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Everything posted by crazyhorse001

  1. I had a great time meeting everyone. A great bunch of guys & gals. Here's a few pics of Alcyones at Fontana Dam. Group shot SVX en masse XT's The Tree of Shame....Dead bike parts from "Dragon Bites" All my Pics are here: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v205/crazyhorse001/ I hate I missed out on driving the loop with everyone, but the kids were getting REALLY restless. Maybe next year. I unfotunately watched a DuoSport rider go down as I went back up The Dragon on my way out. He was hurt, but still moving. I hope he's OK. Again it was a pleasure meeting everyone, and I had fun watching Huck & Austin do some impromptu bodywork.
  2. One thing I've noticed about Subies. Once you get one in your driveway, they tend to multiply. I still have just one at the moment, but I'm keeping my eye out for another.
  3. Seems Huck & I are the only ones still at home. Today will be quiet for us XT6'ers. I'll be leaving tomorrow around 1pm-ish. That'll put me at the crossroads of time around 3pm-ish. I already packed my bags & found a room in Robbinsville. I can't afford Fontana Village. Besides, staying in Robbinsville is appropriate, being as my last name is Robbins. I can't wait to meet all the cool people.
  4. A "redneck" fix on the rear diff. If you don't already own a mini spool, you can add in what we call a "Lincoln Locker" ...Take one Lincoln welder, use it to weld the spider gears solid. It's cheap & dirty...just the ticket for a Demo car
  5. if the catalytic converter is still attached, it MAY be stopped up. I had the same symptoms in my 87.5 XT turbo. turns out the cat was nearly completely plugged. either way I'd be looking at my exhaust, and air filter, sounds like it can't breathe.
  6. For simplicity's sake You could drop in an EJ22 from an Impreza or early Legacy. Mind you, I say simplicity, but there is the small matter of the ECU wiring. Things get more complicated as you increase engine size/HP. For instance an EJ22t, you need to find room for the turbo & associated plumbing. Then there's the "big dog" swap of an EG33 from an SVX. This requires a lot of ingenuity, and careful application of a BFH to massage the body, for a proper fit. Any engine can be stuffed into any car, IF you have the cash, time, and/or paitence. Personally I'm waiting for someone to build a mid-engined EG33SC Justy:headbang:
  7. For simplicity's sake You could drop in an EJ22 from an Impreza or early Legacy. Mind you, I say simplicity, but there is the small matter of the ECU wiring. Things get more complicated as you increase engine size/HP. For instance an EJ22t, you need to find room for the turbo & associated plumbing. Then there's the "big dog" swap of an EG33 from an SVX. This requires a lot of ingenuity, and careful application of a BFH to massage the body, for a proper fit. Any engine can be stuffed into any car, IF you have the cash, time, and/or paitence. Personally I'm waiting for someone to build a mid-engined EG33SC Justy:headbang:
  8. Yeah Z, The Dragon isn't but a few hours from B'ham. You could do it as "day trip" on saturday.
  9. Who would be up for taking the "back way" to I-81 on sunday afternoon/evening? I'd be up to show off my neighborhood & some REALLY fun 2 lane blacktop. We'd end up about 70mi east of Knoxville & maybe 30mi west of I-26. A little out of the way for some, and maybe a shortcut for others. All told, from Fontana to I-81 it'll be about 3-3.5hrs. Mind you, when I say back way, once we get into my home county, I MEAN back way. It's all well paved 2.lane roads, but not on any atlas maps!
  10. That's GUTSY Hocrest!! I'm still in search of the itinerary. I'd like to find a piece of 4 lane for some "drive by" shots. I just dunno if the schedule will allow for it. These will give each owner a chance to "show off" thier car's sound & power. If I can't get a stetch of 4lane, I'll just post myself somewhere & get them the hard way....from the side of the road.
  11. OK I was just informed that I'll have a spare kid with me. Moody, I can't stay with you... too many people in my group. Rob if you want a warm bed, it's yours. We'll be staying in Robbinsville. Which is very apropriate considering my last name IS Robbins:cool:
  12. Moody, I may be up for $60 for both nights. I'll need to talk it over with "She Who Must Be Obeyed" & get back this evening. Jeff may have company in the floor with my 2 rugrats.
  13. I've always been of the mindset that you can make your payments to the bank, or the parts store. I prefer the parts store...they can't repo:grin: Subies are SOOOO easy to work on, not they need it often tho. The parts can be tough to find, and expensive, but they beat $400/mo. I Love my '97 Legacy wagon, with leather, CD/mp3& all the other toys, its a TRUE luxury car. Lexus my shiny metal ***
  14. EG33 powered SV-XT6, AKA Frankenwedge, Built by Huck369 ince he hasn't posted pics of his own, I'll post a link to his site. http://www.cardomain.com/ride/423668 Huck, and grossgary are our resident XT6 gurus over at xt6.net. You gotta admire the ingenuity it took to shoehorn that EG33 into an ea series chassis.
  15. Thanks Nipper, just what I wanted to hear. I MUCH prefer to "overengineer" things. I like reliability, that's why I love Subies
  16. 97 Legacy Wagon LSI ej25 4eat 120xxxmi My wagon shows no signs of the dreaded Torque Bind, but I happen to have one mismatch tire on the car. I ran the FWD fuse, but decided to install a toggle switch on the dash. Will using this switch cause any damage? (yes there is a fuse inline with it [10a]) My thinking is, that a fuse is actually a bridge. A switch is a bridge. Therefore adding a switch makes an easily removable bridge. With the light damage to the front of my wagon, the hood can be a pain to open. My intent is to run in FWD until cashflow allows me to buy 4 tires. Then use the switch to "show off" the wheelspin that an EJ25 is capable of in FWD:burnout:
  17. But an EG33 powered XT6 sounds like boatloads of fun....hopefully this weekend I'll get a chance to ride in one!
  18. I've seen engine bays that were wall to wall motor, but the WHOLE CAR!!!! Holy sheep s**t Batman! I thought the guy wit a twin turbo 383stroker in a Pinto was nuckin futz!
  19. I figure since XT6.net is down we needed a place to post up our Dragon plans. Personally I work 3rd shift, so I'll be leaving here around 2pm. That'll put me at the crossroads of time around 3:30-4pm. I'll be bringing my lappy & my digital video camera to make a cool video. I didn't think I'd be able to stay all weekend, but it looks like I'll be there for everything. Can anyone post up the itinerary that was on XT6.net? I have something I'd like to work into it, for the video. EDIT: I'll be selling the videos, but not making a profit on them... think around $1ea.
  20. Always have been *grin*:-p I hate that sickly sweet smell of burnt antifreeze:dead:
  21. That's great Connie!! Looking forward to meeting yourself, Tommy, and especially Rocky:clap:
  22. Connie I'll PM you my # that way, if you get closer to here than home & have probs you have a local to call for help. I don't have any XT parts, but I should be able to at a minimum come get you & take you, & Tommy where you need to go. I've had that love/hate relationsip with an XT, so I know your pain.
  23. with the Hondas being there @ the same time I think I need a car count so I can buy a box of "Uncle Ben's" for each Alcyone to display in it's rear window. Oh yeah & by the way, there have been 3 fatalities on bikes this weekend, so expect INTENSE police presence next weekend. Add to that the weather here has been unpredictale & HOT!! It may or may not rain on any given day, depending on conditions that change from moment to moment. You GOTTA love living in the mountains
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