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Everything posted by SoobieDoo

  1. I agree GD. This one was purchased from Jerry Demoss here, though. I got the web rebuilt and a ported intake for a great price. He even threw in some wiring for the choke! He did a flawless job...It was having a mechanic install it that was the mistake. First he removed the choke because it interfered with the power steering pump, then apparently "forgot" to snug up the carb's hold down bolts!!! That was the first thing I checked when I found the gas in oil prob, 'cause I trusted Jerry's work. BTW, thanks for all the tuning tips, GD. I searched and found!
  2. Sheoot!...Still can't go guys. Had the forum been up sooner, I could'a taken the time off work. Oh well, there's always next month, and I'm still tuning the new/old weber. Need anything from hardware sales yet, Jeff!?
  3. Thank you so much, nip! I'll get a hold of the guy that rebuilt it, and ground the car 'till the oil change.
  4. I think you pegged it, nipper! I got a pretty good gas smell from it, and the viscosity seems way too thin. That can only be the carb?
  5. Could be...that would explain the high oil level. The weber is rebuilt, but it's still not working quite right. I'll go smell the dipstick real quick.
  6. I will do that mechanical check first thing Sunday. Mine's an EA82 with 180K and just did a weber swap, if that helps any. I don't have any warning lights, other than the ECS, but actual gauges on the dash. Temp is C to H, and oil pressure is up to 85psi. Previously, even when full of oil, the gauge would not show much more than halfway, 45psi, up to 3500rpm. Now, it's showing the same psi when grossly overfilled. Could overfilling with oil correct another cooling problem, such as rad. cap? I guess time will tell, when I check the dash gauge against the mech one.
  7. Yeah, I haven't checked it with a mech gauge yet. I'll buy one. The thermo is brand new and caused no overheating previously. The radiator and hoses are not new, but old receipts show that they have been replaced some time ago. To clarify: The spike was temp to hot, not oil pressure. The pressure gauge did show low pressure, until I overfilled it. Then it showed pressure as normal, before this problem. I just don't suspect the cooling system, because adding oil dropped the temp significantly (H to just above L) Should I drain the oil to the max point, where to connect the gauge, and what should the pressure be? Thanks!
  8. I've got a '86 GL Wagon 4wd, that's always run cool...up 'till now. Driving home from work the past two nights, the temp gauge has spiked near H and the oil pressure gauge has been low. Since she's always been an oil dripper, I added a quart and all was fine. I didn't check the dipstick 'till I got home and found the oil is way overfilled. The radiator is not leaking, so I suspect the oil pump. Doing the swap, along with timing belt, is this a day job and can I trust my chilton? I can work on it Sunday, so I know that I should ground the car, but how is an oil overfilled engine damaging? Thanks in advance for any tips, tricks, and advice!
  9. That's too bad. I like snow driving, but when it's ice, that just sucks. Sand can be a real blast, though. If there are any dunes you could drive on, I'd be mounting some ATV paddles on the soob!
  10. Good video! Looks like you've got some pretty nice areas over there. Ever get any snow/ice to drive in?
  11. Sounds good! Know I'll not make it this month, but no prob. Different days would be nice too. My Sunday church is best amongst the trees!
  12. I'd like to join you guys soon, but work saturdays. I can trade or take sat's off occasionally, but not this time, due to my trip on the 20th. Nice pics on your other post, though! My car won't be ready for that for some time.
  13. Our cars could be twins, once I lift it. I'll probably paint at some point, though, just to keep the rust away. Ever have probs with rubbing? I'd stick a feeler gauge in that wheel well!
  14. I'll just back into a fire hydrant now, and get it over with!
  15. Naw, thanks anyway, Jeff. Mine was only $500, just suprizingly straight for that little. Maxed out on parking space at home, anyway.
  16. But, my body is so straight...soob's too! Can't get body damage when it's stuck in a pothole. So far, haven't even finished my 1st tune-up, let alone lift, wheels, weber, etc. Until it's ready, though, would still like to go on trips. Could take film, ride along, pound out dents, bring beer!
  17. DRAT!!! That's one of the few weekends I already have plans for. Oh well, that'll give me more time to build up the suba-stocker to a suba-rocker.
  18. Hi Jeff, any offroad trips in the works, or have a missed one? It'd be good to list any upcoming trips on the website.
  19. Sounds Kool! You can get a truckbed liner kit from rustoleum for a bill, if that'd be cheaper than having it done. It's a black, textured epoxy and enough to do a whole bed with. Can't wait to see pics.
  20. Don't know, Jeff. I've heard of North Fork before, but only lived in this area about 5 years. I'm a transplant from Estacada, OR. Honestly, I haven't explored much of this area's wilderness. Been living the family life! 542 there on the map is better known as Mt. Baker hwy, and it's close to Deming. Those switchbacks should be a piece of cake, for a lifted soob! I'd have fun even driving my suba-stocker up to that point, then maybe getting a ride with someone else to the top. Got camcorder too.
  21. Anyone ever been up here? NF-38 is a forest service road, just outside of Deming, where I camped last year. It's about 12 miles long, and not off-road worthy, but the last few miles is nasty! If you can see it on the map, it's the switchbacks at the end. Nice view from up there, too. I had no probs making it with my bronco, but I wouldn't try it with my suba-stocker! Nice and remote...only saw 2 cars in 4 days.
  22. You could almost call this club "Wagon Train", with as many as there are. Too much like hatch patrol!
  23. Great idea, Jeff. I'd join, if you'd take me having a stock soobie. With time, I'm sure that my car will look and act the part, but It'll take a while. I think it's good to have somewhat localized clubs. I mean, how often would someone from, say, spokane actually be able to go out with the group? I need many ugly stickers for my car!
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