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Posts posted by hyrysc

  1. Ok, here's the story, I am a former owner of a 86 GL station wagon that was given to me (the one in little picture above). I have an Accord and a Cherokee, but for some reason, I always found myself reaching for the GL keys when it was time to go. I really liked it, but had a friend that was on hard times and needed a ride, so I gave him my roo. Now he is off his hard times and wanting to get rid of the GL and I am thinking of taking it back, but it has since broken a timing belt and a timing idler pulley.


    its been about 2 years since I have poked my head under the hood of one of these, so I am looking for some advise. What am I looking at to replace the timing belts and the pulley? Anything to keep an eye on while doing this?

  2. I'm planning on getting into it tomorrow morning with the intentions of having her drivable by the afternoon!

    first step will be charging the battery up and then confirming that I've got everything set/timed/located properly... Fingers are crossed that I'm going to get lucky!

    Definately swing on by if you have the time! I'll be home all day!


    Once you get that thang running, you have got to slap a pair of white wagon wheels on it. That just SCREAMS class. (well, that plus a 102" whip antenna LOL).

  3. Hey guys, will you give me estimates on what your rpms tack at say 65mph, and what tranny/ size tires you have.


    currently I have an auto with 3.70 and it tacks about 3600 rpms at 65.


    What does your 5speed d/r tack at 65mph?



    I have slightly larger tires, so my MPH is reading about 60 when my GPS says I am going 65, but my RPM's are about 2700 - 2800. I have a 5 speed.

  4. Thanks guys! I wasn't 100% certain of the H alloys at first but they've grown on me!

    It was only my 3rd dirt run in the Brat... A good long one this time and I'm really liking the handling of it! Clicked it into 4 wheel once I got off the pavement and into the loose stuff and churned up about 20 miles of dust cloud.



    so keeping all of the good playgrounds to yourself huh???

  5. Welcome to the USMB. First thing that I would do is check the fusible links and the fusebox. The fusible links are under a little black rectangle that is close to the battery. they look like 4 pieces of cloth covered wires. Make sure that you can get voltage on both sides of them.


    As far as your light staying on all the time, seems like something is shorting, possibly a fuse, but more probably a wire or the switch. I would check the fuse box to make sure that nothing crawled in, chewed on stuff and then died, but I would also check the switches and the wiring.


    I know this is alot of stuff to check, the good news is that from what you said that all was good 3 days ago, so unless you tried to wire something in or messed with any of the wires, it should be easy to troubleshoot.


    I am sure that some of the more experienced Soob owners will be around shortly to give you even more words of wisdom.

  6. A lot of people have spent a lot of time on USRM write-ups.


    It would be soooo awesome if people would use it.





    Thanks for the info calebz. I read it before and just wanted to chat a bit more as the articles are helpful, but I wanted to chat with people who have done it and what kind of additional information they could offer besides what was already noted.


    if someone doesn't want to reply, they are not forced to, but in the future, I will try to be more considerate and not waste anyone's time.

  7. I THINK the XT alternator has the same plug as your GL; otherwise, thats what you need to go through, right there.


    Finding a pulley.


    Hitachi makes alternators for alot of cars; Nissans and Subarus share virtually identical alternators in every way except clock position on the back, and that hardly matters. IIRC, the plug thing is simply a more modern type plug on the Maxima than on the EA series vehicles... i couldnt tell you if the newer subarus had the same "T-plug" or not, but its an easy swap. I figured it all out from scratch, starting out one morning looking for vehicles with high amp alternators on rockauto.com, and then going to the JY pulling 90 amp units from various cars, looking at them, and test fitting them in a GL in the JY.


    In the end, the maxima unit was readily available, fit the criteria, and looks almost identical to the XT alternator. MY entire project was stimulated by my Datsun 280Z; I knew from the day I replaced my bad alternator that the Z-car unit and my GL-10 unit were "virtually" identical, and when I examined it closer I discovered they were identical in all ways other than clock position, and the fact that my Z unit was externally regulated.


    If you DO go with the maxima unit, the only "trick" involved is to leave the top, pivot bolt out of the alternator until you have slipped the belt onto the pulley. This lets you slide the alt in a LITTLE closer, and makes the belt slip on much easier. I don;t know if it is needed on the XT unit, since I have never seen one firsthand.


    thanks daeron. I was wondering if it was just a wiring type of alteration or if a bracket had to be fabbed/altered. i assume that from the way you mentioned it, that the maxima alternator is internally regulated?

  8. I certainly trust the Brat a lot more than I do my wife's Isuzu Trooper! I've got a good background in engine repairs, everything from 1981 Mini Mokes to 1966 Honda S600 Roadsters, Chevy V8's, Ford small blocks, Mazda V6's and the list goes on. I'm certainly no stranger to an engine bay and I don't get too easily intimidated by launching into what others would consider 'major' engine work...

    I've driven her to work the past few days and am learning the little quirks (don't try to hit 2nd very quickly, it'll go in but with some additional noises).

    Listened to her when I arrived at work this morning after a 30 mile run and based on that I'll be doing a valve adjustment this Sunday afternoon providing I can get some valve cover gaskets...


    cobcob and I met up for a quick bite to eat and he definitely got a good deal on the brat...especially for this area, but I have to agree with all of you on this forum, a brat is not the vehicle to have for a man with a family, so I, being the kindhearted person that I am, do hereby offer to trade my 86 gl for his brat to help him out... (lol):grin:


    Seriously, it is a very straight, clean brat that appears to have been taken care of very well and runs well from all indications. Very nice indeed.

  9. :) the vultures are circling already :lol:

    The GL-10T is probably going to sit in the garage while I give her a thorough going over, I think it'll be a good vehicle for family road trips... better gas mileage than the wife's '96 Isuzu Trooper, more room than the Brat...

    I'll let ya know though, wifey may want it out of here :Flame:

    The Mazda is off at Aasby's on Glenstone getting checked over by a mechanic, if all goes well I hope to have a check in my grubby little hand within an hour...


    Circling already? what are you talking about, I have been circling ever since you dragged that thing home!


    Hmm, I do know where a nice little subaru truck is down on the west end, I might have to take a drive and see if they want to sell it...now where is my credit card???:banana::lol:

  10. Fender flares? whatcha got in mind there dude?

    And yes, pending a mechanical inspection on a certain black Mazda tomorrow I should be driving a vehicle with certain "spoilt little child" attributes by tomorrow evening!


    what a way with words you have...that would be great!



    So what will you be doing with your turbo if you get the certain other vehicle?

  11. The only way you could have failed inspection with the modifications is if you exceeded a height standard (Ny has one but its not really enforced, and rarely surpassed), or if the tires stuck out too far from the body. Thats easily fixed. They just wont tires throwing rocks into other peoples cars (being on the receiving end i can agree).


    Glad you passed :)




    I agree about the tires thing, got the mud flaps on, just have not had time to get the fender flares that I want.


    CobCob? Something I should be hearing about soon?

  12. Cut the doors... weld them shut first though... :headbang:


    LOL, problem is the rugrats would have a hard time crawling in from the back all the time...course the wife-unit will only let them in the subaru if she is with me so I don't quote "do anything stupid". She is under the misguided impression that I can actually go too fast in it LOL!

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