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Everything posted by GoldDiggerRoo

  1. Nevermind, got it working. That thing is sweet, I have a vid of it's dyno run on my computer. Is it still around, I thought I had heard something about it being burnt to bits in a fire...
  2. Is there any other way I can see it, everytime I go to Youtube I get "Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player. Click here to get the latest flash player. " I have Javascript on and have the newest version of flash, youtube just stinks.
  3. I've been thinking about doing the wheels.... kinda cold now, hard to say if it'll happen. I kinda doubt I'll do a brush guard since it's gonna be slammed and RWD, but that would be pretty cool.
  4. What is the modulator thingie that screws in on the pass. side of the trans (what the vac. line connects to) called again? Could this be a partial cause, I had to replace on on my '83 Wagon once.... Anyway, I've been telling mom forever just to get a new carb and be done with it, I'll check for a leak and then get to checking codes if need be. Thanks for the help, I'll let you know if I need anymore.....
  5. Well I disconnected the o2 sensor and took the car for a drive, it didn't help matters at all, the car ran exactly the same.... still doing the surging. Could the ecu be the source of both my problems? Does it also control the trans? The light didn't seem to be on much today that I've noticed.
  6. It hasn't been that long since a full tune up and I still have the issue after.
  7. Well the car runs fine some of the time, so it's really weird. I'll disconnect the o2 sensor and see if it makes it any better. Where is the o2 BTW? Would any of this expalin my trans troubles though?
  8. Oh, I forgot to mention, while the car does have a CEL it is NOT on. I also looked under the dash on my wagon (trim was already off) and don't see anything that looks like it would be the cause of the light, whats up?
  9. So I'm gonna have to drive moms 88 hatch while the Brat is down for some work in the coming weeks, no biggie except I still have this issue with it running, the car has sat for the better part of the year because of; it's time to fix it. The car runs great (EA81, carbed, Auto) 124k, doesn't even have the ToD yet, but sometimes (pretty often actually) the car will just be going along and start jumping, almost asif it's running out of fuel or getting no spark, the problem mystified me when I owned the car, but I may have a lead on the issue. I noticed tonight when the car is idling that it would start to miss like every 20 seconds or so, I also noticed that there is a red led that is somewhere under the dash (right of fuse box) that can be seen under the steering column, and whenever the light would blink off the car would do the missing thing. For about the first half hour I drove it the car ran fine (it doesn't want to shift into 3rd until 5k or 40mph too) but after that it started this jumping thing again, it seems to do it at almost any speed, but I have kept an eye on the light and the problem seems to be related to it, when it goes out the car runs like crap. It's rather wet here so I haven't had a chance to pull off the dash panel to check it out yet, but does anyone know what the light goes to and if it would be possible for it to be related to or be the cause of the problem? Any help would be great, I've got to start driving this thing on a regular basis and I can't deal with it doing that, it's pretty unsafe to be driven as is. Thanks
  10. I offroaded my auto wagon a lot, up very steep hills, over banks, thru rivers and the only issue I ever had was one time the fluid got low and when I was doing a 3 point turn half way up a 60-70 deg. grade the trans slipped a little when the car was sideways; after adding fluid I never had the problem again. I'd say the auto is ok for offroading, but I have no idea how it'll perform with a lift and larger tires (was my intention also).
  11. Got "SUBIEGL" on the hatch when I had it, mom still runs it on the hatch.
  12. Nice Brat. It's always to cool to get the documentation, I've got all the paperwork from when my first wagon was bought new in 83, including the window sticker and loan approval paperwork!
  13. Not sure what color it'll end up at the moment, that's a little further down the road. Is that the cyclops that I sold you? As for the grille and hood, I've found both but I'm short on funds at the moment, working on mechanical stuff right now.
  14. Yeah, '56 Chevy hood ornament, added by a previous owner. My mom hates it, so I kept it on.
  15. I would if it weren't insanely loud right now and the accuracy of the speedo known, I don't need any more reasons to get pulled over. Once I get it quited down it'll come off. Yeah I did the paint...... I hate to admit it, but 3 1/2 cans of Krylon Rust Tough Semi Flat Black later I don't have to look at that tan anymore. I think it has that look of new body panels, most come painted almost the same black; I feel like the whole truck just came out of a box.
  16. Since the temporary demise of my wagon the Brat has become my daily driver for a while. It was a bit unrluy and down right ugly when I got it but I've slowly been trying to civilize it. Over the past week things have gone into overdrive, I managed to get carpet in, 180 watt cd player with aux in & usb going to two door mounted 5 1/4 Sony X-plod 160 watt speakers (really helps mask the loud exhaust). I tracked down my exhaust leak to a chunk missing from the head (guess I need a head). Got my gas tank back on (internal line is still clogged), swapped on the wheels from my wagon and even painted it. It's made a huge difference, rather than having people flee in horror when I pull up I've had atleast a dozen positive comments and conversations about it in the past weekend. Maybe it ain't so bad after all..... I still need a driver though, Brat is in need of suspension work. Pics! Before: After: What do you guys think.....improvement?
