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Everything posted by True2Blue

  1. Can anyone tell me the stroke measurement that the Hi Lo arm travels? I know the Arm pulls back and fourth as the operator pulls the Hi Lo lever up and down. I dont have a d/r local and need that travel 1st pull (4x4 Hi) measures "?" 2nd pull (4x4 Lo) measures "?" Measuring origin is "?" (the point the travel is being measured from) Or if someone local has a d/r sittin around or in their wagon and would let me take some quick measurements id greatly appreciate it
  2. difference between 5 mt d/r and rear diff out of 87-89 wagons and the rx 5 mt d/r and rear diff
  3. ^--- post here for best answers http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=30
  4. ill make my own i dont mind draining it i just dont like reaching under the tank. thanks for the input i probably would have tried HF too
  5. HTi (hes on the board here in the vendor section) i had him add the little stinger and receiver. i hit a tree going 15-20mph with passenger side. Didn't do a damn thing to it its setup for a winch
  6. i have a few posts with pics of my shop already i suppose this thread would be best for them and as for the above plans the only car i see my self gettin with the income i have is a local 2000 forester for $1200. A 5mt and 4-6" lift will be going on IF i get it
  7. IF you ever plan on selling this please do let me know ill sign up for EOD just to get it:eek: But really I LOVE your RX, it is absolutely astonishing (GD is probably thinking 'this kid is mental' :lol:" I would rather have this RX then ANY wrx or sti Awesome work!
  8. crack it open and have a look. if your not comfortable taking it apart then don't but at least look and familiarize with it and try n see what does what when its "working" youll be able to see worn or broken parts easily. For someone that are interested in learning a transmission i recommend buying a used one putting that in then download the rebuild pdf buy a rebuild kit off of ebay and GO, check every step 2-4 times. For someone that just wants their car to roll again go buy a $200 transmission REGARDLESS of the awd application. I bet you can buy the whole lot for the awd swap for less then it would cost to rebuild your transmission half the time too. If you need help building, swapping, or fixing your subaru im one source for fellow pnw USMBers.
  9. 87 wagon 4" sjr lift 5 speed Dual range 1.8 FI 29" maxxis bighorn's 6 lug mod and 15" kidney bean slotted alloy rims, high end stereo, custom led interior lighting (underglow kit) Before: AFTER:banana:
  10. a few guys on here make lift kits ranging from 500-800 for a 4"

    and the maxxis big horns are really nice on and off road good price too

  11. Yea no good on the 'reznor' heater its natural gas and thats the pipe that broke under ground.. i was thinkin about modifying a wood stove and hangin it there
  12. thanks i didn't know i was member 100 till after i posted how lucky is that lol.. im waiting on 1200 bucks so i can pick up my new subaru (2000 forester) then ill left it throw on some big horns and meet up with you guys... anyways im off to finnish swapping out a Tahoe tranny

  13. Hey man.. it COULD be a fuel filter but by the way it sounds you may not have one your gas tank can have a vacuum/not vent right.. if you want to find the filter simply follow the fuel line.. These cars are stupid simple or ill just take 5 minutes to make a pic for you Looks like this from the side I'd just pull the thermostat housing and check er out.. with a ghetto fan rigged up and no thermostat (low/no heat from heater core) ill promise you that your radiator is plugged up and that was a cheap "fix" look for a radiator and remove the rigged fan heres a parts link http://seattle.craigslist.org/oly/pts/2058059213.html
  14. Good lesson/advise. ill look at it in a few minutes BUT its copper plumbed down like 6 feet under the shop so id have to cut the line somewhere or BUY pipe and run a new one off the machine, the fans were disconnected? im hoping there isnt an over heating issue or a smokey fan motor.
  15. Like I said its not mine, not mine to fix, not mine to mod. I don't wanna get kicked out cause I cant follow simple requests/instructions. I know its eatin you up inside and trust me I asked about it but im told to wait for an electrician to come out....
  16. its on order but cash needs to flow a bit better before i spend more money. my old shop had 2 of them and life was amazing this air piston lift is okay but bad for tranny jobs
  17. GD- Way easier said then done, like i said my land lord sucks she said "we will get to it" as in "dont touch" ill see if i can sneak a splitter off the line for the pressure washer (its on a well too) to the heater. ill take pics you seem very interested. Mugs- i use the purple power on the floor and the degreaser on the vehicles with my little nifty electric pressure washer that also has a foam nozzle. As far as storage ill be building mine once the welder comes in. its an awesome design 'no opening drawers or scrambling for wrenches' Everything is on magnet strips.. youll love my design for the air tools and the moisture catch BROKE on me the glass cracked so ours is on order but i need air.. im also extending the petcock valve so i don't have to reach under the tank everyday. there is a regulator its brand new. I currently run a business out of here. but it doubles as a personal benefit since I run it.
  18. i tried! but its a radiator and the water supply line broke under the concrete so thats a no go... the landlord sucks. she tried to tell me i couldn't carry my pistol on the property, told me not to call the cops when theres suspicious car in my driveway at 2am... she wont pay for new shop light bulbs or any shop appliances.. she just plain sucks:rolleyes: That "candle" works fine for now I just don't wanna spend money on another heater:lol: My boss was talkin about buyin a waste oil heater its 300,000 btu
  19. how does it feel when you turn?
  20. happens often believe it or not and everything bought is used weekly if not daily. i WANT a coolant flush machine but cant seem to buy it.. i keep sayin "no only what i need to do the job" im busy though will all makes an models even 2010's:eek: (weird i know)
  21. I know right! its freezing at times but im not gonna spend the cash on it since i dont own it:rolleyes: im tryin to talk the "landlord" into buying it so i can install it:)
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