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Everything posted by jbbvw

  1. jbbvw

    NWWO Run 04/26

    Hey Nick and Marcus, are you guys still rolling open diffs? If so we need to get you welded up for walker. You at least want an Lsd. Walker is a big step up from Tahuya, there is no easy option on most of the trails. Just sayin Jesse
  2. I happen to know of one subie that did make it up that hill.....but it wasn't easy. That trail is sketchy! Just had to throw that reminder out there for ya Eric Jesse
  3. jbbvw

    NWWO Run 04/26

    I should be making this one, but I still need to do some clean up and maintenance on my car after the last snorkling adventure! Might need to do a clutch and some other repairs also. Jesse
  4. Yeah a little of both. Doesn't take long to drain my car......or fill it up. Jesse
  5. Lol. Look at the water line. Jesse
  6. Ok I know it took a while, but here's what I got. Anyone see what's odd here?
  7. Just a reminder for anyone going... Don't Forget Your Discover Pass! We don't want anyone getting tickets. Jesse
  8. Got my car all ready to go last night. Will be picking up Monstaru about 8 and seeing everyone out there. And yeah guys, if you're thinking about coming out then just do it. We don't care if you're driving a subie or not. Just come out , get wet and muddy and have some fun! Jesse
  9. Yeah I can grab that drunkin hillbilly. I need to check out the progress on his yota anyway. And Eric, if you can withstand the boring trails for a bit we can hit the rock gardens and the Yellowjacket trail to watch you play. Just sayin. Jesse
  10. Hell yeah! Thanks for getting this going Kevin, since I was slackin a bit. I will definitely be there, and 1 of my brothers will be there in his Forester and possibly anther one in his yota van. I know the trails well, but it's been a while since I've been out there. I guarantee there will be lots of water! So be expecting that and try to resist temtation if your car is not water friendly! And Monstaru.... someone will definitely be picking you up. So plan for it. Jesse
  11. Very nice! I like it alot Jesse
  12. Had a great time up there. I always enjoy the snow and it's always great to see everyone. Here's a few pics I got. When everyone else headed out we went to the top of FR7010 to see the sunset. Amazing! Here's an idea of how cold it was. Jesse
  13. Just finished getting my car ready, which included 1 1/2 hours of scraping about 100lbs of WCSS15 mudpit out from under my car! I will see you guys in a few hours. Kevin will be following me up. Ready for some good subie wheelin! Jesse
  14. Not sure if it's a definite, but I'm gonna try to make this one. Jesse
  15. jbbvw

    Hey JBVW

    Cool. Thanks for the info. Any idea where to find one? Jesse
  16. I'm gonna try and make it to meet with you guys, but I have several things to do this morning so we'll see how it goes. If I don't make it, maybe I'll catch up along the way. Jesse
  17. More Dan (Gloyale) going down brakeline hill. Upper 311 Heading home. After a quick engine pull at my house, Dan and Robert getting ready for their long drives. Probably the last pic of the hatch before meeting the tree.
  18. Here's Erics pose right after a butt pucker moment. Brian pacing with his found treasure.
  19. I broke a diff stub, an axle shaft and a crappy spare doj. My car and a few others have some new trail scars.
  20. Holy crap man! That sucks bad! Good thing no one was hurt. I say tube the front and put her back together. The weekend was great though! Monstaru and I did some riding on Friday and saved camp sites for the group. We headed into the trails sat morning with 8 subies 1 heep and 1 yota. Had some problems with the "city heeps" blocking the trail, but still got some good wheelin in for the day. Sunday morning for a final run I led Uberoo and Gloyale up upper 311 for a great end to the weekend. As always it was great to see everyone and meet/wheel with a couple new faces. And it was great that the Hatch Patrol guys made it up for some good wheelin Saturday morning. Jesse
  21. Sweet! My calender is marked. I will be there for the whole weekend. Jesse
  22. Hey guys, sorry so late to chime in I've been super busy lately. Any chance of pushing it one more weekend to August 2-4? I'll find a way to be there at least one day regardless, but I'll be on Orcas Island July 20-27. Don't change it just for me, but if that works I'd love to be there all weekend. Jesse
  23. Looks like a fun day guys. Wish I could've been there. Jesse
  24. Feakin awesome man! I've thinking about putting a EJ25 in my baja too. I havn't really thought about the mid engine setup though... until now. Love it! Jesse
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