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Hey Subaru Fans! We've come to the close of another incredible West Coast Subaru Show. As with every year the experience is one of a kind, and unique to any other show out there. At this point the crowds have parted, and the staff is catching up on some much needed sleep. At the end of it all this year we again set some new record numbers. We had well over 400 cars at the show and over 700 people attending. It was an incredible showing of support and we are proud to have had all of you as a part of the show. We'll be posting the winners on the website before too long. Camping definitely had it's up's and downs this year. Many of you that we've talked with in the past made a huge effort to be well behaved this year. You guys are definitely the big reason we continue to plan this show. Others... well, we'll address that here shortly. We managed to sell out of nearly every last shirt and sold more raffle tickets than in any year past. The raffle was a great success this year, thanks in large part to all of our vendors that made an incredible showing this year. You guys brought some beautiful cars, and wonderful product to show. The mud pit was definitely an experience this year. When we arrived on Thursday it looked perfect for our use. As we camped there Thursday night to be ready bright and early Friday for set up, we gained an extra two inches of rain fall. Two inches. This turned the mud pit into a deep, watery, soupy mess. Our Case tractor even had trouble moving through it for a while. Mercifully it dried up quite a bit throughout the day on Friday, and was manageable by Saturday. It was great to see everyone giving it a shot and so many of you that we didn't think would make it beyond the entry gate giving it your all. This was one of the most impressive mud pit's i've ever seen. Certainly show cased the true abilities of our beloved Subaru's. Dante of Dante's Inferno himself came out to serve you guys hot dogs once again, made some great food, and had a blast himself. This was a big deal considering all other food options backed out on us at the last minute, and Dante had suffered an accident with one of his food carts just prior to the show. This guy's a class act and makes some incredible dogs. Again, we appreciate every one of you. The show would not be possible without such a great community to support the show. We thank all of our sponsors, vendors, and volunteers for making this possible. As always, we are open to any suggestions or concerns, we do ask that if you have any you email them to us at WestCoastSubaruShow@gmail.com. Thanks everyone! West Coast Subaru Show Committee
Hey Subaru Fans! We’re down to less than one short week before the show. I hope everyone has their cars cleaned up and all your new modifications installed. We’ve got some pretty cool things in store for everyone this year, and look forward to seeing everyone there. We’ve posted most of the information you need to know for the show, but here it is all in one easy to find place. WCSS15 is all day Saturday September 7th (see schedule below) with camping available before the event Friday night, and after the event Saturday night. Show Entry: $10/car or $5/person if you don’t want to bring your car in Camping Fees: $20 for 1 night, or $30 for both nights. Schedule Friday - Registration opens at 4pm (Please be respectful and patient with all staff volunteers if you show up early!) Saturday Registration Opens: 8am Roll-In / Parking Begins: 10am Lunch from Dante’s Inferno: Opens 11am Show and Shine Judging: Starts 12pm Mud Pit: 11 -1 & 3-5 Trophies/Raffle: Starts 6pm Lunch: Dante’s Inferno Dogs will be serving hot dogs and sausages from about 11-3. Please bring cash! - Entry Fees - Camping Fees - Food - Merch - Raffle Tickets - Vendors FAQ Can we have Campfires? No. Grounds is under a burn ban. BBQ’s are permitted. Do I need to bring anything for Registration? No. As long as you have pre-registered you are in our system. We will only need your name, or your number from the confirmation email. Do we need helmets? Mudpit does not require helmets, just proper restraints. However, this does not mean bringing a helmet wouldn’t be a bad idea. Can I bring my dog? Is your dog well behaved around 100’s of people and loud running cars? If they are, they are more than welcome. If you have any doubts about how they will handle crowds or cars... for their safety and ours, please leave them at home. Where do I pay for camping? Camping is paid on site at the gate when you arrive. Do I have my own camping site? We are camping field style, and there are no site designations. Can I rope of a big area for camping with all my friends? We've allowed this in years past, but are going to have to limit it this year. You will still be