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About brighton98

  • Birthday 01/11/1966

Profile Information

  • Location
    Guthrie, Iowa
  • Occupation
  • Vehicles
    1998 Legacy Brighton

brighton98's Achievements

Advanced Member

Advanced Member (3/11)



  1. Can I use the 09's 16" alloys on the 03 Forester?? They are both 16x6.5" and the same bolt hole pattern, but I'm told the Forester wheels have a +48 offset but the Impreza's are +55. Is this a significant deal or problem??
  2. It happens sporadically, smells thru vents but exhaust smells rich also. Does this car have a MAF sensor or just a MAP, could have have an effect?
  3. 2003 Forester smells strongly of fuel at times; I have checked for leaks and tightened all clamps, to no avail. I also changed front O2 sensor to try and improve mileage (18 mpg), but I still get an occasional P0420. Could this be an injector leaking internally causing rich running, or would a rear O2 help? Thanks.
  4. I'm trying to pair my iPhone 6s with bluetooth in the sound system. I see it is done in later models but is it possible with this generation Imp? Thanks.
  5. 03 Forester threw P0420 code on occasion. After changing "lazy" O2 sensor, code went away for over a year. It's back, and exhaust seems to smell rich and tailpipe is a bit sooty; also, gas mileage seems a little off. Thoughts?
  6. I had the head gaskets done on my 09 Impreza. Car runs great but if I floor the gas to get on a highway, the CEL/cruise/traction lights flash and a 0301/0302 code is set. I know this indicates 1&2 misfiring, but i can't feel it. Codes were cleared and stayed off until next foot-to-floor moment. NGK plugs are new. Scratching my head!
  7. I tried to slide the driver's seat forward but it won't move. Hanging loose underneath is a cable with a white tip on the housing; the cable has a flat end with a center hole. Trying to figure where the respective pieces go.
  8. 55K on car. Symptoms happen with new parts out of box. Tried to bed low mileage pads to new rotors, no change.
  9. Can't get rid of vibrating front brakes on 09 Impreza. I have changed rotors and pads twice, cleaned hub surfaces and checked caliper pistons(not stuck). I don't have access to a dial indicator to check runout, but all the new parts can't be bad. At a loss!
  10. Just an update: changed rear gear oil, it was clean/no metal. Checked ujoints, they rotate a bit but are tight otherwise. Car never goes too far or fast, so guess I'll live with it for now or just use FWD since that stops it.
  11. I have always used the blue filters on 2.2 and 2.5 EJ motors. Just wondering if the black Roki filter is a direct replacement and worth the cost.
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