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About hummer1331

  • Birthday 05/19/1987

Profile Information

  • Location
    The Dalles
  • Occupation
    Schuck's Auto Supply
  • Vehicles
    87' Subaru GL Wagon

hummer1331's Achievements


Newbie (1/11)



  1. two questions... How do i use the connectors? they are under the hood for me, do i connect them then read the codes and where does the code blink at. exactly? Secondly what does the fuel pump relay look like??? Not quite sure what i'm looking for. thanks yall!
  2. where is the relay located? under the dash? thank you!
  3. So the ignition system is fine the fuel system is still the problem. It is starting for about five seconds and i don't think enough fuel is getting through. i tested the fuel pump's power and it is receiving about 8 to 9 volts. Is that enough? Could there be a issue in the fuel line itself? I really want this car to run... what can i do?
  4. Yall' have been awesome! I tested the spark plugs and they are not sparking so i'll be troubleshooting ignition stuff now. Thank you! I checked all the fuses in the passenger compartment and found two blown but they weren't very important. cigar and mirror... How do i know if the fusible links behind the battery have gone bad or not? Thanks again!
  5. Howdy Everyone! I have a 87' Subaru GL Wagon That is FI. I just got it and started working on it and am new to the subaru world. I took some pics of some lose ends that i was wondering what should go there... Let me know if it is important or not! Thank You! Right behind the alternator #1 is on top of the engine sensor of some type? #2 is some lose connections... Here is an up close of #2... Here is an up close of #1 Here is another up close of #1 #3 This i think is part of the exhaust... Should there be something there? and yes i see the torn cv boot #4 a lose plug above the air cleaner... a close up... #5 another lose one by the air cleaner up close... #6 another lose one same area close up... #7... Here is some more lose connections above the right wheel well... and up close... any help would be apreciated!! Thank You!
  6. I have a 87 Subaru Gl FI, and i cant get it to start. I just replaced the fuel pump and it is turning over but not starting. what are some other common possibilities i should check? Could use any sugestions! Thank You!
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