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Everything posted by silverfox

  1. The new generation Subaru's have SOLID lifters??? You mean they have to be adjusted?? WOW...didn't know THAT. Fox
  2. I presume you have the carfax info by now? If not and you still want it, let me know. Fox
  3. jonfit04....I sent you a private message containing the carfax run on the SN you asked for. Carfax won't allow a link to be sent so I copied the whole page and sent it. It won't LOOK like a regular carfax page but ALL the info is there...mileage, location etc. If you have any questions just ask. Fox
  4. You're right, nipper. On both counts. But the engines were near bullet proof and the FWD/4WD systems were outstanding. I would love to have my old hatch back. Underpowered 1.8 and all. Fox
  5. The odometer is digital and seems to be registering the miles correctly....although I didn't check it against the mile posts on the highway....should have. I have to say, though, that the mileage checks out with Carfax. The car has been driven by others that didn't notice it so I THINK the problem just started. Fox
  6. Yup...it's stories like these that detered me from buying that cherry, Florida, OBW Limited with 80K. That deal could still be made but I'm hesitant to fork over the dough for the car and then tear it down and do the HG's as well as the pump etc as a maintenance precaution. That's expensive maintenance. The other problem is that, in doing all this, one can never be certain that the mechanic did everything right and problems might pop up all over again down the road. I really hate to have to tear a good running Subaru engine apart that has been well maintained and has only 80K on it but it seems the right thing to do as a safegaurd against the possibility of frying the engine. The whole reason I wanted a Subaru again is that they are dynamite in the snow and have always had a bullet proof engine. Seems that is no longer the case. I think the bore out to 2.5 was simply too much for that boxer engine. Like the Ford 3.8. The Ford 3.0 is a long running engine but the old 3.8 has been discontinued because of VERY similar issues that the Subaru 2.5 now has. Incidentally, Mikldom...that dealer that sold you that car may very well not have known of any problems with the engine. It may have never acted up on the lot and he really believed it was a great car. Hard to say, though. Anyway, I'm still afraid to buy a new generation Subaru and the older ones jus don't have enough power for me. I found that cherry Limited and now am shying away from it. I think you are doing the right thing and it should last a long, long time. I just don't like the idea of buying that cherry Limited and then tearing apart a perfectly good running engine. But...if I didn't tear it apart I would shudder everytime I turned the key wondering if this is the day the HG's go. The unfortunate moral of the story is...I guess the Suby's just ain't what they used to be. Unless you redo them. Fox
  7. Well...I found a cherry 2000 OB Limited that I like and I got the price down by thousands. I was afraid to buy it after all the negatives about the 2.5. BUT...if all it takes to remedy this problem is new head gaskets...well...why not just replace them when I buy the car? That is...if they haven't already been replaced. I was under the impression that the 2.5 had issues OTHER than the head gaskets as well. This car was serviced at a Subaru dealer every 3000 miles so I should look to see if maybe they have been replaced. I've built a lot of performance stuff over the years but have never had a boxer apart and I'm gettin' too old to try it now. But I do have friends that are ace mechanics. This Limited is like brand new but I'm hesitant to buy it because of all the negatives here about that EJ25. Fox
  8. I test drove a cherry 2000 Outback Limited today and can you believe that the speedometer was pegged on the UNDERside and when I moved the car forward the speedo operated backwards! It would go from 120 (or whatever the highest mph reading is) travel backwards counterclockwise past 100, past 90 and stop at 80mph. When you stopped the needle would drop to the underside of the peg. Ever hear of THAT one??????? Fox
  9. Hi silverracer...if you have a 2004 Outback I would almost guarantee it's a 2.5. I'm looking for a 2.2. Right now I'm looking at a '96 Legacy Outback with a bad engine. I THINK I could drop a CCR 2.2 in there....couldn't I? Would everything work the same with the 2.2 replacement?? I could end up with just what I want if this would work. Fox
  10. Well...I'm really getting bummed out. I have changed my selection to the Legacy Wagons. I like the ride better and the room...guess I'm gettin' old after all. BUT...I have found hundreds of rigs I really like and every #@&% one of them is a 2.5L! I even went back from '92 up to '97 and just can't find a cherry 2.2L wagon. I just LOVE the Limited's but, of course, they are all 2.5's. Most of the OB's are too. I guess they just don't make a Suby for me anymore. I would love to have my '80's GL Hatch back again. I'd like to find a Limited with a shot engine...I'd drop in a 2.2 CCR engine and be happy. Or a cherry hatch and do the same. BummedOut Fox
  11. WOW! Is it ever hard to find a nice '98 to '01 Impreza L Wagon or OBS to buy. ESPECIALLY if you want a black one! Or even Silver. Fox
  12. Sounds like you don't have any problems going with the 2.5 engine, grossgary. All the info I have been gathering here sort of steers me away from those and to the 2.2. Frankly, I like some of the newer body styles better than the older 2.2 models but was afraid to look at them because of piston slap & other issues explained here. What's up with the 2.5 newer stuff.....a bad choice?? Fox
  13. Thank you, again grossgary....you, generaldisorder and a few others have been very kind and informative answering my queries. I appreciate you very much. Yes, you are probably right. Why mess around with a problem when a good vehicle that fits your desires can be found with some patience? This Legacy in question does look in very good shape other than the tranny, it's a southern car and it would be easy to get to for me. However, it would have to be fixed by unkown persons before driving it back to Wisconsin and it really isn't the model that I would like or the color combo I would like. May as well keep looking. I'm in no hurry. Thanks again for your kind help. Fox
