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Everything posted by True2Blue

  1. thats my problem? maybe for the charge light. but ever since i bought the car the dash amd tail light havent worked
  2. for some reason when i turn the head lights on my 'first click' doesnt turn the dash lights or tail lights on:confused: the fuses are good... is there a relay? my defrost light word as well as the 4 hi and lo lights my high beams lights so my cluster is good. im lost at the moment, also my 'charge' light came on with my 'break fluid' light and 'stop lamp' light...
  3. oh no problem i like my Army job. leaving july to spend 3 weeks in the field then august to go to quate then iraq. im ready.
  4. um a 10mm 12mm 14mm and 17mm will almost take that ru apart. i believe the tensioners are long 12mm studs on the right side just under the alternator it about 1 1/2" long. im kinda confused on how you cant find it:confused: well if you cant find it and are getting then loosen your alternator and go from there:rolleyes:
  5. the ru runs great! im excited. all thats left is to put tires on my 15" pugs (and to drop the diff)
  6. how about i already have a friend fabing up a drop kit. its not over kill when ur blownin 2 axels a week:banghead: i think its harder to drill holes in the m bar then it is to put spacers on it. im not an expert its just my thinking:grin: oh good news.. i got promoted today:banana: (PFC)
  7. heres a taste. im goin to crystal soon. gonna have drift pics ;D SEE IT? SHOOT IT! I Love This Rig you can find/see ALL PICTURES ARE HERE
  8. yea these are all the places ive been.. i dont know of much more
  9. Anyone have an idea on what to use for the rear compartment? like a case so it doesnt bounce around.
  10. hang out go to lunch go wheelin? i wanna kick it with some real people that have the same intrests as me.. if anyone plans on hittin local trails send an invite im in black diamond just got back from evans creek... its a blizzard here! anyone goin out to play? i am
  11. ive got teridactal, evans creek, grapview pit/logging roads, staircase at lake cushman, elk lake trails out pat 9 mile up at cushman.. i mean i know some spots to go play. ohh yea the classic greenwater off 70
  12. ive got teridactal, evans creek, grapview pit?logging roads, staircase at lake cushman, elk lake trails out pat 9 mile up at cushman.. i mean i know some spots to go play. ohh yea the classic greenwater off 70
  13. no input? do you guys like the ru so far?
  14. I know scotts kits are very well built. I simply can't afford $85 right now. Ill be buying kits after I get back from iraq. Im gonna try n srart an auto shop.
  15. I love that ru! The ak is my anti theft since im upstairs and I can see the ru at all times. There are a lot of lowlifes in my area and I've seen em eyeballin my system. So I figure a 7.62 round will hurt enough to stay away from my ru
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