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Everything posted by Infinitrium

  1. I was worried about the driveline, so I went outside and took it for a little spin...and promptly got it stuck! I was going between two ridges on a ATV trail and I crossed at too sharp of an angle so my right rear wheel got lifted off the ground by about 4 inches. I got out and shoved the car back on the the RR wheel which lifted the LF wheel off by about 4 inches. After a few minutes of spinning and swearing, I got out and jammed a few rocks under the LF wheel and stuffed my donut spare under the RR wheel and it drove right out! I know now that the 4wd still works just as it should. I also determined the gearbox whine occurs only in 1st gear. A tranny fluid and rear diff fluid change is in order.
  2. O crap!! Well luckily the few times I have driven in 4wd on pavement I didn't go too far or too fast. Ooo, hope my gearbox whine doesn't mean I broke something..
  3. Ah, well what I meant to ask was, is the 4wd system on my Loyale a full-time or part-time system? I know on trucks with a part-time 4wd it's not recommended to drive in 4wd on pavement as there's a risk of severe driveline damage (seen it happen, not pretty) but trucks have a seperate transfer case, does that make a difference?
  4. Since I don't have an owner's manual I don't know. I've driven it in 4wd on dry pavement a few times and I didn't notice anything unusual, but I still don't know..
  5. 4 quarts plus filter puts me actually a little bit over the full mark. No big deal though.
  6. Yes, they use a distributor. Ignition is electronically controlled by the ECU.
  7. My CEL came on yesterday while I was playing with the car, the idle was unsteady. It would try to bring the idle down, but when it did it would sputter then kick the idle up again. Don't know if that had anything to do with the CEL. I plugged the white connectors together, turned the key to 'run' then looked at the LED. It's flashing 5 short flashes then just repeats the 5 short flashes over and over. What does that mean?
  8. 94. Also send me any other documents you have relating to the 94 Loyale, I'm always looking to learn as much as possible about my cars
  9. I took a few videos of the wagon today. http://s13.photobucket.com/albums/a289/Infinitrium/94%20Subaru%20Loyale/?action=view&current=CIMG1353.flv http://s13.photobucket.com/albums/a289/Infinitrium/94%20Subaru%20Loyale/?action=view&current=CIMG1362.flv http://s13.photobucket.com/albums/a289/Infinitrium/94%20Subaru%20Loyale/?action=view&current=tryagain.flv
  10. Does that affect the engine in any way? I know on other cars I've had, when they were in diagnostic mode the ECU would set the timing to 0 degrees and while the engine would still run, it would be way down on power. The fuel pump in my 94 wagon was cycling on every few seconds and I thought it was because of the fuel leak I had but the leak was repaired today and it still cycled on and off continuosly. I was reading the Trubo to Non turbo thread and saw grossgary mention that if the green plugs were connected, that puts the car into diagnostic mode and the fuel pump cycles itself on and off. When I read that, something clicked in my head and I ran outside to check my wagon and sure enough, the green plugs were connected.
  11. I got the fuel line fixed today. I got it running and found it was missing badly on just one cylinder. I switched wires and distributor cap and it made no difference. After picking at it for a few minutes I suspected it could be a faulty spark plug. I had the misfiring plug identified so I switched the bad one for a good one, then put the bad one where the good one was. Aha! The same plug was misfiring on a different cylinder! I went and picked up a package of plugs at Canadian Tire and put the new one in (didn't even gap it) and immediately noticed it was idling much much better. I think it still needs a tuneup though. I also had my first offroad adventure too. There's a gravel pit just behind where I live so I took the wagon down to try it out. I made it up one side easily and came back down. I then tried going up a steeper side. I made it about halfway up then stalled. The car slid to the side a bit when it slid so I tried backing up. Well I must have been low on gas because it did fire up but then sputtered and stalled out. I managed to push the car onto more level ground then tried starting it again and ran the battery down! A guy came along in a Cherokee and gave me a boost and got the wagon started but it was still running like it was out of fuel. It took a few minutes ot cranking and feathering the pedal but it finally picked up some hidden pocket of fuel and I was off again. I think it did pretty good on its first time out.
  12. Eh? Never mentioned the plug wires being bad....did I? I did pull a few wires off the plugs while the engine was running but I don't think they're bad.
  13. I took out a couple spark plugs and found one had almost no gap, looks like whoever changed the plugs the last time put this one in a bit crooked and pushed the side electrode down so it was very nearly touching the center electrode. The plugs looked to be in good condition overall. On another note, I pulled out the tranny dipstick and the fluid looked rather milky and smelled like extreme pressure grease.
  14. I had it out driving for a few minutes today. Still have a massive fuel leak so 10 bucks of gas didnt get me too much running time! It seems to run rough, using the ol' pull-one-plugwire-off-at-a-time method, it seems like cylinder 1 and 3 are weak, judging by how to idle changed when I pulled the wire off. Number 2 and 4 appear to be normal. I should undo the distributor cap and check it out. I got a chance to try the 4 wheel drive and it works perfectly. Is a small amount of a whining sound normal when in 4wd? I was looking at some Loyale videos on Youtube and Streetfire and a few of them made that sound too.
  15. I bought it and brought it home. I got the guy down to 350 bucks. It was running like hell, it's got a nasty fuel leak on a pressurized line coming from the fuel tank. It does seem to drive nice and the suspension seems good. How do I tell if the 4wd is working?
  16. I've got a 93 diesel Jetta that's about ready to fall apart. I was offered 400 bucks for it and what the hell, I think I'll take it. The body is rotted, front suspension is beat to death, exhaust is in pieces, clutch is worn, crank pulley is wobbly (it's the AAZ engine). I made a stupid mistake getting it, lets just say that. I looked at a 94 4wd Loyale wagon down the road and I think I might go for it. It's only on it's 2nd owner and has 190200 kilometers on it. The tires on it are nearly new, they'll easily get me through the winter. It's been sitting for a few years and needs exhaust work and some body work. The guy who has the car now has a boatload of spare parts for it, the entire ignition system, ECU's, gas tank, entire exhaust, alternator, original radio, etc. The guy is selling it for 500 firm, but he said he'd sell it to me for 450. It's not registered or inspected right now.
  17. Well, I was up to look at it yesterday. I don't know if the driver's seat just doesn't go back very far but man, I had hardly any room at all behind the wheel. It might need a battery, the guy said he had to boost it earlier in the day. I took it around the block, it's not insured or inspected right now. The engine seems to hesitate, and I thought I heard some faint ticking. Clutch seems alright, but it felt like the clutch pedal doesn't travel very far? I noticed the gearshift is really stiff, I mean it was hard to pull. I heard some clicking from the CV joints when I turned a corner. Heater fan doesn't work and the rear wiper doesn't work. It definetely does need brake work, the brake pedal is soft but it was locking one of the front tires on dirt. I didn't get to test the suspension or the hill holder, but the guy tells me the hill holder works fine. The body work it needs is along the left side rocker panel and floor seam, but it's not all that bad. Hmm, I don't know, if I didn't have 2 cars already I'd do it for sure.
  18. Yup, it's SPFI. I was up to have a quick look at it today. I popped the hood (door was unlocked) took a quick look and closed it back up. I could tell from looking that the catalytic converter is new, so I assume the owner is truthful when he said it's got a new exhaust.
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