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Everything posted by hardtail_pride

  1. Here is one from yesterday just messin in the snow behind the house. http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=7138&d=1260649542
  2. Went out and played in the snow. It was about 4-6 inches, just behind my house. Ran out of gas after though. Super fun, because a new 4 runner was trying to make it up to where i was but couldn't get enough traction!
  3. it was kurts i believe. The one on geneva. It was not near the normal subaru area. More like when your walking in, you hang a right after the tin shed building they made, and go along the fence. There are assorted cars, and in there is a brat, old Gl, and a gl10. Good luck hopefully they are still there.

  4. I cant find the brat on ksl, there is a chance its sold i guess, but shoot me a link if you can. Thanks

  5. Oh ya? I will have to look it up and consider it. Thanks for the heads up. I tried texting you a while ago, the junk yard has a brat. I think its the older version of yours. My number is 801-615-0861

  6. Mine works and is kinda nice to have. Its not a necessity, but more like a luxury accessory.
  7. What tendencies do you want to know about? They tend to be slow. Yes it has timing belts. Two of them. Hope this helps
  8. Yes! GD liked my innertube idea enough to mention it in another posing!
  9. To get to this bolt, you need to remove the ac pump and alternator right?
  10. Same problem for me, looking to solve without having to do the water pump procedure. Mine is leaking from the metal hose connecting to the lower radiator hose. I believe its the o ring scenario as well. Do you just pull the pipe, put on new o ring, and stuff it back in? Thanks for some help.
  11. I had an ingenious idea the other day, To remedy a cracked or worn boot, maybe just get a bicycle inner tube, wrap the axle a bunch, and either zip tie it or tape it.
  12. Repainted my hub caps. Searched at the junk yard for possible 6 lug wheel candidates. Will Pull some drums soon and start the re drill process. Also painted up some rusty areas to hopefully stop rust till a total repaint next year. Got some "new" er carpet for my cargo area, lubed my speedo cable and made it worse :-\ and drove it.
  13. What should i do about my mileage? I get to inherit the next cars mileage? hehe. So here is a question and chance for an upgrade, My loyale does not have the Voltmeter or oil pressure gauges. Can i swap in a cluster from one that does? Also interchangeability of Digi Dash? I found a Turbo loyale with what looks like a digi dash. Thanks GD as always!
  14. That brings up the interchangeability question for me. Do i have to replace the whole dash gauge cluster part? Speedo, Tach, Fuel, etc? Or just the innards of the Speedo?
  15. Hehe so i have a sticky speedo gauge. Once i hit 70 it stops. I would like to know just how fast im actually going. It will stick till i slow down to about 55. I took the plastic piece out of the tranny and sprayed some silicone spray down the tubing, but no luck. Seemed to spin freely in my hand though. Next step?
  16. I would like to have a list of gaskets that i can replace while im in that area. Anyone wanna take a minute and name all of them?
  17. I just want to verify if this is the exact process for an EA82 Loyale also? http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=50768 And a couple questions. -What if you just remove the outer timing belt covers? Is it still going to be a "20 minute" job in the future as i read GD say? Or does the back section have to be off also? If your doing the oil and water pump at the same time, same question do you have to remove the back section? -Does someone have a link for how to remove cam shaft seals also? Thanks!
  18. Okay i just wanted to verify, this will also fit EA82 motors? Going to the JY tomorrow for a scavenger hunt.
  19. For reals good read. Thanks for the input. Happy to bring up the question so others can learn with me.
  20. TBS- Throttle body spacer. My brother has been boasting of the extra power he has with this new spacer. His 85 jeep scrambler doesn't bog down on hills under load as much anymore. Just curious if anyone has made/ thought about fabbing one up for our EA cars. From my understanding, this spacer allows a lille more room or something to that effect so that the air can enter the injection system more uniformly. Correct me if im wrong. And please let me know your thoughts!
  21. If its during cornering, there is some hose routing that was updated on the emissions equipment. I did the fix on my loyale, if it is during cornering, maybe someone else can point you in the right direction.
  22. Same problem. Tried adjusting screws and i think thats were i went wrong. My car is a Loyale EA82.
  23. 94 Loyale body has 208.000 Motor has 158.000 About to to a re-seal and new water pump & timing belts soon. Hoping to get at least 50k more out of it.
  24. I did have to wiggle the hose on quite a bit to the metal shaft and might have messed up the o ring. It has been doing this drip leaking for a couple weeks now. It just drips a bit in the morning at start up then i believe goes away during normal operating temps. I am all for doing this timing belt and pump procedure, but if its just this o ring, and i can put the project off till spring and ride my motorcycle for a day or 2 that would be preferable. I need to tighten my belts again, so maybe tomorrow i will tear into removing the ac and alt systems to get a better look. Thanks as always!
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