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Everything posted by TheLoyale

  1. Yeah i know!! Well i couldent find any other blue lights! I had Salvania cool blues before, But there just white!!
  2. I guess it's not the point it's fun! I just like bright blue lights, I gives the car a cool look! You know ..
  3. Yeah you can go with Nokya artic white with out haveing a problem!! I like the deep blue and plus there so bright! It's great to blind people at night! And it's even better if they flash there bright's are you and you flash your's! Yeah Hahahahahahahahahaahaha!! Nothing like bright bulbs!
  4. Yeah the EA82 is not ment for power, But it'll get you anywhere you wanta go!! 101ft lbs @2800rpm!! It's not a ricer it was ment to go offroading/trail riding in the Aussie outback!! But you can't ask for a more reliable engine! I will never buy a Honda! I hear there a pain to work on! Nothing else except Subaru or Land rover for me!
  5. Wow beautiful pics man!! I like all of'em! Subaru it'll get ya there! Yeah i know it's not that hard what you did! You can do it with a Justy but the pic's are just cool!
  6. I bought a new light assembly for my Loyale and for some resin moister get's in and it fog's up! And after the morning sun get's on it! It turns to water!! And i already put a clear silocone around where the glass meets the metel housing so WTF!!!!?????
  7. Oh wait i' sorry! I almost forgot you had a Loyale! Ok never mind about the sealed beam thing! ok!! 9004
  8. The Headlight number is 9004! Ok! Yeah i've got these Nokya artic white 100/120w bulb's in mine! As you see from the avatar! Really nice! And i've got the corner light's blue too! Oh! Wait! you got hologan's right?? If ya do it's 9004 if you have sealed beam then i don't know??
  9. I think so.... I like to hear all the power and sound out of the engine not the leaky rump roast pipe!!
  10. Yeah that could be what he ment! But if you droped a EJ motor in a EA82 vehicle and if you had the hold EJ exhaust assembly why would you used the rest of the EA82 exhaust?? That to me sould stupid?? Maybe he wanted to make everyone aregue over this?? Hahahaha! IDK People.
  11. I kinda figured it wouldent work! That guy on here that said that must not know what he's talking about? Thanx for clearing that up!
  12. Yeah i guess the more i think about it! The CRX could beat an EA82.
  13. I doubt a CRX could beat a Loyale! Have you seen the way alot of these Ricer's have it set up? With those big-rump roast stupid mufflers and dumb underglow kits, Hahahahahahaha! I know the 88 CRX has about 120PS but look at how most of there are takin' care of!:-\
  14. PS: And that's wyh that guy in the CRX was chickin'! Subaru's a tuffer sound then a Ricer!
  15. All i'm saying is the Displacement helps with the Bum-bum-bum-bum! And i know what Displacement means and is! Maybe i dident word it right last night? I was a little tired ok!
  16. I don't think it's a good idea to put ATV wheels on a car!! Unless it's a Geo! lol:lol:
  17. There ya go! You said it! I mean CRX's are kinda cool! But you can't ever beat a SUBARU! Boxer power! Ya know what it is! It's the displacement! Honda doesent have what it takes!
  18. Hahahahaha! I guess i'll be a dead banana! Anyhoo yeah i suppose it would work! I'm not going to do it i was just wondering! lol.. Oh BTW, Where did you get that brush guard from?? I'd like to get one for my Loyale but don't know how/if i can bolt it on? I know it can be done because i saw a 88-89 GL wagon with one that looked OEM but that was in Aussie? It's a pic on the net somewhere! But anywayz cool wagon tho! I like that rack too!
  19. I keep hearding post's about putting 14" ATV wheels on a Roo? Can you do that? And how would it look? Or do i not know what i'm talking about and i'm a Dead banana?
  20. Hey Shanon that's good to hear! Does the EA81 sound alot better? It's good to fix any leaks you mite have!
  21. Ok! Well i guess someone took it off or it rotted off!? Too bad! Yeah as far as i know i don't have a leak in the resinator.. It's pretty quite!
  22. I was runing my Loyale today and i was reving it around 3300-3700rpm and i love the tuff grawl of it! And no! There's no exhaust leaks! Kia in your face!! Hahahahahaha:lol:
  23. Now wich one is the Cat?? Is it right after the Y-pipe come's down? Of is it the 2nd one??? Closer to the front door?
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