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  • Location
    Hastings, NE
  • Occupation
  • Biography
    life long ford addic
  • Vehicles
    93 loyale

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Member (2/11)



  1. Got my 93 Loyal from my sister in law for free. Put about $300 in it, not too pretty, but good daily driver across town for work.
  2. Most auto parts stores should sell them. Called mechanical temp gauge adaptor. should be a couple different sizes either 1/2 inch pipe or 3/8.
  3. Capillary tube bulb needs a seat to seal against.
  4. The one by the headlight, passenger side.
  5. I guess the back spacing is my biggest concern. Around here the import bone yards are almost non existant.
  6. What is the best fitting 6 bolt wheel? toyo, nissan or the chevy 1/2 ton.
  7. Does the lever just have to be pushed back or is it the cable that gets stuck? I'm not used to park brakes on a front wheel disc. I have replaced an axle on the same side so I might have pulled the hose too far and collapsed it, havn't had time to check it out. Thanks for the info
  8. Has anyone rebuilt a front caliper on a Loyale, or similar? Do you need any special tools for the spring on the park brake? I have a caliper locked up or a collapsed hose.
  9. Sorry been out for a few days. Cap, rotor and plugs have been changed. If I remove the oil filler cap air puffs out with the miss, but it seems to smooth out with rpm's. There is oil leaking all around the head it looks like.
  10. 1. My 93 Loyale has a factory option tape player and I am intsalling a Jensen MP3 player, will the tape player plug into the cd player and work? They both have the same plug. 2. Does anyone have the wiring diagram to the radio? I know they make a plug but I like to do things the hard way. 3. The ea82 engine has a dead miss in #1 cylinder at an idle that seems to go away with higher rpms. Is it possible to blow a head gasket without going into the cooling system? There looks like oil leaking around where the head meets the block. Thanks for any answers.
  11. My 93 loyale has a broken park lamp on the right side. The local salvage yards in this area are not well stocked in Subaru parts. They want $40 for a used one they have to ship in. Is this too high? I thought I had found one on the internet for around $20 but can't seem to find it anymore?:-\ Thanks
  12. Is the O2 sensor mounted before the cat in the y pipe or does it matter if you gut it?
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