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Fish Nutz

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Everything posted by Fish Nutz

  1. Thanks Guys - I really appriciate all of the great advice. I changed the oil and filter today. Used a synthetic blend because of the things that I have been reading on this site. I found my elusive exhaust leak. It seems to be from where the engine exhaust goes into the turbo. It looks like a pain to get to and it sounds like it could take a while to find. I'm going to check a few things on this site. I'm also going to pull the pan to replace the leaky gasket and put a new oil pump in while I'm at it. Is there anything else I should do while I'm there? I downloaded a pretty good owner's manual so at least I'm not going in completely blind. I also spent a few hours in a junk yard today. That was way more fun than I thought it would be. I practiced tearing things apart and didn't mess my car up at all! I was able to add a rear window spoiler thing, a Subaru logo ( I've felt very ghetto without the brand on the back. ), and some working struts for the lift gate so I can loose the 2x4. Oh.. I also grabbed a few dash clocks if anyone needs an extra.
  2. So if I'm reading the NON-Insane response correctly.... WOW!!! If guy had a 1990 E82 Turbo Automatic and could somehow find a way to get a little tow package added to the back of the old wagon.....it could pull a 14' boat with about a 90 and a full tank of fuel?????? Does that seem feasible?
  3. OK.... The Mystery oil worked great... For a while.. Until things got warmed up. I'm worried about the engine now. Is this a thing that I could fix with a new head or two? Or, is this a thing that may need a whole new engine? I need to make this thing last as long as possible if I need to replace the engine. Any hints???? You guys were right on all counts. It is the E82TI. It already has the dual core radiator. It has 1015XX on it now and it takes a couple seconds to engage Reverse, so the trannie gets flushed and done this next weekend. Winter Steelhead starts soon and I need to be some places:banana:
  4. Thanks, I'm going to get on it with some tools this weekend and see what I can learn. This TOD you speak of.....Is it a main bearing thing, or something in the head? I'm more the mechanical engineer than the mechanic, so I am studying the engine schematics to understand how and why it works. I'm sure that I will have many, many more questions.
  5. 1990 Loyale AWD Turbo Automatic I understand the obvious....But what motor is in it? How big can I go with the Pugs and tires before things rub? Has anyone ever done the spray on bedliner from the wheel wells down? Is that even feasible? The car has a perfect interior. All the power stuff works great. ( The windows are a little slow but I think that's normal isn't it? ) I got it from a "subaru guy" who is actually the one who turned me on to this site. I really like this little car and I see many road trips to my fishing and camping spots coming up. But it needs some work. It sounds wierd and runs rough. There's an exhaust leak. It almost sounds like a rod knocking, but I'm not sure what that means in Subaru-ese. I'll try to get a couple of before pics up and update along the way.
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