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Mykeys Toy

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Everything posted by Mykeys Toy

  1. I havent done it but I have thought about it. If you can get the parts off of a car in the bone yard. Projector and ballasts it will be a ton cheaper but to do it right you will spend a few hundred. The kits on amazon and ebay are lights and ballast but no projector. You should use those and not a sealed beam conversion bucket because the filament depth is different for halogen and hid and will be improperly aimed with poor focus. I have been looking into all kinds of things involving lights. I bought a cheap projector conversion kit off flea bay and hate the low beam but high is sweet. I am now waiting on another set a little more expensive and will post my findings when its all said and done. If it doesnt work I will go for wither the Hella conversion or cibie which start at $100 just for the buckets. beware which bulbs you use also but I will let you do your own research on that. Mike
  2. I saw what looked like it in Spanaway yesterday on the way to help someone move. He/she was stopped and almost drove past without noticing because of the truck in front of it.
  3. I do not mind all the new gen but if they are gonna invade and take over the least they could do is bring some aftermarket support for the old school crowd. I really enjoy the sense of accomplishment from diy but that does not include fabricate and manufacture yourself.. I accede though that we old schoolers bring thin wallets, some by choice and others... not so much.
  4. This should probably be sent to the USRM.. Good stuff and better than the usuall hack job and spacer crap. Turbone make it happen lol
  5. Thank you. I am sure it will since now I know where to look while running the local yards. Mike
  6. I am asking for my brother in law since he has no internet. Here is the thing, He bought the car ( automatic) and was great for months then it started to shift down once in a while even though he was maintaining a steady speed. fast forward. Now the car will not go into top gear at all and so has been parked pending further diagnosis and repair. The original tranny was flushed and filled with new filters .no joy. REplaced tranny with a known good auto tranny with same gearing and still the same so I must assume it is the tcu and have no idea where to find it and really dont know what it looks like anyway. I would love to give him a little good news help. Mike
  7. You can use disty out of certain years of Escorts but the specific years you will have to search for since I am feeling lazy.. Bratsrus knows which ones also.
  8. A pic would help a lot but If I recall you need that sensor from the old rad or buy one from a sube dealer aftermarket crap doesn't play nice with our stuff more often than not.
  9. I am pretty sure you belong here. only the tech forums are vehicle specific everything else is for everyone. Welcome aboard. Mike
  10. Well that isnt exactly what they said I think.. I do need to call the number they gave me. I am content for now to rely on the gorilla tape to keep me dry even if it looks funny. Pics coming sooner or later though it will be a while b4 we can show anything to really brag about but it has tons of potential.
  11. Do lots of reading maybe post in the meet n greet forum and introduce yourself.. use the search function b4 questions some people get a lil crazy when they see the same ?s all the time. from here you can edit your "User CP" it has your email address and password stuff. add or change your avatar ( the pic by your name )

  12. When I ran power cable from the battery I ran it through the boot behind the pass side strut cut a slit and ran it down that side of the car. I ran speaker wire down the drivers side and remote with patch cables up the middle to minimize ground loop and other interference. Though I may change that and run the speaker wire obove the headliner and use the drivers side for everything else. Mike
  13. It is located on the radiator above the drain. If it is green or clearly oxidized it is probably done for. you can however hotwire it with switched power so it is on all the time with the key. I don't really like that much but I have a car like that now. Mike
  14. Wired both rad fans through a relay. I thought I did something wrong when it kept blowing fuses turns out I needed a bigger fuse and the wiring was fine.
  15. You were right. When the fan is grounded it reads as grounded on the + side. So I went through one more fuse b4 I got it right which is a 20 amper BTW. It is a good thing those fans dont draw more power because I don't have a 30 amp fuse and my relay is only good for 30 amps besides.. It does cool it down freakin quick now though and the ans don't stay on long. Mike
  16. Mine is grounding out but not blowing fuses when hooked up in a factory situation it just wasn't making a good connection and not always coming on like it should. I was going to work on a relay and use the factory AC fan all tied into one circuit but my first indicator something was amiss was the blowing of fuses (four to be exact ) when I started triple checking my work and finally got out the test light and figured it out. Mike
  17. Well after my kast reman I will be having all store bought alts tested b4 leaving the store.. Fortunately I found one at the PAP yesterday that I had tested and works properly for less than $15. The only other rhing that may not be working would be the atls trigger but I have only heard of one case that had this problem. How is our battery?
  18. Ok so I remembered incorrectly a post you had put up. I must only be a few steps behind turbone with the freaking old timers disease. Rugby, You can do whatever you want with your console I was talking about my own sorry for the misunderstanding. My console is in really good shape so I refuse to mod it further unless I find one in better shape.
  19. If memory serves you may need to put a dent in the PS res. to make everything work and it will also depend on which PS setup you have.. Mine would be a pita. I will only say that for now everything on and in my sedan will remain stock or appear stock save the radio.
  20. Nice ride! most of your to do list sounds like mine as well minus the weber. It would interfere with the power steering and putting air conditioning back in. Mike
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