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Mykeys Toy

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Everything posted by Mykeys Toy

  1. Borrow or buy a mechanical gauge. I refused to drive my hatch that way on mine wouldn't read anything at all but I had no tick. So 2 senders later and 1 replaced pump I finally bought a 16 dollar gauge @ autozone which worked like a charm after finding the right adapter in the back because the adapter kit that comes with the hose DOES NOT! HAVE THE CORRECT FITTING. I will post a part number when I find the bag it came in and saved it just for purposes like this. Mike
  2. Good idea but the pdx5 is kinda blowing a budget build This is the one I drool over Sorry I forgot how to do the fancy link like Sleepy. http://www.woofersetc.com/p2622/16MCH1300--Memphis-Belle-5-Ch-1300-Watt-Power-Amplifier.htm
  3. I hope it works and sounds like you want GD. I really like this idea but I am cringing about that particular brand I have not heard anything from them that I deamed up to par but I do suppose that is still better than stock. Mike
  4. Maybe I will have to take apart a junk seat to figure it out.. Hmm destruction.
  5. :-\ no buttons. Turbone and I looked it over and played with a few things and got nowhere.
  6. I know they are adjustable but I cannot for the life of me figure it out.. Fricking secret squrrel crap I swear. Does anyone know? Mike
  7. Now we just need SubarDave to show up and everyone else is screwed. LOL
  8. Hey this is supposed to be about pics get bck on topic. Mike
  9. That wont take much for me I paid $450 for my new toy.. Granted it's 2 wheel drive but I kinda like it. Lets see 1 sub and a mediocre amp or just one good sub like an SI or maybe ID Max and I can double the price of the car.
  10. Thats odd I would swear that the 720's were supposed to be oversized 6 1/2s but a tape don't lie. BTW which damping material you gonna use? or are you using mat and spray? Mike
  11. I understand how it works and is supposedly very easy but as mentioned above relays confuse me and then throw in the most stuff in our cars is always hot with a negative trigger that doesn't confuse me its scaawy. mike
  12. Nice pics everyone and Dave I stole a pic of my ride from you. Mike
  13. I might as well be on that list also but alas I must resist the urge until I get a few more things fixed and or replaced on my car.. BTW gen3s have much better mounting locations and have more room in them also.. Try playing with a gen 2.
  14. Mr. Brat gimme a call when you leave your meeting point. Hopefully everything will go according to plan so me and mine can leave on time if not we will try to catch up. Mike
  15. Thats the problem though. He already owns the 720 PRS the extra 1/4" is going to make it tough without cutting unless he uses a spacer. fortunately they are not very deep drivers so depth should be much of an issue.
  16. I'll agree on the chit talking. I have been a member of car audio dot com for a long time and it is getting worse. The original crew kept it a very minimum. for audio stuff where I wish to learn try diyaudio dot com.. They make feel like a new B. Mike
  17. Your prs speakers are oversize 6 1/2s (6 3/4) and are definately not going to fit without spacing them or modding at the very least. Nice speakers and would love to hear them btw. Just out of curiosity which car audio forum do you belong to I have never met anyone that knows who SI is let alone someone into old subes. I thought I was one of very few is gets a little crazy once in a while until eulogious popped here:grin:. Now I have competition so I gotta step up my game. Mike
  18. ^ agreed ^ Go back to the detail work on the 6 and pick up the wiring after the show when you are less stressed.
  19. If you are familiar with electrical systems then I would use a test light or VOM. I always use new wire and wire my own rather than use old wire that is too small to begin with except for the acc power. Be sure to use new speaker wire because the factory wire if I am not mistaken on your car still uses the common ground. Mike
  20. I was pretty sure it was the same body. I will stop poking fun now since if my brat ever breathes life again I will need body work done on it that is beyond what my capabilities. A second more experienced eye should e able to figure it out fairly easily. I will get to that later though I just want it to run for now. Mike
  21. Try this for CB stuff just make sure you compare prices. http://www.pacetronics.com/
  22. I don't think this mythical RX of yours exist Russ hasn't made it to a show yet Sorry I just had to poke some fun your way.
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