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cid fits

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Everything posted by cid fits

  1. ya took a total of 2 minutes to create, wasnt goin for beleavable, just an idea. guy i went to highschool with, started workin in his uncles welding shop in 10th or 11th grade, so ten years welding experience or so said he would do it for $800 if i had it all cut and mounted where i need it. but he say he doesnt want to try and teach someone to weld so i was kind of looking for a more hands on approach. the pic is just an idea, obviousely im not going to cut off more than is physically allowed by the engine, as for the radiator i was planning on mounting it where the spare tire usually is, as mentioned above 10 gallon fuel cell as mentioned earlier. brakes i dont think would need anything done to them, i dont know for sure but i dont think the lines would go back any further than the axle/hub assembly everything being cut would be behind that. as for fuel an tank lines/fuel supply, these things can be rerouted, or even replaced as i had to do in my 68 caprice. probly the easiest part for me, wireing is like math. it only works one way. good info thank you. these are exactly the type of things i wont learn if i pay someone to do it, or dont try at all. gigantic doesnt scare me, and i do beleave you, i in no way think this will be easy, and if it doesnt work, oh well. but then again what if it does. i hadnt thought of that, but i had already planned on putting a roll cage in it, im sure i could tye that into the unibody and make it stronger an more rigid than it was untouched. i dont think they make the car i want, thats why i would like to attempt building it. thats where i was b4 my friends mom gave me this one. so no loss. even better, if i fail, i make $50
  2. for the radiator i was gonna mount it above like you said, where the spare tire usually sits kinda, get a hood scoop, an a fan that will pull when i am sitting still. i have a radiator from my old scirocco that is really short and wide. i planned on building an enclosure around the radiator to channel the air coming in the scoop over the radiator an back out but we'll see. i may have to cut the middle out of the hood an bump it up a to have enough room for it.
  3. i have no welding experience and little money so i am looking for someone local that might be willing to help me put my wagon back together after i chop it up. i would like it to look someting like this (no idea who car this is, just found it on old thread. i dont have pics of my own wagon to photoshop, so i just used this one.) i have been considering doing it myself my dad has a tiney arc welder, but like i said no experience, i dont mind learning but my dad only used it 3 or 4 times an really knows little more than i do. so i figure if i can find someone experienced who would consider doing it for fun, or cheap. i buy the materials an the beer or whatever, you bring the skills and equipment. wont be very soon, just planning ahead. i have the front stripped(lights, bumper, engine, radiator) getting ready do the back(side windows, lights,tank,bumper,interior)then start measuring,an drawing cut lines. then i have to do the cutting, that and it is at my parents house, new baby and been workin more since summer. i probly wont be ready to put it back together for another month or 2(im kinda slow as well as busy) if anyone thinks they may have some free time later this summer for a fun fab project, or even if you want to throw me some price estimates, i got plenty of time to save up. thx
  4. i was figureing just all the weight lost from the chop will improve my mpg quiite alot, i just hope i can get it done without looking to horrible
  5. ya, i was thinkin fuel cell. my friends dad sell me one from his wrecked vw baja for $150, ten gallon.
  6. ya i like it alot. i was just about to post an see if i can find anyone in washington with a welder an some fab skills that might want to help me make my dream come true.
  7. i know this an old thread, an probly not quite what you where lookiing for, but in case any happens to be lookin around here ya go this what i want do to my 88spfi and this is something i would not do, except in photoshop. i know they arent perfect, new to photoshop.
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