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Everything posted by hardtail_pride

  1. Ok i searched this thread and others..... and im still at a loss of thought over which particular parts are needed to lower my car. I have seen broad examples, but still left me wondering. I have a 92 loyale 4wd and just want to drop the back end about and inch maybe 2. Would getting shorter springs do the trick? or should i get struts from a 2wd wagon? I need new struts/ springs an would appreciate any definite answers!
  2. alright as long as people are posting interchangeable springs, does anyone know of springs for the front and rear that will give your car more lift? Like a couple inches?
  3. sweet thats the answer i needed cause i cant afford to lose power! ahaha
  4. So i have a 92 loylae wagon FI and i need to do some repairs on the exhaust. I thought up a custom idea where you do 2 pipes 2 mufflers and maybe cats. That way you would have a true dual exhaust! Good idea? Bad idea? Let me know Thanks!
  5. ok im glad we verified that before i bought the wrong ones thanks man!
  6. so wait are you saying i have to get that DR out of the RX? or is that just a suggestion for a better set up? i thought any wagon pretty much with a DR would work? Sorry for lack of knowledge on the subject :-\
  7. Ok guys new question about the DR tranny, are there some with the 3.9 and or 3.7 gearing? And how can i tell? Thanks for any help!
  8. ok i don't have them but i need new struts where did you get them from? Thanks for any info!
  9. so below the coil spring? I will check it out tomorrow!
  10. How do i know if my stock struts are adjustable. I have heard a couple others ont the forum saying thiers were and if thats the case with mine i might as well do that before a lift kit. Let me know (92 Loyale FI EA82)
  11. Ok so i have a 92 loyale with the EA82 i believe and i have been replacing all the vacuum lines and now my cruise control works which is great! I kinda throttles on and off but keeps the speed i set just fine, so i was wondering if that is normal or if it should be a more constant throttle'ing? Thanks
  12. so, i was checking out the white subie's wheels and noticed it looks like you had the hubs drilled out to 6 bolt pattern? I have been reading about it in the repair section where did you go to have it done? How much did they charge if you don't mind me asking?
  13. cool thanks for your help on this. One more question will i need shorter/longer drive shafts? Or just keep my originals? And will the stick shifter fit in the same place as my current stick shifter?Or will i need to trim up some metal? Thanks
  14. huh i have had people tell me that it wont bolt right up for some reason. If i were to do the swap is there anything important to know? Or is it a bolt and play scenario? Would the gearing match my rear gear ratio? (might be a 3.7 i would have to check.) Also does would i get to take off all the vacuum parts needed for my current set up? I have removed my tranny from my jeep before multiple times :-\ and i don't think a Subaru one would be too different. Let me know thanks for your time and advice!
  15. So i have been searching the pics lately getting some ideas for my loyale and i noticed a couple loyales with large swamper tires on them. I had put the idea down to lift mine because i don't have the dual range tranny and would not be able to off road like i would want to after investing in tires and the lift. So im curious how those loyale drivers are turning those tires off road? I know there is always the option of installing the hi low tranny but i was told it was a huge job? I was planning onjust buying an older carb'd model with that tranny but if i can just upgrade my current set up why not? any help would be great!
  16. my open diff does the tight axis dough nuts just fine! heck i can drift it without any brakes in fwd. Its all in the driver
  17. i like it! Where did you get it? and what model of subaru did you put it on?
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