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    I Love My Subaru

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  1. I just recently purchased a 1978 Brat. Is there a source for replacement / repair parts? As an example, I went through several local parts stores before I found one who could get a carb. repair kit and that may fall through. Thanks! David
  2. Like many folks, I've had an ongoing issue with EGR flow malfuntion on my 1999 Outback. In reading archived threads, I found a lot of helpful information. I have so far replaced the EGR valve and the back pressure transduccer. Of course the check engine light came back on, same issue again. I then followed this advice "a vacuum line on the right side of the engine that goes to the map sensor on the right shock tower. There is a inline filter that plugs up". That filter had some oily stuff that came out when I blew through it, so I sprayed brake parts cleaner in and cleared it out. My question is, could I have ruined that little filter by using that cleaner? If so, does anyone know what it's called so I can buy another? Thanks in advance!
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