Lol, the car is now named "Crazy Lori" as that was the ladys name which he bought it from, and man was she bat sh*t crazy OMG! The car has a Good luck monk on the window (Which she said is ours to keep) lol sure thing lady, that is the first thing to come off this car! Then she was like (Don't tell my co-workers any of this, but my daughter was on heroin and blah blah blah, so the car over heated outside of the ER) We're both thinking, "Lady! We don't even know you, nor where you work, nor do we wish to. How could it ever be possible to tell your co-workers any of this?"
OMG she was sooooo crazy! She gave me this paper with stupid crap thats been done to that car, she made it like this paper had the launch codes for a nuclear missile (It was the important to her)