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Everything posted by speedbump

  1. Ive talked to a few people and shipping stuff like this in todays political climate seems to be a bit of a problem,as I am in British Columbia,Canada.With the drug trade problems,they probably would be torn apart before I got them,if I got them,thanks though!
  2. Getting pissed at the air ride acting up ,so I finally found a jy with 1986 struts and springs,the bas%$Ds want 500 bucks for em!USED! Gotta love small market parts.Further more ,he has NO interest in my compressor or PERFECTLY GOOD air struts.Maybe I will put fittings on them and raise or lower them asI please with my compressor at work This sucks.........:madder:
  3. remember to think simple! sube's engineers must have been:lol:
  4. they have sphelcheque in mississippi? gooolllllllllyyyy! pretty tough getting burned,but if you're going to sell something,make sure you are honest about it.If you don't know,don't claim that something is what it may not be.Fortunately,this group of car owners look out for one another.Think of us as one BIG Ralph Nader,but an honest Ralph!
  5. check that the vacuum advance hose didnt slip off the disty;)
  6. maybe were just thinking,takes me for ever to figure things out that I cant see or touch!
  7. that is either loctite flange sealant,I forget the number,but its in a red squeeze tube or GM gasket sealer(you apply it on something like the block before you put a headgasket on.)good stuff either way,guarantees a good seal.
  8. turbos are good in any vehicle period.remember,its only an air pump.the only difference is,ya gotta let er run for a few minutes after driving to cool the bearing journal to a reasonable temp,and change the oil a bit more often.
  9. if i remember correctly,ive only done belts once,there is a notch at the TOP of both rear covers for the belts.Align the cogs with these notches.And remember,you want to line up the center of 3lines on the flywheel,not you ignition timing mark
  10. hey all,thats the ****ty thing ,all the individual compontents actually work,the only problem I have found was 1 beautifully corroded harness connector for the controller,which I have since rewired . The only thing I cant get to work is the dash switch to raise or lower the car.When i press the switch it will turn on the compresor,but not openthe soleniods or turn on the indicator in the instrument panel. The car is currently sitting level at normal(baagh!)height,and I prefer it elevated,to deal with the water bars I go through to get to the bike trails I like to ride.
  11. c150L,should I pull all the hoses and fire the solenoids and dump it all down,and let the compressor recharge the system?
  12. where may I find these blessed relays,I have no(sob) fsm.
  13. cant find struts here,rust issues perhaps? It seems most sube owners drive their cars into the ground up here,not much left when it hits the scrappers. the car is level now but it still wont jack up.which wires at the switch can I jump to see if its poopered?
  14. I understand,but there weresome people busting a guys chops about putting 2wd in a brat,and I doubt any one was serious,and then a diatribe shows up about its his buisness what he does with his car blah,blah,blah.It just feels very negative when I read stuff like that.Poking fun is part of how people relax,especially people like us who are crazy enough to be this involved with our stupid cars And really,converting a 4wd to 2wd on this site for any reason,youre going to get poked with at least one stick!:-\
  15. It seems that some people take this board too seriously and try to strike down any hint of sarcasim,ribbing or plain ol ***** talk. SO,my ? is do you come to this board in support of your having fun ,wether its working on your car or driving it,or is this a serious tool for the repair and maintenance of your subaru,and thats how it should be treated?
  16. jeez! were just foolin around! If its that serious around here,someone let me know,so I can leave you all to the SERIOUS job of playing wtih your subes!
  17. I know,put it in another topic,but I just read the thread about snow riding and have some killer pics of my sube in the snow...but I cant get them to show up on a thread!How do I make the smaller to fit,I have a new Kodak digital blah blah .. pls help!
  18. try pulling back to STOCK timing (?? BTDC) remember to unplug the vacuum advance!
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