allowed to save a small space specifically for tents, but you will not be permitted to rope of an excessively large area. I didn’t order a shirt / glass, but really want one! We will have shirts and glasses for sale at the show. Alcohol, whats the skinny? Alcoholic beverages are not to be consumed by anyone under 21 years of age. No alcoholic beverages will be allowed in the show area. Washington State Law prohibits anyone from bringing large quantities of any alcoholic beverages onto the site and distributing them. A hefty fine can be levied for violation of this law. Anyone behaving in an unruly manner which disturbs event participants or constitutes a safety concern will be asked to leave. Intoxicated persons will be evicted. We've got to crack down on things this year. If you're being irresponsible, belligerent, or disrespectful in any way, you will be asked to leave and will not be welcome back at future shows. We've been lenient in years past, but have reached the end of our rope for dealing with this particular topic. Next year will be a dry show if trends continue as they have. Quiet hours, quiet camping, how's that work this year? Quiet Hours are from 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM. Please refrain from unnecessarily noisy activities or loud music and extinguish bright lights during those hours. There will be no group gatherings in the quiet area after 10:00 PM. If you wish to stay up and converse (even quietly), please do so outside of the designated quiet zone. There is a separate quite camping site this year. Quite camping site is for quite camping. Seriously. Not "I want to sleep in a quite area after i'm done partying..." it's a quite camping area, and it will be strictly enforced. There will be no traffic between the two camp sites. I didn’t pre-register, can I still come? Yes! It will take just a minute of your time to fill out the registration sheet at the gate, but otherwise its the same cost as pre-registering. However, you do miss out on our awesome goodie bag. We look forward to seeing everyone there!
WCSS 15 Merch! Get it while it's hot!
WCSS posted a topic in Meet n' Greet. Your USMB Welcome Center
Hey Subaru fans! The show is approaching quickly! We're starting to get all our loose ends tied up (not really...) and getting everything ready for the show. Shirt! Ale Glass! High Ball! And... new for this year.... hats! Hat's will be available at the show, we're still working through color combinations, so what you see isn't necesarily what we'll have available at this show. Get your swag HERE!!! We look forward to seeing you all there! -
Hey Subaru Fans! Pre-Registration for this years West Coast Subaru Show is now OPEN! Registration for this years show is all very similar to years past. We will leave pre-registration open until the end of August, and as always will be accepting registrations at the gate. We do not have a set capacity for the show, so it will not fill up, but pre-registering makes sign up at the show a whole lot quicker. Dante's inferno will be serving hot dogs again for lunch during the day Saturday. As in years past, we plan to have the go kart guys on site, and we are happy to announce that this year we will have a full arena to use as a mud pit! Merchandise pre-sale will be opening soon as well. We are very excited about this years shirt designs, and are exploring options for some other cool swag. Register for WCSS 15 HERE! We look forward to seeing you all there!
Subaru Fans! We've come to the close of another great West Coast Subaru Show. The dust has settled, the crowds have parted, and the staff is catching up on some much needed sleep. At the end of it all this year we set some record numbers. We had a total of 400 cars at the show and a full 600 people attending. It was an incredible showing of support and we are proud to have had all of you as a part of the show. Subaru of America pulled out all the stops this year and not only sponsored show grounds and brought out a BRZ to show off, they also graced us with the unveiling of the brand new 2013 Subaru XV Cross Trek. Thanks guys! Camping went better than in just about any year past. You guys were well behaved, cleaned up spotlessly on Sunday, and didn't keep us up all night. We can't thank you all enough for minding your manners in the campgrounds this year. We managed to sell out of nearly every last shirt and sold more raffle tickets than in any year past. The raffle was a great success this year, thanks in large part to all of our vendors that made an incredible showing. You guys brought some beautiful cars, contributed some huge things to the raffle, and wonderful product to show off. The mud pit turned out to be everything we could ask for, and then some. We'll have to try hard to not be too spoiled by how incredible