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Everything posted by hardtail_pride

  1. haha okay. One more question. So i went down to see if i could tell exactly where the dripping was coming from. It will drip out from behind the timing belt covers directly below the water pump. Just want to make sure i diagnose this correctly. Could it be as simple as the pipe that is connected to the pump which goes to the lower radiator inlet having a loose bolt casing it to leak? IF there even is a bolt? I haven't taken apart the motor far enough to know. How does the metal tubing connect to the water pump anyway? Thanks for the advice
  2. YEHS! Thanks for posting some pics. I love just scrolling through pics of Subarus. It gives me ideas for mine.
  3. Oh wow, how about this? It should fit my 94 loyale right? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/New-Timing-Belt-Kit-and-Waterpump-for-Subaru-GL-1987_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem20ae23c6a5QQitemZ140360533669QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  4. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/86-94-Subaru-1-8-GL-DL-Loyale-Master-Timing-Belt-Kit_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem5ad4fdb1faQQitemZ390120452602QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories Looks like this kit has everything short of water pump and gaskets for the pump. Am i right?
  5. Alright your lighting the fire underneath me to do this project. next pay check is going to be my "winterize" the Subaru funds for this project. I will spend the next week or so familiarizing myself with the procedure. I was hoping there was a cam shaft seal involved cause that is the only leak i have left besides a little antifreeze in the morning. -So you dont replace the oil pump in this process? It hasn't started showing the TOD till recently. Maybe mine is still good? -Im thinking of leaving off the timing covers, mostly because i know a few bolts are already stripped. What are the pros and cons of doing this? Thanks for the info GD
  6. And also, what brands should i buy? How much will all these add on parts cost in the end?
  7. Haha GD your funny and a good motivational speaker. Could all that be done in a day or so? (by someone who has never done this repair before?) Its my Daily Driver.
  8. Oh yay! not its an ea 82. I had a shop quote me 250 bucks to replace it. I may go that route instead of tearing into it myself now that its colder outside.
  9. I filled mine all the way up a while ago. no problems. - drove slower with the added weight. haha
  10. Just my 2cents, i had my vacuum lines mixed up where they connect to the tranny, so i swapped them back. Also had it messed up with the heater control unit area. Those darn vacuum lines.
  11. What has to be removed to get to the water pump? - Ac, Ps pump, belts, fan..... more?
  12. Looks like my water pump has started seeping a small puddle maybe the size of a dollar bill at most upon starting up. The loyale has been having a lot of new problems as the weather turns cold. How long will the pump continue seeping before it just dumps out all my coolant? Can i re seal the pump? Or should it just be replaced? Also Loyale does not like to idle up to the 2500 for warm up on its own. The screws have been messed with :-\ thanks dad. Once it starts warming up it will jump up to 1500 and drop periodically for 5 minutes till fully warmed up. But it would be nice to be able to start the dang car and not have to be giving it gas, just let it regulate itself. So point me in the right direction. I need almost an idle setting guide for idiots. I have tried everything i know and so has my dad. (cleaning included) Thanks for the help.
  13. So where might this lead be? im going to go look at the car right now. Im assuming its a wire leading to the back of it or something of the like. Thanks GD your awasome
  14. Dang. I just had the belt pulley fail and seize up on me tonight and fixed it. Hopefully it doesn't do the same thing. Will it just stop? What are the signs of the condenser going out? How does it fail? horrible squealing then frozen motor? Thanks
  15. I have the same question but more for fitting street style big tires. If im running stock height, and 15" pugs, would 205 55 R15 Be a decent size that would not rub and not completely fill the wheel wells? Thanks Sorry for the hijack
  16. So its getting colder here, (30's) and im getting this whining sound. I think its from my Ac compressor/ condenser whatever its called. I put this motor in from another car (1.8 spfi Loyale) and i believe there is no freeon in the system at this point. And i dont plan on working on it till spring time. Will my condenser seize up and muff up my belts? Is there a temporary fluid i can fill it up with for lubrications sake? Thanks for the help.
  17. Had my belt tensioner seize up on me while running errands, and luckily had a spare close and replaced it all within an hour of it going out. (and finishing my errands) Yay wintertime unexpected repairs. :-\
  18. :-\ easier said than done. Im not a very good electrician.
  19. Im positive mine is 5 long and short. I have looked to try and find a pic or anything about the sensor, but cant, so that's why i replaced the valve, and the 2 sensor like things on the intake passenger side. (front) I hate this problem with my car. I want to solve it from the mechanical standpoint but looks like it might be an electrical gremlin that i will have to pay a shop to do.
  20. i like just tackling one problem a week on my subaru.
  21. Mine is the same car with the same problem. I dont know how to fix it either. Please help us out! I too have replaced the sensors, and my egr works.
  22. i was just thinking of a couple inches. It would be running with 15" pugs so i just want it sitting a little lower i guess more for cosmetic reasons than anything.
  23. Yes that helps thank you! And i have been sitting here researching and have found some info on lowering the loyale. From what i understand, it is mostly a cosmetic modification? Unless you get fancy with aftermarket springs you will have the same ride characteristics? And from what i read, the best/cheapest route would be front XT struts (different springs than loyale?) and then flipping the perch on the rears. Dont take my word for it though. Im still learning. Thanks
  24. So in my 94 loyale, my passenger front door wont unlock with the rest of my doors when i open the drivers door. Is it supposed to actually open with the others too or not? Its just inconvenient i guess to have to open that door separate from the others. And also, i have been debating what im going to do to the Loyale for the next year. I would like to get some pictures/ feedback about doing the 2wd strut lowering technique. Things like how it rode, if you had pugs on it and still lowered it with low profile tires, handling, bottoming out etc. Thanks for any input!
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