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The Dude Abides

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Everything posted by The Dude Abides

  1. I swear to god you guys kill me are you ever going to give this kid a break lol:lol:
  2. I noticed that on my wagon the front wheel seems to be turned in on the bottom almost like it was lifted off the ground and were hanging there. Ive seen older front wheel cars like this and was wondering if i pick up some new wheels is this going to make them wear out faster. P.S. on a side note This websight rocks. i dont consider banter in threads waistful but then again i dont half to monitor them either. Ben
  3. Ahh the fleet. I have a mini van in my fleet:mad: . I saw something i would like to have 2005 subaru wrx sti black holy schnikes that was sweet lookin. All tinted windows. It was something man. I parked quido next to it for some (inspiration). I think it might rub off. Yea im not to fond of the yellow but i need the xtra hp:grin:
  4. Im thinking about putting yellow and black stripes on my white wagon Might give me a few xtra horses
  5. its always been like this from what i understand it was like that with my brother when he bought it ben
  6. it just doenst look like you have a hood on your car
  7. humm i think ill replace the other parts first and if it still doesnt work ill go from there but i dont have a therometer or an ohmmeter. Ill clean the one part if i can get to it but ill go from there.
  8. can you get one of these new or is it easier to just get a junkyard one ben
  9. the only one who lives even remotely clost to me is mcbrat. and i live in an apartment. but there is a volly ball court right outside my apartment. If i offer people trophys for obscure events would you consider this the midwest subaru car show ben
  10. help me out here im pretty good with cars but i dont have a degree in them. What does cts half to do with the engine. what does a coolent temprature sensor half to doo with lack of power when you jump in a car start it and want to go Ben:grin:
  11. how in the name of zuses butt am i suspost to take that off ben
  12. no silly i know where the fuel filter is i mean the iac where is that at ben
  13. anyone notice the pants are alot more faded then the top. I think he wears those pants often
  14. [===i guess the only prefrence i have is price. where is that located it will get a new fuel filter in a month or so air filter is new. how do you clean whatever your talking about Ben:banana:
  15. tell me if youve herd this one Quote Dead mans curve kinda hard to make out in the dark Id like to make out with you in the dark
  16. p,s. im going to replace the cap and rotor as well if i can find them ben
  17. Im going to try this again. Changed the plugs to ngks and the wires to whatever crappy borg warner my brother bought im going to buy either the ngk wires or the magnacore which one is best for the engine. I sill have terrible hesitation on cold startup. Cleaned the maf and still running on the seafoam tank. IM trying to save up some bucks for some tires mcbrat said he would sell me but i dont want to dump more into this motor if its not going to help ben
  18. I was mearly pointing out the fact that you could see her keester and the color of her undergarments. I said she looks good because she does. The LOL was for the fact that you could see her bootypatootie. Funny thing i dont think connie would of took it as seriously as you did. Ben:grin: p.s. connies a hottie to bad shes married
  19. Ive had the cool blues they looked blue i guess if you think blue is cool i happen to like bright white. but only safe im not going to tip my lights up to blind someone. I got the silverstars because they light up the road much better then stock. Like i said there brighter then my wifes new car. When those burn out im replaceing them with silverstars. There expensive though at 22 bucks a pop. But you pay for waht you get ben
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