  17. Are there any unspoken for gaskets out there? I got water running in on my fuse box lately (we're in the monsoon season apparently), and my windsheild is sorta foggy and needs to come out anyways.
  18. He's been there a few times with it, but he's had it for 10-15 years, so you may've seen it a few times else where, 4th of July thing on Williamson and downtown for sure. Was that the green AAR with the torque thrusts? Something is up with that car, AAR's didn't have Barracuda emblems and last I saw it it has a single 4 instead of a sixpack..... Didn't get the exhaust fixed, I dropped it to put on the gaskets and it turns out that there is a big chunk missing out of the head where the two mate. I guess I need to find an EA81 trans so I can put the engine from the wagon in the Brat..... or figure out what it'll take to swap in the engine from my Z. I could have fun in the Brat with a 2.8. John, for repair work I take my stuff to my friend Jeff, he's @ Caviler Auto on 604 (Cloverdale Rd.) he has an STI and is really good on most everything, and fantastic on newer subes.
  19. not only does he have 4 Cuda 'verts, he has a '68 Formula S 383 car and a 40 plymouth business coupe and a '67 hemi GTX, an extra hemi and a 50's Plymouth truck..... Ever seen the orange 71 383 'cuda convertible out? they belong to him, name is Richard, none for sale though.
  20. I know how rusty it is now and it's still needs axels, add fender, hood, bumper, grille and whatever it needs to drive straight.... it'll likly be just as worth it to buy another wagon at some point in the future. I did however drive the car for about half an hour last night, other than the severe pull to the left and tire squal it runs like a dream, looks like a nightmare though. I could surely use the engine in my Brat too, and mom could benefit from the 4WD parts going on her FWD hatch. And there is no way I could ever see these cars or any car as an investment. I've had cars way more valuable and desirable than these will ever be.... they're meant to be driven. I have a friend with 4 Cuda's Converts from '67-'71 and they do nothing but sit..... that's just wrong. If I wanted a car to set around and collect dust I'd buy some diecast or something.
  21. I know how it is, I tried getting a '84 4WD bumper for months for the wagon to no avail, then I came upon that one, as well as the perfect cyclops and grille, hood, doors and various other parts that I passed onto people who needed them. All parts that were going to the crusher days from when I grabbed them up. It's not like I destroyed it on purpose though........ i mean since this car is my daily driver and all...... Maybe I should just park it since it obviously isn't worthy enough to put any nice parts on, should save them for the real Subes...Brats and Hatches.....
  22. Wow, rare? I think I paid $5 for it from a felllow board member, it was going to the crusher otherwise because no one else wanted it. As for my future plans, if it's not expensive to get the steering sorted out and I find another hood & bumper I'll stick it back on the road. If not I'll likely sell it or part it out..... it would make a good off-road rig for someone, but I need a daily driver right now.... the Brat isn't quite doing it.
  23. Well, I managed to slightly destroy the wagon again. Some friends and I were out riding around in my wagon on a back country road Thursday night looking for something to do and we found it. The road were on was pretty curvy but we didn't wreck in a hard turn, it had stormed a few hours earlier but the roads were dry until we came upon one turn where the road was wet and covered with leaves, the car started to push and I backed out but it was no use she just kept going so I locked it down and braced for the worst. We ran over a bank and a few trees in the process, up rooted a 6/7 foot tall pine, finally smacked into a tree and the back end flew around, leaving me parallel parked between two trees. Long story somewhat shorter we managed to get a ride home and borrowed moms BF suburban, came back and pulled the rear of the wagon away from the tree. I hopped in it, fired it up and drove it off the bank and over a sea of 3-4 foot tall boulders. Most of the damage came from the exit, but it was the only way out..... managed to pop a tire and bend up the pass. side rocker, fender, and push the rear bumper up a bit. We hooked the tow rope to it and flat towed it home..... I pulled out the front and drove it down the road today, all seems ok except when you're going straight the wheel is pointed towards 2 and it feels like it's pointed at 9. I'm gonna try and get it checked out this week, nothing was obviously bent but something is outta whack. Depending on the diagnosis this may be the end of the wagon, I don't see much point dumping a lot of money in it. It's kinda funny that the damage is almost exactly the same as it was last time I wrecked it. Oh, no one was hurt, but I was so freakin' sore the next day. Pics! Part of the pine... and the dented in skid plate Some more tree under the car....pine....I think How she lookes now.... And how it looked after the last wreck....
  24. If you have a good photo copier you could start your drive now.........
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