered to all parts of the engine. There is no such thing as pressure lowering wilth lowering oil level. You have full pressure or no pressure at all. If neither you nor your son ever saw the oil pressure light on at any time, i would greatly suspect they did something wrong when they worked on your car that starved the camshaft of oil.
  8. Since Canadians are in fact Americans on rye, no invasion needed. Just paper work should be enough to put 9 more stars to your spangled banner... And, yes, a box of chocolate doughnuts to sweeten the pill. Edit = , just in case...
  9. My experience with these bolts (96 Legacy 2.2L) is that they bottom out before you can tighten them much more than what the torque specs are (very light if I remember correctly). I may be wrong but I thought that was a kind of safety feature. You can't crush the gaskets but you can strip the bolts if you insist too much. Good luck!
  10. You should repair asap cause you're probably in the process of ruining the AWD system. Subaru recommends a max diff of 1/4 inch in tire circumference on any wheel compared to the others. I would bet your used tire riding on its side is more than 1/4 inch off compared to the three others.
  11. Excuse my ignorance but what is that we are seeing? Two e brake levers each one being connected to only one rear wheel? Could you elaborate on the nature of the system and what you had to do to install? Thanks in advance.
  12. My Loyale's 1.8L had one but I dont remember how it was mounted. It surely must need a tap on the exhaust manifold somewhere.
  13. In case it matters, my 96 2.2L does'nt have an EGR valve.
  14. The clutch switch is ground for the starter relay. So when that switch does'nt work neither the starter relay nor the starter solenoid will be activated = no click. So if you hear a click, it's not the clutch switch. If it clicks under the dash and under the hood, it's the starter solenoid, if it cliks only under the dash, it's probably the starter relay. Chances are it's the starter solenoid. FWIW.
  15. From where did you order your stuff? Do they use standard mail as a normal policy or did you have to insist?
  16. Am I right in thinking that a 99 has a phase I DOHC engine and that it should be avoided if the gaskets have not already been replaced?
  17. Hi, while I make a search, here's what I'm trying to do. A friend's Loyale just gave up the gost and he's hesitating between a 95 Legacy, 2.2L, 200,000 kilometers (2500$ Ca) and a 99 Legacy, 2.5L 179,000 kilometers (3500$ Ca). Both are in very good shape according to him. Without any further info, what car would you choose. He need an answer before tomorrow. Thanks in advance.
  18. The problem is that both (hazards and parkings) will drain your battery overnight.
  19. If you go farther north than Vermont (get a larger map:) ), you'll find Québec and Montréal, and if you look more closely you'll find my car with 4 Pirellis Winter. They are so so on ice but unstoppable on (in) snow. The only thing that stops me is when the car high centers and the wheels loose contact with the ground. The only other car I've had which had a little more traction was a Loyale with studded snow tires (bought used with rusted rims :-\ ).
  20. My Brighton is a 96 but built in september '95. It has hydraulic lifters.
  21. About check no 3 in Steves 72 preceding post. Another way of doing it is lowering the driver's window, getting outside and moving the steering slightly from left to right while watching the left wheel. If you can move the steering even just a little without the front wheels turning then you have slop in the steering mechanism. One often overlooked place to check, and as easy as a turn of the ratchet to fix, is the two (inline) universal joints between the steering shaft and the steering rack. They sometime come loose and need only retightening. Beware: the second one (which is the one that was loose on my car) is partly hidden by the first one and often overlooked because of this. Good luck!
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