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Everything posted by Mugs

  1. Actually I think Memorial Day Weekend is a great weekend to have it. It worked for 98% of everyones' schedule And if you weren't trying to follow some stikin yahoo in a grey BRAT thinking that is car was speeed racer you would not have gotten almost zinged There MR. GPS is my speedo guy. No, really a great weekend just watch the speeds coming down a hill, will post more on my "trip" later. Right now my son an I have a BRAT to unload and gear to clean.
  2. There is at least 10 EA81 at P & S right now. or at least there was on WED when I went.
  3. Provided the BRAT doesn't sell by then I will more then likely be showing up Sat evening around 7-8ish pm, with my 13 year old son. Can we post some maps of the campground and a map of how to get to it. (I can get to Eburg but will need to know where to go from there.) Maybe some contact info of key personell would be good as well. Hope to see you there. If anything changes I will let you know.
  4. Are you from "Happy Camp" California or a different Happy Camp. I have "family" who live there, is why I ask. Any way welcome aboard.
  5. I think RC is soo cool. I would love to get into it...Especially the aviation part. I was blown away when I went into a local RC shop and saw how much some of the premo stuff cost. $3k for a frame :eek: thats nuts. I would rather spend that money on a real car and go fast. Still cool stuff.
  6. Whats with all this bashing talk.... I did not have to bash anything with my 6in lift... things bolted right in... camber is perfect (as verified by my alignment shop) all we did was set toe and go. I am not saying that isn't what you guys had to do...I just didn't experiance it with my lift 6in EA82 BOSS lift.
  7. Junk the car. I VW is not worth the piss that leaves your body. (so says I....an ex 20+ vw enthusiest...unitll I went to work for a vw shop....never again I say...never again.)
  8. Got mine all tuned up this weekend with the boy. Plugs, cap, rotor, wire, LOF, drain & fill fliuids, both fuel filters...and replaced the wiper motor. Took it for a drive on the highway...man I need a 5spd D/R cause at 65 I was @ 3k can't imagine what will happen when I it the 70mph limit on I90:eek: Also tore out the interier and front cowl and removed all the mice nest in there. To include a mouse. Now all that is left it to wash and wax it. No way a weber and a 5spd is happening by then...would be nice though. see you all there
  9. Spokane, Wa. other wise known as little Russia. (Monstaru and Baccaruda as well)
  10. I would use a floor jack and some jack stands
  11. Well I got the carbs out. But am still waiting on parts for the engine and stuff, so I proceeded to KREEM and paint my tank. And do my seat. I also did a bunch of little stuff on the bike to bring it all back to snuff. Here are some more pics. This pic make the tank look totally green because of the flash.... Flash off..Its a green/purple mirage color scheme...It changes according to what angle your are looking at it...the pics really don't do it justice. The clear coat went on a little too dry so I will re shoot a little "wetter" and see how that comes out. Then a fine cut and wax will bring it out to the fullest I think. Ok now on to the carbs
  12. Das is a unin piecein a ************tin.
  13. This is in hopes that it will fix the re-accuring 420 code. It is for a "customer" and since he allready paid me for the O2 job I am throwing this in as a freebee. So I don't want to replace the front unless that code pops. MPG and clean emissions is not a problem with it...yet.
  14. Man she sure is looking good. It will be ready in no time at all.
  15. Ok so I am going to try the anti fouler trick. Allready replaced the rear O2 and was good for about a month. It was mentioned that one needs to drill out the anti fouler for the O2 to fit (I havee allready bought the parts and confirmed this). So my question is this: Do I drill it out just enough for the O2 "nozzle" to fit into the fouler and leave the small hole at the end still intact. Or do I drill the whole thing through and have it be one big opening? Thanks in advance. Doug.
  16. A 38 Weber is too big and you are "bogging" your engine down until it can catch up with itself. A weber 32/36 is what you want/need. Import Experts (click on link) have about the best deal around. But then again this is for a "regular" EA81 and not the hypo airplane one you have. But I would say start with the carb and then go from there.
  17. Please keep in mind thought that some of us (me) will be coming up with children. And as far as my stand is...I try to "give my kids the best and keep them from the rest." I personaly don't drink (any more) and am pretty adimit about keeping my kids from that type of "enviroment" but that not to say they are not and have not been exposed to it. Just keep it under control and don't be making a fool of yourself. Otherwise it's not Brian your gonna have to worry about...its me.
  18. The engine is to drool over. But (and I say this as a chevy lover) I think chevy could have done way better with the design of the "new" camero. So if I was to have that kind of money laying around, I would have bought the new Dodge Challenger RT and then done something to the same effect to it. Or I would take a 72 RT as well...But the 72 and the 2010 look very close to the same. But in reality if I did have that kind of money I would pay off all my debt and wife's debt, then go play....Yah here ya go heres your bachelors, and a the bill for it...oh and by the way we don't have a job for you to be able to pay it off...You have till the .... to start making payments.
  19. Well to put every ones mind at ease... I have been "riding" for 23 years now. Used to race (street and drag) and have a very safe track record. The story of why I "gave it up" is I almost got killed on a CBR 600 RR when my boys were real young. So I said ok, its cruisers from here on out. It has just taken me this long to get one. I am boiling the tank out as we speak and then lining with the KREEM system..works great and have used it several times before. The petcock is allready soaking in carb cleaner and the screen is getting replaced. The carbs I am re building. New lines and misc stuff that will need to get replaced as I go along. Maintaince type stuff nothing elaborite.
  20. Well I will make a long story short. After 13 years of not having a motorcycle and whining very spring about it. I finally had the chance to buy one. Its nothing fancy but it is enough to get my feet wet again. The wife is not happy about it, but she'll get over it like everything else...She is basically afraid for me more thne anything else..lots of her friends have died or have had bad accidents with one. She needs some work but what do you want for a bike that has been sitting for a long time in a barn. Paid the guy $200 bucks, after confirming it runs off of starting fluid Allready have her stripped down to the carbs. Carb rebuild kit (four of them)...on the way New seat cover...on the way side "LTD" covers...on the way Gas tank liner kit (KREEM)...on the way Thanks E-bay. The rest I can take care of here or head back to e-bay. So far total investment $400 (inlcuding purchase price) The run down: 1982 Kawasaki KZ-550 LTD (not fan of kawi, but who cares at this point) 11,344 original miles...farmer only used it to go to the house-barn-fields an back. will keep posted of progress.
  21. OK well someone in here (don't see the post now) said to show them a pic of a tool box that takes up a wall and then they will show me a pick of theirs. Well here goes. This is my buddies tool box who has been a mechanic where I work (he has been there for about 25 years now) and yes it is full. There was a truck in the way so I could not get a full frontal shot but you get the idea. So here goes.
  22. Welcome to the forum. Glad to have another spokanite here. Hope to meet up with you some day since we do live in the same town and all
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