this mud pit was in years to come. Congratulations to the winner of the mud drags, and to anyone who lost body pieces in the mud. Thanks to Dave and his crew for bringing out the Go Karts this year. It was very nice to have a real track set up for everyone to race on. I hope you all got a chance to get out there. Food turned out spectacular this year. We've always worked very hard in the past to get vendors to believe us on how many people we have and bring enough food for everyone, and always had trouble with getting it done. The guys at Gabrielle's fire really pulled it off (even if they were 15 minutes late) and brought out plenty of great food. Dante of Dante's Inferno himself came out to serve you guys hot dogs, made some great food, and had a blast himself. You may have seen him hanging around the show later in the evening. Again, we appreciate every one of you. The show would not be possible without such a great community to support the show. We thank all of our sponsors, vendors, and volunteers for making this possible. As always, we are open to any suggestions or concerns, we do ask that if you have any you email them to us at WestCoastSubaruShow@gmail.com. Thanks everyone! We'll see you all next year! West Coast Subaru Show Committee
Thanks for posting this Rob, it'll give me a chance to clear up some hows and whys on things coming together the way they did. There indeed was plenty of room on the grounds for everyone. Some unfortunate placement and planning took place to make things a lot more compact than they were intended to be. The Z car club that was there was supposed to be in the opposing large field at the front of the grounds by the road. We were intending to use the space that they were in as part of the show, and have the ropes that separated our show vending booth and the grass field across it opened. Un-announced to us, there were water pipes under the ropes, so the ropes could not be moved, and a Z car show in the field that joined across the road with that field. The plan was for people to be able to come from the camp ground to the show, and have the cars on that side of the fence bring everyone there, and be highly visible. We're certainly not shooting to shun the old school guys, you all have your place. It was a good plan. But alas, the best laid plans... The XV unveiling was a surprise to us as well. A very, very pleasant surprise. We did not have much time to advertise or setup a game plan for it because that car was destined to be (and advertised to be) at the Antique Road Show that was in town the same weekend. Hope and Subaru really pulled some strings to get that car there, and sacrificed it being on short notice over not having it there at all. Car judging was significantly better this year than it has been in years past. It is always a challenge to balance finding good knowledgeable judges and a quantity of judges. We tend to have as many judges as we've found to be necessary in the past to meet that balance. We feel that this years judging went smoother and faster than many past years. The show is scheduled to be from 12-4 to allow that time in judging. The judges were done by three this year, so a full hour earlier than anticipated. The camping i'm a little surprised by honestly. We both spent our entire nights up walking the grounds and can really say that this was the most docile grounds we've had yet. There are always the pockets of groups that will be loud wherever they are and can't acknowledge that they are loud, and we try our darnedest to make our rounds and get them moved. My apologies we couldn't make it by your camp site often enough to keep people policed and on the appropriate side of the grounds for their sound level. It was not from a lack of trying. Camping would not have been as full if we had made a quicker decision to allow camping along the buildings across the road. We were trying hard to keep that space reserved for show cars in an attempt to make up for space off set by the other club. We did eventually begin allowing it in limited use, and sacrificing the potential show space. We also did not park people well in camping, so it created a lot of un-used, and poorly used space in the camp grounds. That will be fixed next year. Do note, i'm not trying to rant or rave about any of these things, and i'm not berating you for having these concerns. They are legitimate concerns, and I agree with you on many of your points. I wanted to get this on here and clear up some confusions, and your post brought a good number of legitimate ones to light. These circumstances were not our intent, and are not a way the show is aiming to continue. I hope this clears up some of the hows and why's. We really gave this show our all. We always aim for perfection, but often fall short. Thanks for your time.
