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Everything posted by Swedenboy

  1. If I open my radiatorcap and start engine the coolant pours over. Tried to run the engine warm because I´ve shift the hoses to heater core. Now it's hot in vent but temp gauge is on low, and when I opened the cap cold coolant flushed out. The only hoses warm is the ones to heatercore. I suspect air in system, but I tried to vent it and parked in uphill. Do you have the engine running when filling coolant? Also I get pressure in both radiatorhoses and it's not opening to expansion... !Notice! The engine have run cold ever since I got it, but today we had -26 deg C and it was soooo cold in the car... That's why I shifted the hoses today. I've been running cardboard in front since september and the tempgauge always been in bottom...
  2. Swedenboy

    homemade lift

    I read somewhere above that the linkage to transmission and 4wd shifter would be to short after lifting. Didn't even think about that. So how do you fix that? do you put extensions in the top or bottom???
  3. Hmm, now I'll have to dissapoint all of youand your tips and add a new one that worked for me! When I unplugged the contact to the engine to measure if the voltage was there I noticed a white layer on all contactsurfaces. Sprayed a little electrocleaner, and turned on the wipers and VOILA!!! Now they all work fine, but I'll have to thank all of you for the fast and great help. I didn't even knew where the wiperengine were before. SO BIG THANKS AND CASE CLOSED:clap:
  4. Hmm, a little bit ashamed... Should have seen that! But thanks alot for the help, now I can check the engine and maybe follow the wire to the relay...
  5. Yes I've tried to search but did'nt find anything... Car -88 Superstation EA82. Anyway, front wipers don't work. Fuse is ok. Question is what to check next. Is there any relay and where? If that is ok (when I find it) how the h*ll do I get the wiperengines out? Do I need to take apart the whole car/dashboard? But the relay is most important to find out so I can measure and check that it's ok! Have a nice day!
  6. Swedenboy

    homemade lift

    Looks fine Del... Would be happy if you took some measurements of the parts you're building and post them later... I'm planning to copy your project and lift my car in the end of summer. The measurements would be great because I will have to cut/make the parts at another place than the car. With your help I hope to "get it right" the first time and save some time in my manufacturing... But great job so far!
  7. Swedenboy

    homemade lift

    More qustions:confused: Is the lift to engine and tranny made of pipes? Is there 2 in the engine on each side, lenght? 2 on each side of tranny, lenght? The "thing" on the lower picture, can't figure out what it is, and size. It seems the lift of struts is twisted a little bit, how much and why? Guess it has something to do with camber? But great pictures, really great job Scott!!
  8. Swedenboy

    homemade lift

    I´ve been asking almost the same question in tho older generation forum. I have the same model as del, so I'm looking forward to see this thread get complete. I wonder if anyone could post photos of the lifts on engine/tranny/diff/rear struts so I can see exactly where to put them. Just photos of the places without lifting would also be great so I know where to put my homemade stuff... Also looking to get about 2" lift...
  9. OK, now I have read a lot of threads but still has my questions. How much lift before need to drop engine/tranny/diff? Would 2" need any drop? If no lift, would 195/65-15 fit? The car is a 1988 Superstation GL with MPFI, ea82 engine. I figured out that the front struts can be lifted easily with spacers on the top, and the rear should be simple if I just have a look. So the most important is to know how much to lift so I don't have to rebuild anything else? As in the title a "little" lift. Hmm, saw the post above when I send thisone... Maybe I got the answers there???
  10. Looked at a lot of tips of lifting but they all seem advanced. Lets say I would like the car to get about 5 cm (about 3 inches?) higher. What do you think if I make a solid plate to put in the bottom of the spring, like a replace bottom with the above mention height? Would that work? Or would the driveschaft(axles to the wheel?) get to much lean so it break something? Hmm, excuse if the language is'nt correct it's hard to know all the terms when you only had englishclasses in school for some years... Any ideas?
  11. The timingbelts were ok, but when we tried to adjust the ignition everything was messed up. I put the engine to "zero", adjust the rotor to number one cable and tried to start. Did'nt run well. Zeroed the engine again and open the distributor, now the rotor points at cylinder 2 cable, opposite direction than before. Called a friend with a similar car and looked. The cable for cylinder one and two, the ones in front of the engine was shifted. Shifted the cables and adjust the rotor again, tried to start and now it works fine! Adjust the timin 20 deg before and it runs like a dream. But I did'nt find the 2 green cables under the dash? Is it under the panel behind the fusebox or? Otherwise the car is running great, washed it and soon it will be out in traffic again. Maybe I should take some pictures so u guys get to see a Swedish Subaru!!! But lots of thanks for all the help. See ya soon...
  12. Thanks a lot!!! Back to the garage and adjust the flywheel and cams. I've used the line to the left of the three if stand infront of car. but I got everything else right. But could'nt done it without the superb guide on this forum... But the timing(ignition), should I turn the flywheel so the mark points at +20 (MPFI) and then check that the distributor points to the first cylinder? I am not sure what mark to use in my distributor, can I just turn so it points at #1? Thanks again for quick response!
  13. When I installed the timing belts on both my subarus (SuperStation 1800 -86 and -88) I set the flywheel on the "last line", the one on the passengerside. Is this correct? I´ve looked at the timing belt guide on this page and it seems like it´s the last line to use??? Because when I should align the driverside cam the notch won´t come exactly right. This is to both my cars? So I was just wondering which line you put the mark on the flywheel? The -86 is carb, and the -88 is MPFI. And when I´m about to adjust the ignition, should I use the 0 deg mark or the 8 deg mark? 8 deg for carb, for the MPFI I don't know so any ideas? And excuse me if my english/american is´nt that good, I live in Sweden... :confused:
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