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    Comox, B.C., Canada
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    I Love My Subaru

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  1. i also found my vacuume advance isnt workin on my distributor but ill get u a pic.
  2. K so im still workin on it BUT i noticed that sometimes when i start the car it works fine. What i see when it does work is the primary jet shooting a tiny bit of fuel but when it bogs the jet doesnt appear to be firing anything... maybe if I keep fiddling somthing will fix itself. *sigh*
  3. My 85 gl wagon (ea82) wont go anywhere unless the pedal is to the floor. Now when i hold the choke down it has really good throttle response but the choke wont close on its own ive checked the return spring and everything it just wont close up and let my subby roar anyone got any ideas on how to fix this? oh and the carb is freshly re-built but it had the same problem before. im going insane
  4. So i found a snapped timing belt passengers side. Re-aligned all the marks and still nothing, it actually pops back out the carb. Now are there 2 sets of cam marks on the flywheels or 1? because i had it lined up then tried cranking for a bit then re-aligned what i thought were the same 3 marks and the holeson the cam pulleys were opposite. Im stumped and frustrated.
  5. I have an 85 gl wagon. Got spark got fuel but it wont start unless you plant your foot and crank it over for 20 seconds and when it does its a got a definite miss. It also starts from a push. My best guess is the distributor is either out or gone tits up. Any suggestions? I just bought the car 2 days ago saw it running 3 days ago like new and its my first subby so my knowledge is pretty minimal. Oh and hello my names Steve !
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