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The Dude Abides

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Everything posted by The Dude Abides

  1. When i had my 21 year old ears that would be sweet. Im more into tame sound now i guess. I was all about no muffler and more noise. But sadlly as i got older i get worn out of that. I think if you took your cat off and had a high flowing muffler it would be the perfect balance of cool.
  2. I saw a video on youtube where the guy had an ej22 and he posted an exhaust and running video. I emailed him and asked what he had done. He said he removed the 2nd cat and strait piped it but still had the muffler on. The short answer is it sounded awsome and had that growl to it. Not overbearing like it is with no muffler. When he stepped into it thats when you really heard it, but it idle it was pretty tame.
  3. The only thing i can say is that the city got on you for 2 cars that looked decent enough. What are they going to say about those 2.
  4. I think the basic mechanic really only needs craftsman, or other. Hell my cheap china brand socket took off the stubborn bolt just as easy as a craftsman. I dont feel like digging in the shed for the good tools. I just go with what i have around. That being said, if your more then a shadetree mechanic i think you would need something more. I have never needed anything more then a set of craftsman tools and some specility tools i get at the dealership or parts store.
  5. Im thinking you need to do what you did to your brat. Leather outback seats.
  6. You might be better off trying to find a set of mazda 14inch wheels. You can have more sidewall.
  7. Why you are working on your car now or yesterday is beyond me. I dont know about the easy out but i will say something about the heat. It has saved my butt on more then 1 occasion. Even if you just have a butane torch it is more then enough. I will spending some of my christmas money on a new torch to help out on occasion. There are some pepole who drill out the center of the bolt then go from there. Cobalt or Carbide are good bits to go with and use tapping or drilling oil.
  8. I love my subaru when it worked. The FI version seems to have better manners but when you put lift and big wheels on it kinda boggs itself down with the xtra weight. What i did and what lots do is a pretty simple 2 inch lift with 27 inch tires. Its not bad on the cv shafts and the weight isnt to bad for the engine. As far as a system i dont really understand that. These cars dont really acoustic well with the light material the doorcards and the metal is. I would personally just put in 4 6 1/2 speakers and a decent head unit in it and call it a day. Mine Before Mine After
  9. One of the things your going to find on here with these guys and the australia guys is that most of what can be done, has been done. Should you put 31 inch tires on your hatch, id say No. The basic reason I and most others thought to put 31 inch tires on is because its the basic offroad size tire. When for these vehicles unless heavyly modified cannot handle that type of weight. No because any slight problem your going to find very quickly. You have a machine shop and thats great, so now you can make your own lift kit. If i were you, personally since you want to go big id go size 235 with redrilled chevy wheels. Trust me, 235 with most 3 or 4 inch lifts will be plenty of tire and will still require cutting.
  10. What are you wanting to do i guess. You can get some ea81s to get above 100 or so hp with mods there are a few on here who have done that. EJ22 has around 130hp but fuel injected so you need to get the ecu and whatnot.
  11. My subaru did way better in the snow on regular all seasons unlifted then it ever did with the mud terrains lifted.
  12. It has disappeared, anyone know of its status.
  13. These vehicles are front wheel by design first with selectable 4wd to lock in the rear diff. Even if you never used the 4wd in these they will handle great. I think even if you dont need to worry about snow that much its still a nice purchase to get. If you can find an oklahoma one with no rust your miles ahead of where alot of others are. Good Luck.
  14. Ok, so what are the plans. I know, swap everything from teh brat to the hatch and beat that thing up on the trails. ON a side note, its nice to see a fresh picture of my future wagon in the backgrount.
  15. Again, just saying. I understand why it is being put away its just still kinda sad.
  16. Subaru shines the most when its under pressure. Cant get that sittin in a garage.
  17. I just told my brother to go check that out, but i knew if it was a rust free hatch in the colorado area you would snag it. By the way, didnt happen unless theres pictures.
  18. Happy Birthday Tom. I understand why you put it away because you worked hard to tackle the rust and make it look good as new. But its just a crying shame to see a subaru put away for the winter.
  19. Are you able to use the SPFI distributor and Fuel pump with this setup as well.
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