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Everything posted by roxtar

  1. probably blew himself up trying to shove some nitros in there as well.
  2. carb and choke cleaner and a rag. wipe it off quickly and there should be no problem. worked well on my 92 loyale for removing a bumper sticker that was crazy old and nasty.
  3. yeah, but do the XT seats have the adjustable lumbar support like the driver seat does for the loyale?
  4. well, you could always just try a bunch of stuff out and see what works and what does not. with the engine running, try capping things off one at a time and listen for a change in the idle. if it goes crazy on you, it might be a good idea to leave that one open.
  5. yeah, that's it. he's parked next to scott's brat, so maybe he knows the guy.
  6. saw it on 29 southbound near warrenton on thursday, who's is it?
  7. NO!!!!! as far a body damage goes, just the fender is messed up really, well... from this incident at least, previous owner drove it 60 mph through a hailstorm. but in order to let the wheel turn freely, the fender will have to be hammered back into place a bit
  8. ok, long story short, i ended up in a ditch with a control arm bent to hell and back on the driver side and a little bit of body damage. So, how much would you think a lower control arm (as well as the support arm and all rubber boots and such in the general area as most/all were torn) would cost for a 92 loyale?
  9. Knew about the lumbar support, but the knob is missing on mine, may be time for a run to the parts yard
  10. thanks for the info everyone. i was thinking it was for folding the rear seats forward or something. y'know, since there are hinges on the bottom of the seat part of the seat (as opposed to the back part of the seat) and I can't figure out how to make those go forward either.
  11. Found what appears to be a large allen wrench or hex driver in a pouch snapped to the area beneath the back seat on the passenger side. If you were in the rear passenger side seat, it would be behind your calves. (i rarely clean my car or go in the back seats). It is about 8 inches in length and is shaped as to be used in a cranking motion. What is it for and how do I use it???
  12. ok. I've gotten my error codes to disappear but i still have my major problem of the engine bucking like mad under just about any degree of load (including just stomping the pedal in neutral) i've replaced the fuel filter in the engine compartment already. My question is whether or not there is a second filter in the rear of the car by the fuel tank. also, is there a strainer for the fuel pump? (have been unable to locate the part on any of the parts websites) Is the strainer maybe built right into the fuel pump? also, could the fact that i need to replace my water pump be causing this behavior?
  13. I have a fairly decent aftermarket stereo in my 92 loyale and I find that the ticking slowly goes away as I increase the volume control. actually, my subbie dosen't tick. It just has other problems
  14. the more i read, the happier i am that my 92 loyale has the 5 speed manual with pushbutton 4wd. good luck with yours though
  15. same thing happened to my dad's taurus, the compressor had gone bad and kept shredding the belts. bitch of a repair since the AC system on th 1990 loyale uses r12 coolant and most shops (at least the ones around dc) won't do the fix unless they convert your system to r134a coolant (not cheap)
  16. ok, so i looked today and there is a decent amount of sludge on my oil filler cap as well as some plain water. So it's a good bet my head gasket is blown. I added a can of restore inc's engine restorer with csl which will hopefully keep me going for a while. I know i'm going to need to replace the head gasket on at least one side (will do compression test to figure out which one). my question is... has anyone had this done and how much did it cost?
  17. 92 loyale - Scooby Roo (like scooby doo, since i look like shaggy, or at least i did before i cut my hair) the somewhat un-natural funk that came with the 92 loyale - Bob. fortunately, Bob is dead. I finally killed him off for good in september
  18. hahaha, that engine costs more than I paid for my full-size subbie
  19. subarubrat, i'll be back in town easter weekend (friday afternoon to sunday afternoon). i'll PM you later when i figure out my schedule
  20. i've gotten my 92 loyale up to 85. could have gone higher but didn't want to risk a ticket. plus it was in the appalacians, so pretty hilly
  21. hey man, I live in opal (currently at school in harrisonburg) . any chance I can come by and check that mother out?
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