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Everything posted by True2Blue

  1. the switch was off i got power everytime i turned the lights "on" with the switch but nothing happened:confused:
  2. i know cops are crackin down, juss a friendly fyi
  3. still nothing.. man this is crazy. im gonna have to start pulling harness:dead:
  4. not to burst your bubble but tube bumpers are not legal, the troopers up at wilkison said you have to have 4 inches of flat surface for it to be a legal bumper
  5. :lol: man i dont even remember:rolleyes: you dont like the stereo? i love it and the ru sounds good too:grin: wooombaaa:headbang:
  6. found somw 2 citys away:rolleyes:
  7. got pics? explain. cause IIRC means zdihglisdunr to me:lol: i would love to fix this problem asap
  8. MORE SNOW:banana: yea broke records its up to my door! Y pipe was draggin i pushe up a huge roll of snow slid into this one. Okay now the good stuff. Work in progress yea more to come soon its all super clean now:headbang:
  9. about 2.5 weeks ago. ive gone up 3 times since then
  10. on the way up jalf way up Gettin up pretty high in the mts still climbing fun corner more high quality coming soon:cool:
  11. vids and pics. i have dial up it takes for ever to upload post some heaven on here:headbang: i really wanna see a sti'd RX
  12. i havent pulled the cluster but come on are all the bulbs gonna be burnt in the dash but not the running lights. ive pulled the kick panel fuses 3 times and took it out looking for fried wires, eveything checks out:confused:
  13. i dont know... its just weird the the running lights work with the switch on top of the steering colomb, the other switch turns the headlights on but nothing else WTF some one have a schematic? i need a layout google wont find me anything useful
  14. okay i broke out the multimeter and found that my headlight/running light/dash light switch is good. my dimmer knob is good. and still no running lights or dash lights.. okay now the center part lights up the 4x4 lights and the defrost and door locks indicators. the blinker indicator lights work. and high beam indicator lights work. just all the needles numbers and tic marks are not working. there is power to the # 6 fuse
  15. ive had tons of those problems with one of mine and other peeps rigs. im in black diamond if you wanna put two heads together and trace it.
  16. check fuses and for spark.. list everything you hvae checked for to narrow down and help pin point the problem
  17. Well they are all out everywhere I go haha
  18. Where do I get it?? I checked napa and couldn't find anything.
  19. Yea I need different front seats cause my subaru is so fast that when I corner I slide out of the seat. plus the racing seat look cooler
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