Hey Subaru Fans! We’re down to less than one short week before the show. I hope everyone has their cars cleaned up and all your new modifications installed. We’ve got some pretty cool things in store for everyone this year, and look forward to seeing everyone there. We’ve posted most of the information you need to know for the show, but here it all is in one easy to find place. WCSS14 is all day Saturday August 18th (see schedule below) with camping available before the event Friday night, and after the event Saturday night. Show Entry: $10/car or $5/person if you don’t want to bring your car in Camping Fees: $15 for 1 night, or $20 for both nights. Schedule Friday - Registration opens at 4pm (Please be respectful and patient with all staff volunteers if you show up early!) Saturday Registration Opens: 8am Roll-In / Parking Begins: 10am Lunch from Dante’s Inferno: Opens 11am Show and Shine Judging: Starts 12pm Mud Pit: 11 -1 & 3-5 Go-Karts: 12-5pm Dinner from Gabriel's Fire 5pm Trophies/Raffle: Starts 6pm Lunch: Dante’s Inferno Dogs will be serving hot dogs and sausages throughout the day. Dinner: Gabriel’s Fire is catering the dinner. They will be serving a Pulled Pork or Pulled Chicken sandwich, a Side of Jambalaya, and a Drink. Pre-Registered entries will receive a voucher for 1 BBQ dinner free if they want it. Vouchers will also be available for sale ($5) until we hit our limit. Vouchers are good for 1 Meal: Sandwich, Side & Drink. Please bring cash! - Entry Fees - Camping Fees - Food - Merch - Raffle Tickets - Vendors FAQ Can we have Campfires? No. Grounds is under a burn ban. BBQ’s are permitted. Do I need to bring anything for Registration? No. As long as you have pre-registered you are in our system. We will only need your name, or your number from the confirmation email. Do we need helmets? Gokarts will have loaners. Mudpit does not require helmets, just proper restraints. However, this does not mean bringing a helmet wouldn’t be a bad idea. Can I bring my dog? Is your dog well behaved around 100’s of people and loud running cars? If they are, they are more than welcome. If you have any doubts about how they will handle crowds or cars... for their safety and ours, please leave them at home. Where do I pay for camping? Camping is paid on site at the gate when you arrive. Do I have my own camping site? We are camping field style, and there is no site designations. I didn’t order a shirt / glass, but really want one! We will have shirts and glasses for sale at the show. I didn’t pre-register, can I still come? Yes! It will take just a minute of your time to fill out the registration sheet at the gate, but otherwise its the same cost as pre-registering. However, you do miss out on our awesome goodie bag. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Hey Subaru fans! We are proud to announce that we have been so fortunate as to acquire the full support of Subaru of America for the West Coast Subaru Show this year. We are drawing near to the show, and are getting our final ducks in a row. We are getting ready to close merchandise pre-sales for the year. We plan to close pre-sales on Saturday July 28th to make sure that we can get all our orders in on time. We will be keeping Registration open for a few more weeks until just before the show. We'll be closing down pre-registration on August 8th! Be sure to get your pre-orders in as we tend to sell out of all our glasses and shirts at the time of the show. We are offering the soft style shirts this year as well, and the ladies style shirts. Shirt price is $15 The glasses have a new spruced up design this year as well. If y'all like it we may keep it around for a bit. Glass price is $10 Glass personalization is available again for an extra $2. Shirts and glasses can be purchased from our Store P.S. Go like us on facebook while you're at your computers. West Coast Subaru Show Sponsors for this years show:
Hey Subaru fans! Summer is here, the sun is still contemplating coming out, and WCSS 14 is drawing closer. We've just opened up registration for this year, and completed all the design work for our shirts and glasses, so pre-sale for those are open as well. We're all getting excited for the show this year, and have some great things in the works. We are going to have Go-Karts at the show again this year, and have them set up on an official Go Kart track that is already at the grounds. Should make for a faster and wider course this year. The much anticipated Mud Pit is making a return this year as well. This pit is a bit more on the coarse rock/thick mud side of things, so beware of the rock chips! Check out the registration page here: Event Registration Shirt design this year is pretty rockin. We are offering the soft style shirts this year as well, and the ladies style shirts. Shirt price is $15 The glasses have a new spruced up design this year as well. If y'all like it we may keep it around for a bit. Glass price is $10 Glass personalization is available again for an extra $2. Shirts and glasses can be purchased from our Store P.S. Go like us on facebook while you're at your computers. West Coast Subaru Show Ready.....GO!!! We look forward to seeing all of you there!
