i replaced both my front axles recently--the boots were tore up. called napa, checkers...they had a hard time even figuring out the part number i needed. didn't have any options in their computer for my 1980 1600 dl-5 hardtop, 2-door. they had coupe and sedan and hatchback and gl, but nothing dl. I think the axles i got were listed as gl coupe. anyway, they were the right part. i bought them from Discount Import Parts (503.659.7444), which is located here in portland. these guys are awesome--always have everything in stock and the cheapest prices. give 'em a call if you ever have any questions about parts, etc. staff really knows their stuff. was about $54 rebuilt, and $70 new. i think it was easier to replace the whole axle rather than just the boots.
good luck!