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Everything posted by Rooster2

  1. Prolly a good idea to flush out the cooling system, then install a new thermostat, along with a new radiator cap, and fresh antifreeze.
  2. Looking at your open engine bay, I see the creature comforts of power steering and A/C are not operational on the car. I bet you find more surprises on this modified car.
  3. Paint it flat black color.............it won't look so noticeable. Cheaper then buying a hood and repainting.
  4. The 2000 Legacy with automatic transmission may develop a condition where it is reluctant to shift into forward gear when moving the gear shifter from R to D. It seems only to affect the 1999 and 2000 models. Suggest reading through the thread..........."FIXED A/T delayed forward engagement," to get a better understanding of the problem, and how it can be fixed using Trans-X additive to the A/T fluid.
  5. It becomes smuggling because Trans-X is a flammable product, so U.S. Post Office takes a dim view on shipping. I wonder what the penalty is? I am afraid to ask.
  6. So, add water, not antifreeze when coolant level gets low? Prolly a good idea to use a hydrometer to see what freeze temperature the antifreeze protection is providing.
  7. Others like to complain about Autozone parts, but I don't. I installed their rotors and pads on my 98 OBW last summer with no complaints. Pads install the same with or without ABS, as others have said. You will need to a "screw down clamp," (for the life of me, I can't think of the precise name) to retract the double pistons before fitting the new pads. You are prolly already aware of this. I use a cardboard box to rest the caliber upon after removal, instead of letting it hang by the rubber brake line. If the caliper bolts are really frozen on tight, use a lot of PB Blaster or penetrating oil, and maybe heat up the bolt head with a torch to get it to break loose. I broke the head off a caliber bolt doing my rotor job, because I didn't follow my own advise.........then the fun began.
  8. how much difference in performance from a 2.2l to a 2.5l is there? Having owned both and driven as daily drivers, there is not much HP advantage in the 2.5 over the 2.2. The 2.2 is not a slug. You won't miss the tiny HP advantage of the 2.5. I would not hesitate to do the swap, if my current 2.5 bit the dust.
  9. I have also heard of running with a bad head gasket by loosening the vent screw/bolt at the top corner of the radiator on the opposite side from the radiator cap. This helps vent out exhaust gas that is entering the cooling system via the bad head gasket. A very tiny amount of coolant will escape from the cooling system, and the cooling system won't pressurize, but it will help your motor from over heating.
  10. Oil level prolly okay. Checking oil when parked on a slant, give a false reading. Does the engine run long enough to be able to pull codes? Check all your wiring to verify everything is hooked up properly, same goes for all vacuum connections. Doubt that alternator is source of your problem. The white smoke thing is prolly associated with your problem, but I am not knowledgeable enough to know the answer.
  11. The OEM Subaru lights are fog lights. The Hella lights are driving lights. The Hellas will light up the road much better for a far greater distance.
  12. Yea..........more like $75 to $85, for not looking like much, they are kinda costly.
  13. It is very easy to crack the plastic sensor because of over tightening upon installation. Like said earlier, look for cracks in the plastic, and if need to replace, just a gentle snug tightening is all that is needed to secure the knock sensor to the engine block.
  14. You mentioned buying gas at a shady gas station, that could be the source of the problem, particularly if you have had some rainy weather lately. It is easy for a shady place to have bad gas resulting from run off rain water getting past worn out seals on the top of the station's under ground gas tank. Years ago, a cheapie station in my town had this trouble. It resulted in stalled, or nearly stalled cars all over town. Suggest you try adding a can or two of "dry gas" to your gas tank in case this is your problem.
  15. The chances of your Mom driving off road, and parking in high dry weeds to start a fire seem very remote. Did the stealership pressure sell her to replace the heat shield in the name of "safety"? The safety angle is the best scare tactic to sell any car product to a woman.
  16. I would be surprised if Toyota sells this car with a Subie motor. The cost of providing Subie replacement engine parts, and Subie mechanic training through out their entire dealer network for this one car only would be stupendous, and cost prohibitive. The car has killer good looks, that I think would sell well. If it is ever marketed, I think the logical choice is to see an established Camry or Corolla drive train under the hood.
  17. Okay learned deionized is same as distilled. I keep a gallon around to add to car batteries when needed. I will put it to good use.
  18. You do use deionized water afet the garden hose flush or a 50/50 premix i hope. What is deionized water? That is a new one one me..........Rooster2
  19. Thanks for the advise. It has been 3 years since antifreeze has been replaced. I will change thermostat as well. I will put the car up on ramps on the front. I hope raising the front end causes a good burp to rid any air in the cooling system.
  20. Anyone ever try this product to fix a bad head gasket in a Subie? Check out the following website: http://www.rxauto.com/demo.htm I wonder if this product is real or snake oil?
  21. I need to winterize my Subie with fresh antifreeze. Do I pull the top or bottom hose to the radiator to drain out the old antifreeze. I know in the past, I have used a garden hose to flush water through the system. Just can't remember which hose to pull. Thanks for advise.
  22. In draining your oil, you mentioned that the viscosity was light, so it drained out like water. By chance did you smell the drained oil? Did it smell like gasoline? If so, then you may have a stuck injector, that is allowing gasoline to drain down into the oil pan. However, this situation would have caused a miss fire, and your check engine light to be on. Didn't see any mention of that in your post. As advised, just keep an eye on the oil level to head off trouble before it arrives.
  23. AWD means full time all wheel drive. There is nothing to shift in or out of four wheel drive. If there are decent tires on the car, it will pull you through the nastiest snow and ice that Philly has to offer. You will be impresssed.
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