Subaru Fans! It's that time of year again. Spring is upon us, and summer is fast approaching. The sound of Subarus converging on a sleepy little northwest town is creeping near. We've chosen our site carefully this year, and settled on the small town of Port Townsend, home to the Jefferson County Fairgrounds Official dates: August 17th to the 19th. As always, Friday is set up for camping. Saturday is the main event, show, mud pit, raffles etc. and Sunday is pack up and go home. This fairgrounds has much to offer; Plentiful camping, and options for more removed camping from the masses. An onsite mud pit, and mud drags lanes. (Yes, we have worked out the glorious return of the mudpit!) Outdoor covered vendor booths (That will face and combine with the show this year!) Plenty of room for activities. Also sounds like we've got a lot of good options for food vendorship this year, which has always been tough in the past. We look forward to seeing you all there! West Coast Subaru Show Committee
With WCSS 13 just days away, we wanted to re-cover a few of the specifics for everyone. Pre-registration and merchandise pre-sale are both already closed, but you are able to register at the gate, and if you're lucky, get your hands on some hot WCSS swag. We've got a few cool give away items for the first people through the gates, so get there early. As usual you are all welcome to show up on Friday afternoon to set up camp. Registration at the campgrounds will be open around 3-4. Saturday's vendor hall will be open by 10am, and car show judging will start at Noon. Raffle and awards at 5-6pm. All times are variable based on how we're feeling. The Fried Onion will be selling food this year. Check em out here: http://www.thefriedonion.com/ Primitive rally racing will be bringing out their roll over simulator to see how many people we can get to toss their cookies in the parking lot. Dave from Waterwerks (that little VW gathering that happens around here) will be there with a pair of go karts to run. We'll be charging $1 per run, so bring yourselves a pile of dollar bills for the karts. Odds are against us being able to make change for everyone all day. As always, the raffle is already loaded with awesome prizes and giveaways. There are no fire pits in the campground this year, so there will be no open fires. There is a large community fire pit in the grounds that we will be supplying wood for a fire Saturday. We look forward to seeing you all there! West Coast Subaru Show Committee
WCSS 13 Merchandise Pre-Sale is Open!
WCSS replied to WCSS's topic in Meet n' Greet. Your USMB Welcome Center
We are giving our final orders for shirts and glasses on Wednesday. If you want to be GUARANTEED the style/size of shirt, or want your glass PERSONALIZED, order now! Size & Style selection at the show will be limited. http://www.westcoastsubarushow.com/store/ -
WCSS 13 Merchandise Pre-Sale is Open!
WCSS posted a topic in Meet n' Greet. Your USMB Welcome Center
Hey Subaru Fans! WCSS 13 glasses and shirts are now available for pre-order! This year we are offering some new options, including a pilsner glass, “vintage” soft style t-shirts, and women’s t-shirts! Quantities, sizes, and options will be limited at the show, pre-order now! Merchandise is only available for pickup at the show. The Merchandise: Pilsner Glass : $10 Ale Glass: $10 Shirts are available in several different styles this year: WCSS 13 Women's Soft Style T-Shirt - $15 WCSS 13 Men's Soft Style T-Shirt - $15 WCSS 13 Men's T-Shirt - $15 SPECIAL NOTE: This year we are NOT going to be able to have a mud pit at the show. We are excited to announce that we will be hosting Dave from Waterwerks and his Go Karts, available at the show with a structured course and running all day long. Thank You! West Coast Subaru Show -
Hey Subaru Fans! We are happy to announce the opening of pre-registration for this years West Coast Subaru Show. The show will be held August 27th-28th at Skamania County Fairgrounds As usual we will have camping on the Friday before the show, but the main show will be Saturday, and Sunday will be the usual pack up, clean up, and drive home. Pre-registraion will be $8 this year (same as last year) and registraion at the gate will be $10. We will also be giving away a special gift for the first 150 or so people that are registered, so be sure to register early! Follow the link to register: WCSS 13 Registration Stay tuned for this year's shirts and glasses! WCSS Store FACEBOOK | FACEBOOK EVENT SPECIAL NOTE: This year we are NOT going to be able to have a mud pit at the show. This is a real bummer for us, since the mud pit has been an integral part of the show for several years. The grounds are still recovering from the last time we use their arena for WCSS11. Do not fret though, we have several different activities in the works for entertainment at the time of the show.
