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scoobie steve

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Everything posted by scoobie steve

  1. I think we all know what a 86 XT looks like. How about some pics of these Camaro injectors in your car! WJM. can you explain those cam specs to me. Is the top one a stock cam and the bottom one a regrind? Those are both very "small" profiles. The WRX stock cam has 208 @ .050" duration and .3622" of lift. Those cams are what you would expect to find on an emissions legal production car. IMHO i wouldnt go to all the hassle for such a small cam.
  2. Well I know a little about building engines. I helped build Dennis's first turbo engine. I mostly know the EJ engines because i gave up on the EA's. I have ported EA turbo heads and there isnt much that can be done with them, you should know larger ports doesnt mean more flow! You cant shave them enough to make a difference in anything. Maybe you noticed that the intake bolts didnt line up very well after the heads were shaved. Also when you shave suby heads the cam timing goes south. Higher compression on a turbo engine doesnt help anything other then detonation. You have modded injectors from a camaro. I would like to see that! You know that the 5.7l late 80's camaro engine made only 245hp and had 23.92lb injectors. To produce the "claimed 315hp" you would need 49lb injectors. Check here if you dont believe me http://www.rbracing-rsr.com/fuelinjectors.htm There is no way you can control 49lb injectors in your car. The most amusing thing about this thread it that you are running a stock turbo. Have you ever seen the stock turbocharger??Have you seen a turbo that can make 280whp?? there is NO comparison. I wish i could find a flow map for the stock turbo, that would be good for another laugh. Porting a turbo does very very little, you need to change the turbine size. I called your BS on that sorry dyno plot and you made some lame excuse. You are gonna run out of excuses very soon. Maybe you didnt bother to read my last post but you would need around 24 PSI to make the claimed HP, you are running what 11psi?? the stock turbo wont push more then about 17psi and then it's effiency is soo low is worthless. I encourage you to play with these calculators to see just how stupid your posts sound to people that know what they are talking about. The stock wrx has about 160whp, thats with great 4 valve heads, 3 cats and all the other mods you mentioned plus a much larger turbo. Your numbers dont add up. Sorry man All you have to do is post a REAL dyno slip making just 200whp and i will delete all my posts and never doubt you again. Thats it! How about some pics of this 283whp XT
  3. OH MAN, this was a good thread until the wheel hp was mentioned. BS is not even the word for this. I have built a couple EA82T in the past and there is no way you are making that kind of power, NONE! There are so many issues to resolve in the EA82T before you can even get half that whp.OK let me see if i got this straight. You are using the stock flapper door? stock injectors? and stock turbo?? All of those are MAXED out at around 200 crank hp. Dude, have you ever compared your turbo to one that can actually make 280whp (vf30,34,22). I like your dyno slip post, WTF is that from, definitely not a 1.8l engine. You have 250ft lbs of torque at 2000rpms LOL LOL LOL with "big cams" no less. What dyno was this and what load variable were you using because the hp/tq failed to cross at 5200 rpms, not that it matters because the car dynoed was not turbocharged or even a subaru. Man you can fool some guys sometimes but please dont insult us. You mention some ET's but failed to post MPH. ET is all about traction, MPH is about power, with 283whp 120MPH trap is not unreasonable. LOL Just for kicks punch some numbers in here and see how much boost it will take to make 315hp with a 1.8l engine! http://www.howstuffworks.com/framed.htm?parent=turbo.htm&url=http://www.turbofast.com.au/tfcalc.html Somewhere in the neighbor of 24 very efficient PSI "The power increase on my motor is from 120hp to 283 which is only 163hp" Your car stock at best will put 90hp to the wheels, so that is 193hp gain WOW... LOL not bad! If you're gonna BS make it BIG! Thanks Dennis for telling me about this link, I got a good laugh!
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