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Everything posted by r_kirky

  1. As long as they have the beveled holes. One of my spares does not and it would require special washers to run permanently.
  2. I still can't believe I am not under a car today replacing a rear axle. I am very happy with my new ride. Thanks Scott, Jeff and Will for helping me make this happen.
  3. I had a great time. What a feeling it was to go through a full day without a broken axle. Congrats Jeff! Next time I will remember to bring my camera.
  4. Welcome Back, You helped me with an EJ wiring harness at wcss 9 and I finally got the EJ in and running. Thanks again for the help. -Rob
  5. That car looks too cool especially all stickered up. What gave up in the engine?
  6. Scott is your handle on youtube SilentSAssassin?
  7. It is running and driving. Do we need to build the lift parts? If so would you like me to come by earlier in the week to get a head start?
  8. Just have to button up a few things and it's on. It was pretty nice getting to some mechanical work after with the wiring. The engine sounds pretty cool with just the Y pipe and cat, almost too loud for a DD. I hope the home front has settled down a bit for you and am happy to hear your dog is doing better. -Rob
  9. It LIVES! :banana: :banana: :headbang: :headbang:
  10. Oddly enough the hatch has more room to mount a rack than the ea82 sedan does. I kept my rack from the hatch to transfer over but to my surprise I will have to remount the towers closer together. That rack looks nice it's about time somebody started offering them for a reasonable price.
  11. It is still giving me a bit of trouble. I also have been hiding from the sun the last few days. I think I have it figured except for a few details. I am sure when I get it figured it will seem real simple.
  12. I'm still rolling 2nd gen just not wheeling it.
  13. I hope so, I should know for sure as soon as I figure out the wiring. I think the brat will have an EJ and a 5sp before it tries to keep up with the imps again.
  14. Just EJ it, that way when you figure out the wiring you can come help me with mine. Congrats on the new wagon.
  15. Either would be cool just as long as the stickers are gigantic and by gigantic I mean make a honda race car driver blush.
  16. Welcome I am just down the street a little ways as well. Good luck on the project you will have to join us on our next subie adventure. -Rob
  17. Dual range trans in and EJ on the way. EJ in and spaghetti waiting for me tomorrow morning. Thanks Jeff and Will for picking up the radiator and power steering pump for me. I think all that is holding me back now is me.
  18. I am in, I got my flywheel re drilled and installed on the EJ. Hope to start the tear down this week should go quick until I get to the odds and ends involved with the EJ swap.
  19. all of which would be much easier with the light, properly mounted hids would render.
  20. I'm in, I will send you some cash for the trans asap I think someone is going to buy the lift tomorrow. then it is trans, flywheel, EJ, Lift, bumper, and Walker.
  21. Sorry I already sold it to the recyclers. I suppose if you wanted it badly enough you could buy it from them before they crush it for about .80 cents a pound.
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