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The Dude Abides

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Everything posted by The Dude Abides

  1. No, not yet. The motor is waiting for a manifold and carb swap. Then convert a few other parts over. It probally wont make mudcoast but i might try to show up since i cant go to my charity event now.
  2. My car wont be ready either so id need to ride around with someone.
  3. What would you say to just wireing that fuel pump and electric fan up to a toggle switch. If its simpler i say we do it.
  4. You forgot custom pin for the cv shaft, and gear lube for the trans
  5. The status is and lessons learned are. Never go over a month without changing your bad alternator. Never underestimate how many electrical connections exist. Never count out old technology, with the unusable carter carb. Never believe that all the fluid has drained out. Never think that if you ruined one part, a subaru guy doesnt have 50 others stashed in a box somewhere. Never say a single range transmission is ok when you have a dual range on the floor right behind you. Never suspect otherwise if you have ever taken your subaru offroad that a pile of mud isnt greating you underneath where said parts were. Never forget how old parts got you through the tough times. Thanks for the memories. Never forget that you didnt drain all the fluid out of the trans before you pulled it out of the junkyard allowing it to spill on the floor while your partner is telling you to get a bucket why you just sit there and say its ok 3 times. Never underestimate the power of a dude in the engine bay shot. Never think you shouldnt take another one.
  6. Youve got to post pictures otherwise we wont know.
  7. Yea, me to mick. I told you not to try and life that dam transmission by yourself.
  8. There is a good wrightup on youtube under milesfox.
  9. Keep yelling, the bastard isnt listening to anyone.
  10. Its from an 88 subaruDL It has around 210k on it. It has been in my family for over 10 years. It has never overheated and has always been maintained. The reason im selling it is because my car doesnt run. It has nothing to do with the engine itself there is something wrong with the electrical system in my car which doesnt alow either spark or fuel to go to the injection syste. The engine ran fine and tries to turn over but wont start because its not getting spark and fuel. I think if you gave me 100 bucks plus shipping

    id be good with that. You take the motor and hook it up to your electrical system and your good to go.

  11. I would think pallet shipping would work for something like that. We got smelly things all the time at my last job. If you can find a private shipper to put it on a semi or something. I know semi, right but its open back trailer so no need to worry about other things. Go to uship.com and check that out.
  12. Talk to bhenen. He has done many HG jobs if you are leery about doing the job yourself. Im sure he could use the business. From what i understand, as long as it wasnt overheated the replacement gaskets hold up alot better and some never have problems again. If you do it right it shouldnt be a problem anymore.
  13. It might be in your best interest if you cant find a good one reasonably fast to have one made like a fuel cell and just mount it under the car like the old one was. I know its not original but from these older ones finding a tank is really hard.
  14. Id love to ride along and take video. Its up in the air to if ill have some type of transportation that day or not but i still think it would be fun. We need the subaru folks to show up.
  15. Just curious tom, what made you go with those and not the superswampers. These and the superswampers seem to be the only agressive offroad tire size i can find in 14
  16. Humm, i think you should go to mick.
  17. Tom does such a friggin good job on cleaning interiors i think it could be his side business. Serously the man is maticulous when it comes to that.
  18. I had a blast, finished up my subaru the day of the event. Lost the oil fill cap and only ran through about a tank of gas. I have a feeling its going to be wet and sloppy this year. I may try to snag my brothers wrangler just so i have some wheels. Unless a subaru miracle happens ill need ride with him or someone else. There were 2 subarus in 2009 and 3 in 2010. It will be fun, it always is. And its free.
  19. ummmm hatch with the brats old lift.
  20. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mudcoast is back, oh crap my car is dead.
  21. I like the wagon wheels, but those are pretty rusted up. Might need to visit the guy who did your pugs.
  22. I have heard people seem to have the best luck with putting it about day or so before an oil change. Only leave it in there a bit and get it out of there so it doesnt destroy seals.
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