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    Portland, OR
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  1. I think I might have OD'd on micros after drinking only them for about a decade. I'm back to PBR and Guiness and Jameson, and every now and then Bud or RR, and just about anything. I take it back I still love micros, I'm guess I'm not too discriminating. Anyway, sure learned a lot about EA82's in the last week, only to get a line on a 91 Legacy wagon, 5sd, 4WD, zillion miles, 500obo, says it runs like a top. Seriously thanks for all the input. Really helped me go into the deal (even though it didn't happen) with a much better feeling. Still going to consider the 92 Loyale with bad timing belt, if the if the Legacy doesn't work out.
  2. Took another look at it today. Took disty cap off and turned over engine, rotor didn't spin = bad timing belt. I got shocked last week because the rotor was pointed at the plug wire on the cylinder I was checking spark. Also found a reciept for a compression test done on the engine 3 years ago. 1,2,3 heads = 150psi. #4head=145psi. The car has been sitting idle for over 2 months. I know compression tests are supposed to be done with the engine warm. Is it a fair test (obviously it is for severe problems ie broken timing belt) if it is done cold, could the 65psi cylinder be reading low just because oil hasn't been pumping, and the cylinder is dry and cold? I offered him $300, he didn't take it. Is there a step by step online for timing belts and head gaskets? Thought I might read up a little. Timing belt looks easy enough, obviously the radiator needs to come out. Oh, and what causes timing belts to fail, seized something or other?
  3. Head gaskets can be replaced with engine still in car, correct? What is DOJ, I know its on the opposite end of the CVJ (I know what that is), but what does DO stand for? I can see one of the boots is ripped, can just the boot be replaced?
  4. Don't see it, only car I see that's close from Hood River is a 2wd Legacy Never mind, just found it.
  5. Been looking, One of my criterias is for rear shoulder belts, so that rules out most pre90's soobs
  6. Well, now my heads spinning, I'm going to have to go back there tomorrow and see if it's still for sale. Need to see it in better light. Don't think you could use the term emmaculate to describe it, I know one of the CV boots needs to be replaced. One thing on the spark. It was dark when I checked it. Pulled a plug hooked the wire up, tried my best to find a ground for the threaded part, never actually saw the spark, but felt it ZAP when the owner turned the car over. Tried again, but never saw a spark. Maybe I got lucky and the rotor disty cap were in the perfect position to shock me on that particular cylinder. So if I take off the disty cap and turn the engine over, and the rotor spins, I know that belt is good? How do I know if the passenger side belt is good? How do I know if it's a head gasket? Thanks for the offer for help General!! We'll see. Go beavs
  7. I'll take care of my profile, but Portland, Oregon. Seems like it's probably one of those places. Never bought a car that didn't run though.
  8. Yeah, I think I'm going to pass on it. Can the timing belts be replaced with the motor in the car?, without removing the radiator? What are typical specs for compression?
  9. Hello, First post, don't even have a suby, but lookin for one under $1000. Today I looked at a 92 Loyale, manual, 200,00 miles, $500 OBO, but doesn't start. Owner said about 2 months ago he was driving, the engine started making a ticking sound then quit. Pulled plugs and turned over engine and looks like spark is there. I checked the compression and am confused, hope you can help me out. I dont know the numbers of the cylinders, but here go's: Passenger side front = 65psi Passenger side rear = 150psi Driver side front = 20psi Driver side rear = 0psi He said Timing belts were replaced 2 years ago. Let me know what you think.
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