  14. OK....I found a really clean '94 Legacy LS, AWD, auto on ebay with a bad tranny. The car looks great except it's a sedan and not my favorite color. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/quatrro-all-wheel-drive-4x4-subaru-legacy-LS-like-new_W0QQitemZ320199556186QQihZ011QQcategoryZ31869QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem What I was thinking is that if the tranny wasn't an expensive fix it might be had for a steal and I could end up with a nice little car for an older guy like me. If it IS a sensor like they allude to it should be cheap to fix. Although, if it's a simple sensor why didn't THEY fix it and get more $ for the car?? I guess I'm asking what you guys think about this tranny? I think this is the tranny I could install the C switch in...is it not? Could this end up being a real high priced fix? Of course, if it isn't and now that I have shown it here...it may go for more money by some of the member's here bidding it up:) . In any case, what do you guys think...possibly a good deal to be had here? Or possibly a nightmare? The rest of the car looks cherry! Fox
  15. Thanks, MilesFox. I was born & raised in Madison...back when it was a GREAT city to grow up in. Been all over since then though. I've been reading another thread as well as this one and it sounds like the Legacy, 90-95, with the EJ22 engine is the way to go for a relatively cheap but good Sooby. I think I would like one of those with an AT if the Duty C switch would work in one of those. I like the OBS too but don't know which years they were built or which engine they have. I think I'll start looking around now that all the nice people here have helped me with great info. Fox
  16. Oh...yeah, now I get it. Thanks Frank, much appreciated. Fox
  17. Sorry misledxcracker...I asked about used Subarus and this is where it has gone. I just want to know what's good and what isn't. Is the OB Sport considered new gen? What's considered new and what's considered old?? Fox
  18. Actually...I think my friend that's a body man and did the repair work DOES have pix of that car. He did a great job...couldn't even tell it was wrecked. In FACT...I had already traded it in and waited 4 weeks for my new car and when I brought it back to make the switch they put it right on the front line. No one got ripped off though...a friend of mine bought it that knew it had been wrecked. Fox
  19. Thanks grossgary. Fact is...I rather like the looks of that Impreza OB Sport. I've seen them and liked them but didn't know if they were any good. I guess what I should do is find one of these and drive it and do the same with the Legacy wagon. Does the Sport come with an AT with the Duty C switch? What years were this model built? How much money are they for the respective years? I would be willing to get a Western rig if it's in great shape and affordable. Fox
  20. Well...I did a Subaru summersalt with a half twist. I was on a back road highway in a snow storm that was wet, slushy snow. I hit a pile (going way to fast) and lost it and it went for the ditch which (thankfully) had four feet of snow in it. The '81 Hatch dipped in, rolled, then went end over end while spinning and landed on its top. Race car driver I know said if it wasn't a Subaru I would have been killed. It flatened the roof took out all the glass and the back of my seat collapsed so that I was laying down beind the steering wheel. Check THIS out....I had a guy pull me out and I DROVE it home! Fixed it and it's still running for a guy here in Wisconsin. Oh....I rolled my wife's Brat too.... Fox
  21. wow! Tons of info here...beyond my knowledge of these cars anymore. OK, let's take a few things out of the mix here. I don't HAVE to have the old drive train and I don't HAVE to have a hatch. I'm just remembering the amazement of my old rig going up a 26% grade in 2 feet of Wisconsin snow without a blink. I had a Jeep Pioneer 4WD, a Ford F-150 4WD and a Chevy C-10 4WD and the Subie went up that hill when the others couldn't. I attributed that mostly to the Subie's independent suspension. All the wheels stayed on the ground ... never bounced off the ground so they could start spinning like the rear axles on the other rigs. That Subie would crawl through anything I threw at it. That's when I adopted the attitude that a Subaru is THE operative winter car for Wisconsin. SO...I'm now afraid to buy a Subie because I'm not sure it will perform as well in the Wisconsin winters like my old one did. I live out in the country and we get big drifts up on the ridge where I live. I have been researching used Subarus and also looked at the Ford Escape (I THINK they have a 4WD model). A friend of mine said I should get a Forester but I'm hearing good things here about the old Legacy. Anyway...back to the original question....if you guys could spend up to $5000 for a Subaru (preferably less) and needed a good winter rig, a good everyday driver, some room to carry things, decent power and some comfort...what would YOU buy and how should it be equipped?? And thanks again for all your help. Fox
  22. Thanks so far everyone! I didn't know that the low range and 4WD manual levers were available all the way up to 1989 jbecker. That's good news if there are any around. And, 98obster...I wonder if the 2.2 engines bolt right up?? Glad to hear someone else besides me has the feeling that Subaru has downgraded and backtracked grossgary. I still believe those dual trannies and levered 4WD units were tops! I guess I really don't know what to do...maybe just get a EJ22 Legacy or something. Seems to me that if Subaru would come up with a 2WD, dual tranny, 4WD option model that had a little snort it would sell like hot cakes. I know I'd sure be interested. But...for now I just wanted to get a used Subie and found out they just don't make them the way they used to with the drive train options like in the '80's. What would you guys get for, say...$2000 to $5000??? Thanks again, Fox
  23. What a great place! I had a 1981 Soobie hatchback but they don't make those anymore with the drive train options I liked in that rig. So I was wondering what would be a good buy in a used Soobie...and this thread has been very informative. If I had up to $5000 would you people still steer me toward the old EJ22 Legacy? Although I'm a car guy I don't understand the term "non interferance" engine? What does that mean? I like all the things that have been said here about the Legacy 2.2 Wagon but if I had around $5000 to spend would that still be the choice? I mean...hey...if I could spend less and get the same or better quality then the Legacy sounds great. What would you guys go for in the $2000 to maybe 5 or $6000 range? I'm an old guy now so the comfort of the Legacy that I read about here sounds good. But I also like a car with a little snort. And one that doesn't get stuck in the snow. Thanks! Fox
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