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  • Location
    granite falls WA
  • Vehicles
    84 gl wagon 4WD 4spdr

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USMB is life!

USMB is life! (4/11)



  1. I did the thing stripped that same bolt my fix high temp silicone on water pump gasket both sides, let form (set up) plumber tape TWO wraps on bolt rolled tight use finger nail to get in the treads best you can. Step 2 lock tight red tighten hand tight (snug) 3000 miles plus no problems.
  2. But aren't 90 though 94 2.2 dual port heads..........95 and up 2.2 single port heads
  3. measure flexplate to motor flange.= X........ that is were TC needs to be. measure TC to trany flange ==== about 1/8 to 1/4 inch difference deeper in the trany. Bolt up motor & trany spin TC to flexplate, TC bolts will do the rest. that should help
  4. I say check the PVC system and run a non multigrade oil....... start with 30 and go up to the next ...........then again I had no oil drops on the ground but the rear main and the PVC chamber (oil seperator plate ) were leaking .
  5. june 1995 that makes your car a 95 not a 96 but SN says 96:rolleyes:
  6. He never told us what the SN on that car or build month........... but from what I understand......... but I dont know for sure feb 96 is the last non interference motor............. march 96 till 97 guessing game mystery motor....... New cars come out in october so if the car has a build date of 10/96 its a 1997 But in march 97 has a different T-belt kit.... I dont know whats different
  7. Tuff call since your gauge works I id say dash ...........Me Ive never seen the LGL on any my vehicles never let it get that low
  8. zero fill now .............you should never let you tank go below 3/4
  9. I personaly drove about 40 miles without a drop of oil in the rear end, IH scout. . I lost the nut that holds the pinion gear. pinion slamed in to ring broke two teeth on ring in half. rearend locked up anyways found the nut about 3miles down the road.... lucky I had my tools.... pulled cover beat the pinion into place tightend the pinion nut reinstalled cover drove home...... put oil in it called it good. drove that scout for years with those teeth. And ATF is a cleaner....... I drive motors with 50 50 ATF deisel in them cleans the crap out
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