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    I Love My Subaru

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  1. i wanted to see what was what with my awd. I put the car on jack stands in put it in first gear...the front two wheels always turn and only the drivers side rear turns until i put my foot on it then the other kicks in. My question is ...is it normal that both front wheels are always going ? i was under the impression only i in front and one in back should go until i slip....please let me know. thanks matt
  2. no problems just wonderin if its working, i am also a little concerned with his explanation of the speed sensor cause a CEL to come one because of the tranny swap, but i dont think he would tell me that before it even happened to me unless that was the cause.
  3. and oh yeah, the are like no heat shields he says the havent been for like 50000 miles? do/should i care? u tell me
  4. This car is sick, it is fast as hell and a fun car to drive. I need opinions on what to think about a few things though. Seller was a nice guy. He pointed out to me before it even happened that the check engine light comes on a high speed, he says it has done so since the tranny swap and claims it to be a speed sensor reading the car is in park and going above 55 because he had to fool the car into thinking it was in park for life, is this a propable thing?-that is point 1. Point 2 is the abs light, i would like to make it clear that i couldnt give a ************ about having abs. he says it has been on since he bought it and never cared either, is there a reason why i should other than not having abs?-also he says the car goes through an anti lock brake check when it starts and i will feel it in the pedal sometimes when the check happens, which i do, the pedal thumps for like 2 seconds and then it goes away....any of this an issue as long as i dont care if i have anti-lock? point 3 i went ahead and put high mielage oil in it and i put it 4.5 quarts, it is a 93 legacy turbo, its reading a little high, did i put too much in, the book said just over 4 quarts? point 4- i got the 5mt tranny in this thing shifts smooth whatever blah blah blah. He did the swap and claims he put synthetic fluid in it, it is NOT red???? ive never dealt with synth. tranny fluid before is this normal or not? i assume it is if the guy had enough brains to do the swap i doubt he could mess up something so simple....my real question is what should i run in this tranny should it eventually leak, what weight and what type of fluid? an opinions on any of these things are genuinely appreciated. i have never owned a subaru but fell in love going down route 79 south on the way home. bought this car for better economy over my wrangler and was completely shocked at its turbo power. even more shocked to encounter the amount of high end upgrades dude put in without telling me while i was doing brakes and waht not today. Didnt recognize the shocks but my buddy did and says bad rump roast stuff.
  5. i have him down to 1800 dollars, im trying to work on him a little more but we will haev to see, im gonna try to see the car today...found out it has a couple little rust areas but hes making it out to be not too bad of a fix, we shall see.
  6. backwoodsboy if he refuses my final offer on it i will let you know if you are serioulsy interested, im just nervous after reading about 1000000 blown head gaskets on this page thats all.
  7. he replaced the auto tranny with a 5 speed and a new clutch, which i dont have a problem with. Since he went ahead and did that should he have removed that fuse or not? what are your feeling on this?
  8. I have been looking for a subaru and i found a 93 legacy wagon with 180,000 miles on it, looks like it was taken great care of and the whole deal. My question is that is it COMMON for a subaru with this many miles to run very much farther, i have read all the 350,000 miles stories and all that great stuff but i would like to know how common it is to hit around 250,000. any input would be appreciated alot. thank, matt
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