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Mykeys Toy

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Everything posted by Mykeys Toy

  1. If Brian is right then we really don't have to worry over it. On the other hand this thread is kinda funny. I am glad not to be the one on Ken's black list... I think he has a mean streak and most of us are very lucky not to experience that. Mike
  2. It wasn't me... i have only a little time to peruse the board now and then let alone have time to piss him off.. besides.. I wouldn't dare.. he helps me figure out my problems when I am dumbfounded...Which is quite often when there is something more to do than an axle.. My trouble shooting skills suck. Mike
  3. IDK about the bike attatchment but Mudrat79 is a fabrication master. I'd be willing to bet he could build one for a whole lot less than new.
  4. Mykeys Toy

    Lift Kits

    What kind of specs are you looking for? Many of the board member will be able to answer your Q's. But if you want to know what kind of materials and such you will have to talk to PK Davis, Mudrat79 or anyone else that has lifts for sale. Both of these guys are very busy and can take a while to get back to you. They will get back to you though. Mike
  5. if you have the necesaary tools to disassemble the door panel and have small enough hands its easy just be sure to take your time and plan it out so you don't have wires hanging down..Zip ties and wire looms are your friend. mike
  6. Battle axeT6. old Subes are common ground and all aftermarket speakers need to have new wire run for each speaker. it may not be blown yet but is poossible and it may also have teken out your amp/deck our. After running new wire try testing again at lower volumes to make sure b4 going crazy with it. mike
  7. Eric how was it?.. I wish I had seen the scheduled date b4 yesterday or I would have gone up for a few hours since EC is practically in my back yard. how many people joined the outing? Mike
  8. My neighbor has a dead late 80s caravan sitting around with only a few parts taken for the other van he has.. If you want I will talk to him when he gets off work.. He is just gonna call the hulk hauler anyway. Mike
  9. It is possible to get 4 1/2 " speakers in the dash. It just took me most of one day to do the fabricating for mouting rings and plates.. A more skilled fab man can probably do it in less than an hour.. And trimming the foam on the drivers side is necessary. Mike
  10. Nice looking sub. We will have to hook up when I can get enough spare time to go one of the local mud-n-fun meets. Mike
  11. Sorry for highjacking this thread but i will be brief. ScoobyWagon becareful when running that Memphisbelle the distortion on the bass channel is audible when running 1 ohm.. To compensate either use a more SQ oriented sub or a smaller sealed enclosure.. Very cool amps though i still want one. Mike
  12. Is the Vortex the same as Alcyone? That is all I have on Segat GT 2002 for Xbox. Mike
  13. Very thorough Samo. much of car audio is personal prefernce so keep that in mind. Everyone has their own taste a certain speaker might sound like crap to someone else but it could be what is pleasing to your ears. After checking out what the local stores have within your budget check out sounddomain.com they are authorized if I am not mistaken to carry %90 of what they carry. on a side note US acoustics makes some very nice amplifiers for budget prices.. pretty tough but not a lot of frills. such as subsonic filters which (in my opinion) arent really necessary unless you are running a sub larger than 12 inches in a sealed enclosure or anything in vented and bandpass designs. I can't claim the experience Samo has but I have been around the block with my audio needs. Mike
  14. I got to start Monday off on my Recycle truck with a whopping 3 stops b4 it threw the air compressor belt first thing.. I waited for 90 minutes for the shop truck to arrive and do a simple 5 minute belt swap, and away I went. Ok so tuesday through thurday were uneventful. today (Friday) I make another great start first by being 20 minutes late ( my own fault ) Then I get about 15 stops on when my parking break decides to blow an O-ring (freakin air brakes)..and away I go again.. no problem.. So at the end of the day I jump in the hatch and take off for home.. Get to the top of the hill In town and stop at the light then I start to see steam coming from under MY hood.. The temp gauge says I am just over the normal mark and the light turns green so I take off and it cools down a bit. Then I figure I will stop @ my Brother-in-laws place to check it out after the car cools down a bit more. I gave it an hour then went out to have a look..I open the hood and the first thing I see is coolant all over everything. the second was my CV boot is no longer just pulled back it is shredded..dang..time to fix the axle again after I crank the suspension down. Then I check the radiator..She was dry even with the overflow bottle I had mounted under the hood... so I planned to fill the rad with water and start the car and see what happens. So I fill it up and the overflow too. I waited to top it off after the air escapes (normal stuff) but the water level kept on going out of sight. So I drop down and have a look underneath to see water making a nice stream off of the skid plate. Now I am getting nervous so I reach inder and around all the hoses, the water pump, and the radiator just in case..hand coms out greay but not wet....Oh boy I am looking forward to tomorrow. If you had the patience to read all of this please advise me. And I pray that you do not confirm my worst fear. Anyone with lots of EA81 parts is welcome to pipe up I may need them on short notice.. Mike
  15. I haven't ever adjusted the suspension that is why I asked. I am pretty sure it is cranked up but, I wanted measurements to verify that b4 I go and pull the fron wheels off. Thanks Mick
  16. About once a year or so my front end eats an axle either by pulling the boot off the joint area or by tearing it.. So I took a look at it the other day and looks to be a pretty harsh angle on the axle. I am curious to know how high my 86 hatch should be off the ground and where it is measured from ( bottom of steering knuckle or from the oil pan etc.) Mike
  17. Following him into Sumner made me wish I had a cam at the very least.. He left me in the span of a 1/4 mile due to some dipstick wanting to Give Ken a run.. But that is another story. twas a nice test ride too. I was all Mike
  18. I know I would be grinning everytime I drove it if it were mine.. I think I willl stay with my plans for !00 hp. Should be ample considering everyone else has made do with stock plus a carb. Mike
  19. I have yet to see these in a store but check these out. http://www.pilotautomotive.com/pilot2jb.htm Mike
  20. This sounds all to familiar.. Only dif is that I am in a 86 Hatch. So please post it on here Skip.. Tis a little chilly in the N.W. @ 5 am. Mike
  21. Ed have him get a roll of cheap speaker wire at Walmart and rewire the whole thing it is much easier and you get rid of the common Ground thing.. If he is just doing this to see if he can keep it stock then i suggest using a AA battery with speaker wire taped to the ends to use as a lead. When He touchs the wires to the correct +&- wires then the speaker will pop and or hiss. You can mark them out with tape or whatever from there.. It took me 5 minutes to do it that way... After i went through and made sure i knew where the voltage wires were. Mike
  22. Does anyone know how how to decipher the gibberish of agricultural tires? I looked into these months ago but I gave up due to the way the sizes are listed. Mike
  23. Skip if you are going to do that, you might try L.E.D.s they are small bright and require less power than pretty much any other light. you could probably color coordinate them to indicate which gear or power ratio on a small console. mike
  24. I just picked up four of them @ the local Fred meyer on clearance for $17 each.. each one was in a box that was open or torn.. but no damage to the lights themselves.. Mike
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