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EvilDead last won the day on August 15 2016

EvilDead had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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  • Location
    Up on Cripple Creek
  • Vehicles
    04 WRX - 87 RX - 88 GL

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Subaru Fanatic!

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  1. $70 for the ea82turbo im still looking in to shiping,i could send it flat rate which shouldnt be more then $10 bucks .how fast do you want it. or i could give you both ea82t's for $100+ shipng that way she has a spare turbo. im tryin to get rid of them because i no longer have my 86 coup.let me know.


  2. I run studded IPikes on one of my Imprezas. Sure they are a lil loud, but it's a nice trade for stupid awesome traction in the ice/snow. Well worth the money.
  3. Did a ton of searching, and haven't quite found what I need. I am helping a friend swap the 4.11 rear diff in a automatic Impreza. Got the new diff already, and gear oil ready. Any advice, or pointers before I crap open the garage?
  4. Welcome to the forum! I got a 87 RX myself. Love that lil car almost as much as my WRX. Good luck, and have fun with your project!
  5. Looks almost like my mom's first one (save the sunroof) that I rolled with my baby sitter when I was twelve years old! Fun car. Have a great time tinkering with it. Oh and welcome to the forums!
  6. More! My lady: Newer one of me: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs180.snc1/6772_138193563168_520273168_3068335_1741378_n.jpg
  7. What a strange town Farmington is! Welcome to the boards btw.
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