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Everything posted by True2Blue

  1. so ive been talking to the guys at ram performance. i looked at the hp kits and i like the "hemi" pistons, i think to get what i want i need to build the engine inside out. order a hp kit and delta cams. run cool air intake and hotter burning plugs i already have a good exhaust:cool: the wagon has got it goin on:lol: i just want that 1 up, so im at a stop no ones around and i rev it to 5k and pop the clutch, bam they light up i shift to 2nd and my clutch dd more burnin then the tires!! the clutch is good too.. it has some bottom end. i just want better acceleration:rolleyes:
  2. i need new carpet in my 88 gl... black or dark grey. google isnt bringing up anything:confused: oh and i wanted to get my seats recoverd... anyone know of a shop that does that??
  3. Yea I just want to make it up hills in 4th gear lol. I don't care about top speed just gettin up to speed.
  4. Come on... I know what the dimmer switch is its the vertical roller knob next to the hazard button and under the rear defrost button. Now what I was saying was the dimmer knob works only when the steering colomb button is pressed to the right side so the P isn't showing and the dot is. There are two dimmer knobs in the tank I work on the grunts always com in saying our lights don't work I we check the dimmer first. Its usually the problem. Not in my case
  5. Im a tank mechanic give me some credit. Lol my dimmer switch works its dims the clock when the switch is flipped on the steering colomb
  6. The running lights do turn on with the switch but my dash lights dont
  7. Okay great info. Ill go with the ngk's I have basic platinums in it now. And my reason for wanting to "upgrade" is because it loses power at 5500rpms?? My guess was too little spark.
  8. So basicalli its gonna be all internal mods from ram performance. Unless I find another maker.
  9. Been wonderin, where can I get sea foam? And the engine makes the car shake at low rpms when at 1000 rpm's its great runnin at 700 it acts like there's a dead cylinder. Im gonna get the bosh platinum 2's with the 4 point tips and ac delco coil and wire setup. Also a aptima deep sysle battery.
  10. Do they grind em for acceleration? Cause at 4k it has a powerband and im haulin balls. But from a stop it takes awhile to get up to speed. Also I know you will know this one. Where can I get Performance parts. IE Coil spark plug wires and clutch. I have the cool air intake figured out.
  11. anyone know the improvment from switching to delta cams?
  12. when warm the ru will idle at 800 to 900 rpm's and its fi:confused: its shakes when idlein this low.. could it be plugs? ill clean everything real good tomarrow and check more spots for the running lights. anyone have thede issues before? have a good starting point? or is this needle ina hay stack?
  13. Yea right subaru never loses. I think id blow axels before a fresh d/r. Lol I've heard of u joint axels that hold up amazingly. Anyways a staged clutch should help. I just won't pop the clutch.. Lol
  14. Sti will fix everything. HP problem... yanno what goes with a sti and a d/r. Bald tires and a huge grin when a civic rolls up thinkin ur lifted wagon just sounds loud haha. My fuses are good
  15. Okay I bought the alternator and fixed my problem. I figured out my 12" sub sucked the life out of my stock alternator. Rockford fosgate rocks! Lol time for a capasitor. Now my dash lights still won't come on or my running lights... and when warm the ru will idle at 600 to 800 rpm's.. Beats me. Im gonna get new spark plugs and wires soon it has a recent disty. And a ac delco coil. Not going to mod it too much I plan on buyin a sti engine when I get back from the sand box. I said plan on. Its not a for sure thing yet. Okay now for the good news. Out on the enumclaw trails there are some shot up ran over subarus. Anyone want me to check for parts? I puled the good axels I saw 2 good diff's and drive line parts hub parts a arms and stuff barley any engine parts maybe oil spout starter and power steering pump.. Let me know by email Kodylei@tmail.com
  16. AWESOME send some decsls with my order ill fly ut tag:headbang:
  17. its pouring rain and im not at the shop ill wait a little bit before testing it again:rolleyes:
  18. still stumped. if the switch was bad would the headlights turn on?
  19. nope everything works great. just my running/tail lights
  20. THANK YOU! now to find the relay:rolleyes: ill pull the alt. tomarrow
  21. the alt. will cut off just those two? cause everything else works fine. i might have got it wet also
  22. yea ill do that. untill then does anyone know if there are anyother fuses or relays that would cut out my dash light and tail/corner lights?
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