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Everything posted by biggman100

  1. Has anyone ever used the ELMSCAN 5 USB ( http://www.scantool.net/elmscan-5-usb.html ) to connect to a 1996-2001 Subaru Legacy or Impreza. I have bought one of the cheap units on ebay, and that wouldnt connect, i also bought one from autozone for over $100, and that wouldnt connect either. The wierd part is both of the units i bought wouldnt work on any of my chryslers either. I have however had no problems connecting the handheld units and getting the codes that way, but what i am looking for is a unit i can plug into my laptop and get real time monitoring, which elmscan says there unit will do on any car made after 1996, but the others i bought said the same thing, and they only worked on GM and Ford. I greatly appreciate any advice you guys and girls can give me.
  2. I have had subarus that have lasted well over 300k, as long as you do the routine maintenance. I currently have a 93 legacy wagon with 265k, a 94 legacy wagon with 302k, a 1998 legacy gt wagon with 225k, a 2002 legacy with 235k and a 2001 legacy wagon with 157k (my wifes, she babies it). All were bought by us used, but i am particular about doing the maintenance at least 500 miles before it is due, and except for the 98, which needs head gaskets again because i am, as my wife says, too rough with it, i havent had to do any major repairs to any of them. I also make it a habit to change the timing belts 10000 miles before the recommendation in the owners manual.
  3. I just wanted to let everyone know its fixed and now i feel like an idiot. I was just goofing off trying different things, changed the #2 spark plug and wire and it runs perfect, who knew that a bad plug could cause that. Thanks to everyone who tried to help.
  4. The only diagram i have showing the wiring to the injectors doesnt have any pin #'s or what pins on the ecu plug correspond to what. It also doesnt have any wire colors listed, which is why i have been searching unsuccesfully to find a diagram with all the relevant info.
  5. As a P.S. I have also replaced the water pump, timing belt, thermostat, flushed the radiator, replaced the clutch, and the heater core. One last question: is the ecu from a 1992 legacy 2wd wagon the same as the ecu in the legacy awd wagon.
  6. I have a 1993 subaru legacy awd wagon with a 2.2l that has a bad #2 injector. It has the 5-speed manual transmission. I replaced a whole list of stuff for a bunch of reasons, but the biggest has been a new motor due to the old one blew from overheating. I have replaced the motor in this car twice in less than a month, one because it blew up, one because the one that i bought to replace the original had bad head gaskets, so now im on the third engine, only because it was cheaper for this engine than replacing the head gaskets in the other one. Now to my problem. I took it in and had it put on a scanner because it has no power and has a hard miss. The scanner came back and said a bad #2 injector. After replacing the injector it still ran the same, and after doing some serious checking i found that a couple of the metal lines on the intake were crushed plus a fuel line somehow got bent beyond repair, so I replaced the intake, along with the fuel rails and injectors, and all the metal lines on the intake, and the entire engine wiring harness, with the one off the engine with the blown head gaskets. The problem is still there. A dealer said change the ecu but would the ecu just all of a sudden stop working on just that one injector? Also i cant seem to find the ecu in that car, any ideas on where it might be. Before i pulled the motor that had the bad head gaskets it was running fine, it just had no heat and we traced it to bad head gaskets, and then i changed to this motor and now this problem shows up. One of the things i really need to find is a wiring diagram that will show which wires for that injector go where, and what color they are. I already bought a haynes manual but the wiring diagrams in that book arent that good. I also had the entire interior out to replace because before i bought this car someone used it for a dog house, or at least thats what it looked like because the interior was all chewed up. But after i put the interior in it it ran fine with the previous motor. My other question is if the timing belt is off one tooth on the #2 and #4 injector side could that cause just the #2 injector to stop working. Thank you all and any help given will be greatly appreciated.
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