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    I Love My Subaru

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  1. cop magnet yes, but is it legal? lol that car is dope. joo guys have a turkey day fire festival out back? i spent thanks giving making some texas DEATH MEX chili, and drinking ipa. anywho, xan, if you need anything on this one let me know, i'll do what i can from my remote mountain command center. there are a ton'o'subes here so i may have access to some things that you dont. gotta drive "down there" to get em, but it might be worth it for some tough to find bits. anywho happy building, and please please keep this thing updated
  2. new windshields are always hot, but was the old one shot? i must have missed that. whatever it looks boss, good work. did ya'll set it, or have the glass guy do it? coming along well, oh and nice domo
  3. yay turbo education! GO TURBO - here's why. subaru makes the most reliable turbo motors on earth. their cost of ownership isnt much higher, mostly in oil changes. sub turbos rarely blow, as long as the oil is changed, and warm up is as easy as driving gently till you reach OT, just like on a normal car. cool down is as simple as installing a turbo timer, and walking away. now for the thought provoking stuff. turbos were not concieved as a performance enhancer, in automobiles, so much as a fuel SAVER. in order to have the economy of of a 4cyl, but the power the turbo was built into ______ car. if you stay out of boost, you can have good mileage, you go into boost mileage goes down a bit, but crawling up the mountain roads in a 2.2 non turbo legacy is hard, if i had a turbo my mileage would increase, simply because i dont have to floor it to go up steep hills. when the engine isn't working as hard is saving fuel. turbo's are a winner all the way around, and if the turbo motor is well designed, there are no real drawbacks for daily driving, unless t\your count the slightly higher price of oil changes, which can be mitigated somewhat by supplying your own oil
  4. just fix ur head gasket, lol. if indeed it's blown, that is. hard facts are, i have had 60+ cars maybe 70. this happened because i usually buy a car at the end of it's pratical lifespan, drive to splosion, then dispose of. but the best cars i ever owned weren't the grass is greener cars i bought after a terrible failure, those were usually the worst, no the best ones were the ones i poured a bit o cash into and loved every mile. getting a new car will end worse, more often than not. many times cars on used lots are someone else's problems anyway. if you DO get a new car, get a sub:lol: start saving now and save your car, lol. my 2 cents
  5. no problem. i need a maf, u guys have one laying around?? wife's duce-d so now im in limp home. different story for a different post though lol hows the wagon?
  6. aye, now i gotta go buy one, lol. sadly the gentleman im doing the swap for has decided to use an outback 2.5l, so given that im going to 2.5 obd2 to 2.2l non obd, i may still need that harness correct me if im wrong but thats a whole different animal, yes?
  7. over on sl-i.net there is someone who swapped an svx engine into a leg and into a prez, might have some insight for ya
  8. man i been driving in these mountain roads, thats what! lol words cant describe. it's like fm 917, condensed, and for miles and miles, lol. but thats not really adequate, just as close as i can get. glad to see the subaru brotherhood in texas is strong. rice, stop getting pnumonia. xan, glad to see the headlights free and clear. you'll love your subaru for e'er and e'er. subarus are like a virus, you pass it along, then it spreads. if i make it to texas for december i'll swing by, we eat tacos, game on. lol your car is comin along great. i wish i could come and help you paint it, God willing it would turn out better than a certain prez or previous postal wagon. the fenders for the teg turned out good, lol i feel vindicated. do you have a roll cover? somehow where im workin we end up with a ton of spare roll covers for all manner of wagon, so if i have a spare and you need one, let me know and i'll see if i have one for ur car. i found one for mine in the attic at the shop, same color and everything also, theres a guy with an ob with a straight body for 500 down the road if your wanting to make a road trip, might need a motor, have a spare at the shop lol
  9. ahh ok that makes life much simpler ty for the heads up is there a source for the diagrams other than the fsm?
  10. i need a harness to go from ej22 to ej22t, and i cant remember who makes those, but i know someone builds swap harnesses. i did a search, but i ddnt find what i needed and im on kind of a time crunch, does anyone remember who builds those? sorry for the rush
  11. lol you MUST go through the drive through backwards
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