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Gloyale last won the day on May 18 2024

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About Gloyale

  • Birthday 08/31/1977

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    Corvallis, OR PNW
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  • Vehicles
    84 GL,89 GL Turbo,91 Leg

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Elite Master of the Subaru (11/11)



  1. Your post about the constant power to the horn is one thing I definitely needed to know!  The car I'm working on is an 83 DL wagon.  The horns are the last electrical part that needs a resolution.  Based on everything I've checked so far, I'm 90% sure that the horns are just frozen with rust and need to be replaced.  The are two sets of green horn wires with female connectors (one of the sets has two lines to each connector).  I'm guessing the pair of single lines goes to the center horn behind the grill and the pair of double lines goes to the horn behind the left headlight.  Is this correct?  Is there a positive/negative orientation for the horn pins - or does it not matter?  Last question - there is about a 12' distance from the wiring to the center horn (which I think is the low tone) - do I just make male to female extensions to connect these?  Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

  2. "the RIght Stuff" is what I use for nearly everything. The regular permatex gray and black tend to not stick/seal as well long term. And it gets hard and burnt/brittle after about 5 years. "the Right Stuff" stays well stuck and soft and rubbery for years and years. I use it for trim adhesive as well. It''s friggin awesome. One tip I will offer. Wipe off excess that squeezes out while it's still soft. If you leave big blobs of it to dry it can get tugged on accidentally when wiping off oil at filter changes. And because it's so tough and rubbery, it's possible to actually pull/stretch it out of seams. So wipe it off so only thin smears remain and then it can't get pulled out.
  3. Between the links box and the interior fuse box there are no lessd than 4 splits. Wire splits and goes to : Alternator, Ignition switch, fuse 1-4, and fuses 17-18. Additionally, if you have a GL-10 there would be a split for the Sunroof relay, and Air suspension compressor. My guess is when you cut the wire and ran jumper between links box and fuse box, you cut out the split that goes to the Ignition switch, and probably the ALT too.
  4. hey I got yer spider Compressor and bracket if you need em. Pay shipping and beer oney. PM me.
  5. there is one position on each cam where there is are no valves open. I ussually set the cam up so that when I put the carriers on all lobes are facing down or sideways. It's kind of a sweet spot where turning 10-20 degrees one way begins to open an intake, and a roll of the cam the other way just begins to open the opposite exhaust. I have no idea where this spot is relative to teh cam arrows actually. I've never needed to know. Just find that sweet spot where no valves are under tension.
  6. this is normal. I don't think you really had an issue. Placebo affect of having done something is making it seem better.
  7. Just to clarify. Power goes OUT on the links....not comes in. 12v from battery in on Large black wire from battery, through links, and out to systems in the car. You need to verify that the LARGE white wire at the links box, and the large white wires going into the back of the interior fuse box, have continuity. These are all the same circuit. It's the main supply to Ig. switch and Fuse box, as well as being the charge line for the ALT. Check to make sure that black fusible link is in good shape and passing power through.
  8. Grounds have 12v? This is wrong. Gay white wires? I can tell you all of the large white wires in that car should have 12v to battery.....it's the same circuit as the charge wire at the ALT. It is really sounding to me like the large white wire has corroded through where it's crimped/splits under the fender.
  9. Nothing wrong with solar charging. Just don't be lazy. Just pop the hood and hook up to the battery. You should not be "charging" by backfeeding any circuit in the car. This is like trying to supply your house with water by hooking up the neighbors hose to your garden faucet. The cicuits are made to handle just the one or 2 items in the circuit. With the wire gauge getting smaller as it branches out to each smaller and smaller load. OBD port is a TINY load. It's not a circuit that's designed to handle more than a few amps required by scanners. Personally I think all this is silly. You should not really ever need to use a supplemental charger to tend a battery unless the vehichle is sitting for months. This is just using gadgets for the sake of feeling gadgety.
  10. If you mean at the carb base you are in big trouble. Being in contact with gasoline will eat that sealant. Take it off right away and get some gaskets. Or make some. Sealant will ABSOLUTELY not hold in that application for more than a few trips. Then you will spew coolant out the base and overheat. It cold puke into the intake and hydrolock the engine on startup too. Lot's of ways for things to go bad here.
  11. have the 99 engines drivers side head drilled and tapped for EGR. Then use the 2004 Manifold. Might want to swap Cam and crank pulleys to match whatever type the 2004 needs. 99 might or might not be the same. You could run it without EGR.....no real driving issues, but it will throw an EGR code most likley.
  12. I've got a third one here that has a cracked tank. Gonna keep that one as a template to get aluminum ones made in the future.
  13. Idlers and tensioners are interchangeable.......mostly...... the lower smooth roller on the 99 should be the type with the lip on the back. The upper smooth should be the same for both, as well as the lower cogged idler.
  14. He means the seal where the cglass meets the roof. That seal is not water tight on ANY CAR. there will be water that seeps past that as its just a sitting against the metal edge, no real "seal" to speak of. This is how ALL sunroofs are. There is an acceptable, small amount of water that will leak past the glass. But that water should not come into the car. There is a drip rail around the whole frame, and at it's corners there are drain tubes that run down the pillars. I have seen at least 5 leaky 2000-2004 Outbacks, that were fixed by simply putting clamps around where the vinyl hose drain hose attaches to the sunroof tray. that's it. hose got old and brittle, and didn't hold tight to barb it was attached too. Whatever is going on with these cars, it's a drain issue, not a "leak" issue. the interior drip is happening because water in the tray is not draining properly. ****Oh and the Honda? garauntee there is a drip tray and drains. If you took them out or plugged them you would have water getting in the car. It's how these things are built.
  15. Along the top of the head and the Cam carrier there should be 2 letters stamped. Like "OV" or "TY". They are random pairs, but they will match between the pair carrier/head. Same matching setup they use for connecting rods/caps. As for which cam carrier is drivers or passenger.........I look for the carrier that had the Cam sensor on it......that is the drivers side. If your engine has EGR that's another really easy way to identify the drivers side head. Match the letters to get the appropriate head/carrier combo. Then the Cam with the threads at the "long" end is the Drivers side cam. It really is best to keep the rocker assemblies matched too.....as they ride on the Cam and are worn to a particular lobe. But not critical, if they get mixed up. DEFINATELY....set the valve clearance once the heads are assembled. IN MILLIMETERS 0.10-0.20 for intake 0.15-0.30 for exhaust Translated to inches, I ussually set the intakes as close to .006" as I can, and then exhaust to .009 or .010
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