We are DAYS away from opening registration! Every year we try to do something special for the early birds that get their registration in. Frisbees, water bottles, bags, etc... these items are always limited in number, available to the first 100-150 registered cars. Visit us on Facebook and let us know what swag has been your favorite! https://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=question&id=217850161587115¬if_t=question_forward_success Open registration will be announced on Facebook first, Like us to make sure you are ready and guarantee yourself this year's limited swag. Tex West Coast Subaru Show https://www.facebook.com/westcoastsubarushow http://www.westcoastsubarushow.com
Ladies and Gentlemen! It is that time of year again. The much anticipated West Coast Subaru Show is making it's grand return for the 13th year running. With much deliberation, we settled on a location for this years show. It may seem familiar to many, for it is the same location as WCSS 11. We are going back to Skamania County Fair Grounds. This site was, in all the years of this shows history, one of the most accommodating and best run grounds that we have ever worked with. The location is spectacular and central between Washington and Oregon (Which hail a majority of the show attendance). It is a wonderful scenic drive to get there, wheather you approach on the Washington side along highway 14 or the Oregon side on the more direct Interstate 84, you will not be disappointed in the views. The show will be held August 27th-28th. As usual we will have camping on the Friday before the show, but the main show will be Saturday, and Sunday will be the usual pack up, clean up, and drive home. There are a few final details to work out, and we will keep you guys posted as the get solidified. We look forward to seeing you all there. Thank you! The West Cost Subaru Show Planning Committee
Hey Subaru Fans! WCSS 12 has officially drawn to a close. Everyone has made it home and shaken the camping dust off their clothes (for the most part). We the organizers are just waking up from recouping lost sleep. This years show certainly did not go off without a hitch, but we still managed to make it one of the best shows we have held to date. A total of 276 cars registered for the show, 176 tents registered to camp, and more fans than could be counted came and went throughout the weekend. That makes this the largest West Coast Subaru Show ever. Kudos to you guys on the awesome showing. There were some amazing cars at the show this year, and some amazing people along with them. We the planners are always humbled and honored to be a part of such an incredible event full of so many wonderful people. A special thanks to the campers: Upon leaving the campsite Sunday we came to find the site absolutely spotless. Not more than a couple pieces of trash were beyond the trash cans, nothing was left behind. The bathrooms were left clean (someone even mopped up the water on the floor in the ladies room from the leaking sink! You rock.) Thanks again to everyone that has supported us and the show through the years. It's always a pleasure to see all the returning fans every year and all the new faces with every new show. We do still have some merchandise available for sale. We re-ordered some shirts, so we have all sizes available. Smalls, Mediums, Larges, XL, and 2XL. We have a lot of glasses still available. You can purchase shirts and glasses from our online store at WCSS Store You can also email us if you have any merchandise questions, or comments on the show at Westcoastsubarushow@gmail.com Thanks again for a great show! We'll see everyone next year! West Coast Subaru Show Committee
WCSS 12 - What YOU need to KNOW
WCSS replied to WCSS's topic in Meet n' Greet. Your USMB Welcome Center
We are hoping to set a spot aside for this, but it will not be known for sure until we get to the location. -
WCSS 12 - What YOU need to KNOW
WCSS replied to WCSS's topic in Meet n' Greet. Your USMB Welcome Center
Just check in at the gate and let them know. Shouldn't be a problem at all -
WCSS 12 - What YOU need to KNOW
WCSS replied to WCSS's topic in Meet n' Greet. Your USMB Welcome Center
Registration should be open a good bit into the evening Friday. If we do close it, you can always register/pick up your stuff in the morning. -
WCSS 12 - What YOU need to KNOW
WCSS replied to WCSS's topic in Meet n' Greet. Your USMB Welcome Center
That is correct. Food vendor is only onsite Saturday. -
WCSS 12 - What YOU need to KNOW
WCSS replied to WCSS's topic in Meet n' Greet. Your USMB Welcome Center
He was talking in reference to camping in the car INSTEAD of a tent. If you have a tent, you pay for that. So, if you are sleeping in a car, it counts as a tent. -
WCSS 12 - What YOU need to KNOW
WCSS replied to WCSS's topic in Meet n' Greet. Your USMB Welcome Center
Yes. Cars count as tents too!