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Everything posted by Milemaker13

  1. Washed up the interior last summer, bucket and rag style. Did the steering collom too. Thought I got water where water shouldn't be or something! Took me a half hour to find the switch ! Apparently I flipped it "on" with the rag.. D'oh!:-p :-p
  2. Welcome! Yeah yeah, you're on the right track. Been on the right track ever since you picked up the soob! Don't worry 'bout oil leaks, especially if you're not going thru much at all. The hesitation, or subaru stumble, is common enuff. You'll get it tuned up, mine still does it after a year of owning it. I have heard about a failing fuel pump, but mine hasn't failed yet. Your loyale is auto? Is it 4x4? SUBARUS ROCK!
  3. Feels good, don't it Wish everybody would wake up
  4. http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/photos/showphoto.php?photo=15210&cat=500&ppuser=21357
  5. Just read thru all of this... I am curious too as to what was the final verdict. Some good thoughts to keep in mind when diagnosing axle/tranny/hub issues!
  6. Thats an awesome idea! I have the "box", but Oh Boy if I didn't
  7. Are your tires the same size? My loyale didn't want to pop out before I got new tires (all the same size this time:headbang: )
  8. Pretty much sealed it off, could still use a new gasket. But I am wondering how long it has been loose. Looking at the entire system a little closer, I have a larger leak farther back. When I re-connect the two pipes together(well, not quite exactly), we'll have it nice and quite. I used a plain fine thread bolt, the same tap/bolts I use to fix stripped holes on the laser machines I work on. Not ideal... but stronger than factory (I think) and very easy. 20 min. on my back, no sweat! Soobie Rides Again!!!!
  9. Why Not? Throw you stuff in the back and hit the road! You'll be here in no time at all! Start a convoy across the county, picking up soobs as you go! That would be the coolest! Actually... We should all meet in the middle some day! :banana:
  10. Hack Jobs? Whoever taught you manners did a hack job There is nothing wrong with replacing a striped stud with another size, and nothing wrong with a 20 min. side of the road fix that is better than factory solid. The hole was the right diameter for my tap. Nothing wrong with knowing some very useful tricks to save your friend's whole weekend!
  11. Yeah, what Gloyale said! So, I fixed it. Here is what I did... I checked out the drill size for 7/16. My stripped 10mm hole (.40) was just about perfect size for a fine thread 7/16, but a little large for the coarse thread 7/16. I only had fine thread (7/16-20) tap and bolt anyway. I used a ratchet and socket and WD40 and went nice and easy. It worked out perfectly. Did not have to remove exhaust flange to repair, still have helicoil option later. Very easy, fast (emergency) fix. Thanks to all who helped me here... Thanks Dan.
  12. Yeah, my buddy suggested that. 3/8 or 7/16 standard stud should tap right in. I am going to look into that at work tomarrow, then just use a bolt for now. I assume the gasket is toasted, so I'll eventually be replacing that as well.
  13. On the coil length... If I order them from McMaster(like Granger) I can get 10mm, 15mm or 20 mm long... Which would you choose? The stud under the nut measures *about* 15 mm. Can I get the coils and tools from the auto stores?
  14. It is 1.25 pitch? 1 and 1.25 look pretty close. Thanks for that. Where did you get you coils?
  15. Is it a good idea to helicoil the thread on one of my header bolts? I got under to check out my exhaust leak, found a loose stud. Its stripped out. Any tips or hints? What size is this exhaust stud?
  16. Speaking in theroy only, Would removing the cat on a vehicle reduce back pressure? And would that make more power and/or MPG? Its illegal to remove a cat, ya know, but what are the thoughts on it?
  17. What is the appeal of 5 or 6 lugs? If its a whole suspension swap, I understand... But just to get more lugs? Are we afraid an EA81 will twist 4 lugs off?
  18. You could be right, that may be a little cool. I have heard once or twice about no thermo... can't quite remember... Anyway, pop that OEM in when you get it, he'll be feelin' fine after that!
  19. Its not that far! I hope alot of people come out for it. I had alot of fun hanging out w/ Gloyale as we tore apart the coupe. It will be alot of fun camping w/ all these guys. ROAD TRIP!!!
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